In Runoff, French Voters to Choose Globalism or Self-Government

Multiple establishment-backed globalist candidates were defeated in the French election this weekend, paving the way for a rare runoff next month between anti-globalist Marine Le Pen (shown on right) and establishment globalist Emmanuel Macron. The stakes are extremely high for France and the West. And while pollsters are already predicting that the remaining establishment globalist will win, more than a few analysts noted that they said the same thing about Hillary Clinton and the pro-European Union camp in Britain’s historic Brexit vote.

If Le Pen wins, with Brexit now formally underway, it will probably be the final nail in the coffin for the unpopular European Union superstate and its unstable euro currency, though Big Government will likely fare just fine. However, if Macron wins, Big Government will grow bigger still, the EU will continue limping along and usurping ever more power, even as France and other the formerly sovereign nations of Europe continue to self-destruct under the vision of establishment globalists.

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As such, the entire establishment is now united against Le Pen, sometimes described as the “French Donald Trump,” and the growing public calls for a return to self-government and national borders. Socialist Party boss and outgoing French President Francois Hollande branded Le Pen “far right” and claimed her mere presence in the second round of voting was a “risk for the country.” (His party received a humiliating six percent this weekend). Two of the defeated establishment globalists, pseudo-conservative Francois Fillon and Socialist Benoit Hamon, urged voters to support Macron even before the final vote was called.

Although one of the establishment globalists made it into the runoff set for May 7, the election results were still a major shock to the system. For one, the establishment globalist parties that have governed France for generations — ostensibly on the “center left” and the alleged “center right” — were soundly defeated at the polls. That means the upcoming runoff boils down to a key issue for voters: Establishment globalism or a return to self-government, borders, and national sovereignty.

The establishment media, which has been chastised by U.S. President Trump for constant lies and fake news, has dishonestly characterized the far-left globalist Macron as a “centrist” and “moderate,” while falsely painting Le Pen as “extreme” and “far right.” The establishment globalists who lost were also painted as being close to the “center,” which is code in establishment circles for an establishment globalist. Why, when, or how supporting self-government and borders became “extreme,” while the fringe voices opposing those concepts became “moderate,” was not explained by the establishment press.

But the establishment and its propaganda organs were very clear on who they now support. In an outburst that drew criticism across the continent, even the EU that Le Pen is campaigning against got involved in the fight. Unelected EU “President” Jean-Claude Juncker and the perpetually expanding EU Commission he leads — a sort of hybrid legislative and executive branch that now dominates European life — openly announced their support for Macron and vowed to fight back against enemies of the superstate.

The EU bosses also announced that they would use taxpayer money seized from European taxpayers to intervene in the election on behalf of the establishment globalist. “We have tools in Brussels and also in Paris that allow us to clarify things and dispel untruths and Euro-myths if necessary,” said a spokesperson for the unelected outfit that now rules Europe, suggesting that the unelected EU bosses would become the arbiters of truth in the campaign. “There only was one choice: the defense of what Europe incarnates and the option that seeks its destruction.”

Across Europe, establishment globalists in the formerly sovereign nations’ governments also backed the establishment globalist in the upcoming runoff vote. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabried, for example, said Macron would offer the chance of a “new beginning” for Europe, while Le Pen would supposedly destroy “millions of jobs.” Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis also spoke out, saying Macron would help prevent the rise of “extremist populist” parties in Europe and the West.

Indeed, it is true that the agenda of the two remaining candidates is starkly different. Alarmed at the theft of self-government and national sovereignty by globalists and their schemes, such as the EU, Le Pen has vowed to put the French people back in charge of their nation and their future. That means, among other policies, ditching the scandal-plagued EU, and possibly even NATO. In the first round, she received about 22 percent of the vote, coming just behind Macron, with the rest of the vote split between five other candidates.   

“The aim of of this project is first and foremost to give France back its freedom and to give the people a voice,” Le Pen said in outlining her 144 “Presidential Commitments” at the center of her campaign. “I also want to give the French people their money back because, for far too many years, our social and taxation policies have impoverished the middle and working classes, whilst enriching multinational corporations and wasting public money on totally uncontrolled immigration.”

The very first plank of her 144-point platform is to restore France’s national sovereignty and independence. The goal is to “regain our freedom and control over our own destiny” by bringing back sovereignty in money, law, territory, and the economy, she said. To accomplish that, Le Pen and her party proposed a referendum on the EU to seek voter approval for withdrawal — basically a “Frexit,” or French exit, from the controversial and increasingly unpopular superstate. EU bosses have already made clear that they oppose allowing peoples to decide in elections whether or not to remain in the EU.  

“As you are aware, this election will confront two visions,” Le Pen said, pointing to what she called the “globalist” vision of all her opponents that seeks to abolish borders and demands ever more immigration and less cohesion. “On the other hand, there is the patriotic choice, which I am representing in this election, which places the defense of the nation and the people at the heart of all public decisions and which, above all else, wishes to protect our national identity, our independence, the unity of the French people and the prosperity of all.”

Indeed, Le Pen has made borders a central theme, aiming to restrict the massive influx into France of Third World migrants — primarily the growing waves of Muslims coming from Africa and the Middle East. Despite fake news articles from the establishment media falsely labeling Le Pen as “far right,” though, in the real world, she shares much in common with the far left, including support for government-run healthcare, the welfare state, government ownership of large swaths of the economy, and much more.   

Macron, who campaigned with his newly formed On the Move (En Marche) party, is also a zealot for Big Government, perhaps even more extreme than Le Pen and other French politicians. However, by contrast, he is an establishment globalist to the core, brazenly promising to continue the European “integration” plot that has all but made once-proud France into a powerless vassal of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and beyond. In fact, analysts said Macron may have been the most extreme pro-EU candidate in the race, benefiting from the implosion via scandal of fellow pro-EU globalist Francois Fillon of the Republican Party.

The victorious globalist candidate is also a protege of the Rothschild dynasty, having worked as an investment banker for the unfathomably wealthy and extremely controversial globalist mega-bankers. Macron also served deeply unpopular French President Francois Hollande of the globalist-minded Socialist Party. Indeed, Macron served as far-left Hollande’s “economy minister” before venturing off to form his own globalist party.

Aside from his links to “banksters” and Socialist Hollande, perhaps the most unpopular French president in memory, Macron’s personal life is another point among many that has drawn concerns from voters. He married his high-school teacher, 24 years his senior, who divorced her husband and the father of the couple’s three children, one of whom is older than Macron and one of whom was in the same class as him. Macron is 39, his wife is 63. Macron finished with about 24 percent of the vote in the first round.  

As occurred in the United States prior to the last election, virtually every pollster and establishment analyst is confidently predicting a globalist victory next month. The globalist hope is that a win in France will stem the anti-globalist, anti-establishment fervor now sweeping across the Western world. The opposite is also true, though: A win for Le Pen may well signal an acceleration of the public uprising against the self-appointed global “elites” working to impose their totalitarian vision of “global governance” and open borders on humanity.  

Photos of Emmanuel Macron (top left) and Marine Le Pen: AP Images

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook. He can be reached at

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