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According to the United Nations COP28 press office, the climate summit that is now winding down in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has secured a record $83.9 billion in “climate finance” commitments from leading developed countries and multilateral banks. COP28 (which stands for 28th Conference of the Parties) began on November 30 and concludes on December 12. A graphic that breaks down the total of the pledges into its component parts appears on the COP28 UAE website https://www.cop28.com/en/ and on the #LIVE COP28 YouTube channel (see below).

The UN COP28 graphic provides the following general synopsis of so-called climate funding for various categories of projects and programs:

Energy — $6.8 billion

Finance — $61.8 billion

Lives & Livelihoods — $8.9 billion

Inclusion — $1.7 billion

Green Climate Fund — $3.5 billion

Loss & Damages (formerly called “Climate Reparations) — $792 million

Adaptation Fund — $134 million

Least Developed Countries Fund — $129 million

Special Climate Change Fund — $31 million

A document called the “Climate Action Commitment Counter” available for download at the COP28 UAE website provides more detail.

The UN and its related agencies have spun off a dizzying array of “climate finance” initiatives in recent years that seem to multiply and expand with each successive summit. Everyone is jumping on the green gravy train: The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian Development Bank (ADB), African Development Bank (AfDB), Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Clean Technology Fund (CTF), Green Climate Fund (GCF), Climate Investment Fund (CIF), Global Flaring and Methane Reduction (GFMR) trust fund, and more.

However, the much-ballyhooed $83.9 billion is mere chump change compared to the insatiable demands of the Climate Cult. As we reported here in October before the summit, the UN climate oligarchs claim that taxpayers of the “developed” nations must fork over $2.4 trillion annually to them — to save the planet, of course. “Here’s the daunting reality,” declared Sultan Al Jaber, the UAE multi-millionaire president of COP29. “By 2030, the developing world will need more than $2.4 trillion to address climate change — not as a one-off, but every single year.” $2.4 trillion every single year! And that isn’t all. For years the “decarbonization” fanatics have been claiming that 80 percent (or more) of the world’s proven $27 trillion worth of coal, oil, and gas must stay in the ground to prevent irreversible catastrophic global warming. That means, according to the self-anointed Earth saviors, that $20 trillion of fossil fuels must be put off limits to human use, which is to sentence the poorest on our planet to continued grinding poverty and early death while globally impoverishing and destroying the middle classes. That course is also a guarantee that the United States and the West will continue to fall while China, Russia, and India, which continue to drill, mine, and burn fossil fuels at a furious pace, will become the dominant world powers.