UN summit for the Futire
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The United Nations is planning a Summit of the Future to take place in New York City on September 22-23, 2024, to discuss new tactics to achieve its agenda of globalism.

“The Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance,” the UN website reveals, as well as to “reaffirm existing commitments including to the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral [globalist] system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives.”

The Agenda

António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations and former leader of the Socialist Party of Portugal and Socialist International, laid out 11 “Areas of Potential Action” for the summit.

Some of the aggressive goals for the “Summit of the Future” include global pandemic and vaccine response and distribution plans, transforming education, and upgrading and expanding the United Nations into what leaders are calling “UN 2.0.”

On the health front, Guterres is calling for the creation of a “Futures Lab.” This lab would “work with partners including governments, academia, civil society, and the private sector, to issue regular reports on megatrends and catastrophic risks.” Guterres’ lab would work to help prepare the global community for the next “public health emergency” and to ensure countries are “sharing vaccines equitably.”

The Summit of the Future is forthright regarding its ambition to transform education as a weapon to carry on the work of global governance. Action item 11 states, “Transform education: achieve a fundamental shift in how education is seen and treated including in relation to the purpose of education; the learning environment; the teaching profession; harnessing digital transformation, investing in education; and multilateral support for quality education for all.”

On the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs website, it reveals more future hopes for education to discuss at the summit, including proposing measures of “lifelong learning” for the next era of children.

Finally, Guterres proposes a “UN upgrade” to make “UN 2.0,” which includes a “more participatory and consultative approach, gender parity by 2028, the re-establishment of the Secretary-General’s Scientific Advisory Board, and a policy that puts people at the center of the UN System, taking into account age, gender and diversity,” according to the socialist secretary’s report. Guterres also wants to seek “improved participation of youth” in the UN.

The Summit of the Future is a developing story. Stay tuned to The New American for on-the-ground coverage of the event from New York City, September 22-23.