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Report: Gay Built DEI “Empire” at Harvard That Controlled It, Promised “Reckoning” With Whites in “Denaming” Buildings
Though Claudine Gay resigned as president of Harvard because of her plagiarism, she will stay at the university as a professor. But as a dog returns to its vomit, Gay can return to what she was doing before: anti-white activism and discrimination. Before becoming Harvard’s headmistress, Gay appears to have spent more time promoting anti-white ...
AP Accepted Funding From Climate-activist Group
The Washington Free Beacon has revealed that the Associated Press has accepted approximately $300,000 from the Danish climate extremist group the KR Foundation, which, among other things, is pushing for “a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels at a global level.” The KR Foundation leaves little doubt where it stands on the issue of climate change. ...
by James Murphy