Two Women Beheaded In Morocco; Denmark Finally Learning Its Lesson on Islamic Immigration

Two young Scandinavian women thought traipsing around the wilds of Morocco alone was a good idea. Now they are dead.

Islamic “shepherds,” police allege, beheaded the women near Mount Toubkal, the highest peak in Africa. Another day, another terror attack. Another since-removed beheading video posted to social media.

Which provides the opportunity to discuss not just the fatal naiveté that led to the beheading of two beautiful young women, but also to the near-inexplicable belief that mass Islamic immigration will not harm one’s country.

The Danes apparently believed that. Some are changing their minds.

The Women
The victims of the crime were Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, of Denmark, and Maren Ueland, a 28-year-old Norwegian. For some reason, they apparently thought touring the remote hinterlands of a Third World Islamic country was relatively risk-free for young women.

They learned otherwise.

Tourists found them on Monday near the mountain they wanted to scale on their Moroccan vacation.

“This is a case of an unusually bestial killing of two totally innocent young women,” concluded the brilliant analysts at Danish intelligence service. And Lars Loekke Rasmussen, Denmark’s prime minister, deduced that the murders were “politically motivated and thus an act of terror.”

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The scrubbed video, according to Menastream, a “research and risk analysis” outfit that focuses on the Middle East and Africa, “shows the beheading of one of the Scandinavian tourists at Mount Toubkal,” and an assailant “speaking in Moroccan dialect says during the act that it is in revenge for ‘their brothers in Hajin’, apparently #ISIS-supporters.”

Menastream also tweeted photos of the weapons authorities seized when they arrested the suspects, “including meatknives and a slingshot.”

Moroccan authorities confirmed the suspects’ connection to ISIS, AFP reported, and the authenticity of another “video showing the arrested individuals … pledging allegiance to [ISIS],” recorded before, police allege, they murdered the women.

Authorities collared one suspect in Marrakesh and nailed three others trying to flee the city by bus.

The British Sun newspaper reported that Moroccan police “identified the suspects through CCTV in local shops in the village” and that one left his ID at the campsite.

In Denmark, a Fight Against Muslim Separatism
Bad as the attack was, the real Islamic threat to Danish women isn’t from Muslims in Morocco. It’s back home, where the Danes, like their brother Scandinavians, are contending with mass Islamic immigration.

The Danish legislature has, apparently, finally discovered that inviting the alien cohort wasn’t such a bright idea. Now, they’re trying to recover their country.

“Denmark will require anyone who takes Danish citizenship,” the New York Times reported yesterday, “to shake hands at the naturalization ceremony,” a move Danish elected officials “say say is aimed at Muslims who refuse on religious grounds to touch members of the opposite sex.”

As well, the Times reported, “the law has prompted strong reactions from some of the mayors who must conduct such ceremonies, and who are upset that they will become the faces and fists of a policy they call awkward, ‘purely symbolic’ and irrelevant to an applicant’s qualifications. They say the Danish Parliament, which approved the measure, has artificially elevated a social custom to a national value.”

Martin Henriksen, “a lawmaker who has been critical of Islam and is the right-wing Danish People’s Party’s spokesman on immigration,” told the Times that he expects immigrants to assimilate. “If you arrive in Denmark, where it’s custom to shake hands when you greet, if you don’t do it it’s disrespectful,” he told the newspaper. “If one can’t do something that simple and straightforward, there’s no reason to become a Danish citizen.”

And the country’s “integration minister” wrote on Facebook, the Times reported, that shaking hands is a “visible sign that you’ve taken Denmark to heart.”

Unsurprisingly, the Times portrayed the law in a negative light. It is, the newspaper reported, “the latest in a series of Danish anti-immigrant measures that critics say are symbolically charged but serve little purpose. The government recently announced plans to isolate certain migrants it wants to deport on a small, out-of-the-way island, and Parliament approved funding for the project on Thursday.”

Actually, the Danes aren’t isolating “certain migrants” on the island of Lindholm. They’re sending criminals there.

Anyway, the Times reported, the country has also banned veiling in public — Henriksen wants veils forbidden at citizenship ceremonies — and has cut welfare benefits for “asylum seekers.” The country also confiscates valuables from the incoming freeloaders to help cover the cost of supporting them.

But back to the double-murder in Morocco. Prime Minister Rasmussen rightly observed that “there are still dark forces that want to fight our values.”

If only Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland had remembered that.

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