Rising Tide Against Globalism Now Threatens Continued Rule of Germany by Angela Merkel

With rising resistance to the authoritarian globalist elites in Europe in nations such as the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Hungary, and Poland, even Germany’s longtime chancellor, Angela Merkel (shown), and her ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU) are now threatened with electoral defeat at the hands of Alternative for Germany (AfD). Germany is clearly the dominant power on the European continent, and if the spirit of Brexit that caused Great Britain to say goodbye to the European Union were to spread to that nation in Sunday’s elections, it could prove to be the fatal blow to the European Union, which, other than the United Nations itself, is the crown jewel in the New World Order dreamed of by globalist elites.

Germany boasts the largest economy on the continent, with the most population.

The CDU has ruled the central European nation since the collapse of communism in eastern Germany nearly 30 years ago, but elections in two large German states — Saxony and Brandenburg — could provide yet more evidence that the uprisings across Europe against the globalist elites has not yet abated.

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Already the once competing political parties, the CDU (which claimed to lead the forces of conservatism) and the Social Democrats (which claimed the leadership of the so-called moderate socialists) have had to form a national coalition government. This would be like the Democratic and Republican parties forming an official coalition (instead of the “reaching across the aisle” that Republicans often do now, adopting a milder form of this or that Democrat-initiated policy).

Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the political party that is mounting the serious challenge to the long rule of the CDU. The Washington Post, in its Friday article, dismissed AfD as a “far-right party once considered fringe.” This is typical in such globalist-supporting publications. Foreign Affairs, the official journal of the premier globalist organization, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), in its March/April 2019 edition, also dismissed AfD as “far right.”

Of course, publications such as the Washington Post and Foreign Affairs routinely include President Donald Trump, new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and others who hold similar views in support of national sovereignty as extreme. While the Post described AfD, and other similar political movements across Europe as “far-right,” they referred to the socialistic Green Party as a “liberal” party.

Americans are quite familiar with the incessant attacks by the liberal American media on Trump, but the British globalist press is similarly in an attack mode against Britain’s Johnson, as well. For example, the editor-in-chief of the Economist, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote in the introduction to the latest Economist magazine, “His scheming is just one example of the cynicism that is gnawing at Western democracies.” She added, “their (the U.S. and Britain) democracy is already showing signs of decay.”

I was in Cleveland in the summer of 2016 for the Republican National Convention and spoke with a couple of reporters for the Economist. They were clearly angered with the decision of the British public to leave the European Union (EU), and when I suggested to them that perhaps the Brits were tired of being told what to do by the EU bureaucrats, they smugly said that much of the economic regulation put on them by the EU was going to happen in Britain either way.

As much as the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU rocked the globalist elites of Europe (and the U.S.), if Germany were to leave the EU that would almost certainly be a mortal blow to the continuation of that super-state.

In Saxony, the AfD has grown from a mere 10 percent in 2014 in polls to an astounding 26 percent today, and it is now considered a serious threat to dethrone the CDU as that state’s largest political party. Saxony’s president, Michael Kretschmer, has denounced AfD as a “party that treats democracy and the rule of law with contempt.” At one time, most on the Right in Germany supported CDU, even though it was not all that conservative. But then in 2015, Merkel openly welcomed the flood of immigrants from the predominantly Islamic Middle East. That move won her the applause of liberals across Germany, but it caused a serious rift within the CDU.

Another problem that could cost the CDU at the polls on Sunday is its embrace of heavy-handed schemes like banning plastic spoons, all in the name of fighting climate change.

Those who hope for the restoration of the sovereignty of nations in Europe will be watching this weekend’s developments in Germany closely.

Photo of German Chancellor Angela Merkel 

Steve Byas is a university instructor in history and government, and author of three books, including History’s Greatest Libels. He may be contacted at byassteve@yahoo.com