Fake News: Media Outlet Edits Anti-Jihad Activist’s Interview to Discredit Him

When it comes to fake news, the sky is apparently the limit at Sky News. According to a report, the media outlet actually did a cut-and-paste job on an interview with British anti-jihadism activist Tommy Robinson (shown), twisting his words to damage his reputation. Moreover, the activist has a recording proving the journalistic malpractice, according to Voice of Europe (VOE).

A much-maligned figure, last year Robinson was arrested, tried, and imprisoned — all within 24 hours — for live-streaming footage of Muslim defendants accused of sexually abusing children; he spent 13 months in prison before being freed in August by a judge who ruled that the activist’s trial was unfair.

Yet that kangaroo court has nothing on Sky News. When Robinson was released from prison and was being swarmed by media, he brushed off the network’s Jason Farrell, stating, “I’ve got a lot to say… but nothing to you.” He knew the reporter and Sky would twist his words.

Nonetheless, he did willingly sit down for an interview with Farrell after returning from a family vacation. What changed? Nothing.

But Robinson did have the interview secretly recorded so he could expose Sky’s deceitful practices, according to VOE.

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As VOE reports:

It was no surprise that the Sky interview was deceptively edited and they even completely falsified what Tommy stated and have run headlines, which were picked up by all of the leftist main stream media, stating:

“Tommy Robinson: ‘I don’t care if I incite fear of Muslims[.’”]
“The far-right activist says: ‘If I believe I’m morally right then I’m not bothered about what your law says.’”

However, that is not what Tommy said. The question Tommy actually answered was regarding an educational video that was put out in schools in the Netherlands to educate young girls against the manipulative manner in which Moroccan men were grooming young victims.

Tommy replied that he didn’t really care if ‘IT’ caused fear as long as it educated young girls. Jason, [sic] used a voice over to imply the question he answered was about Tommy’s personal beliefs and message.

The interview they played was cut, re-arranged, and falsified. Tommy has the entire interview … filmed on a friend’s phone and will be suing Sky, along with several other media organisations, over their deceptive slander and libel.

In a tacit admission of guilt, Sky scrubbed the falsified interview from the Internet 12 days after it was released, VOE also tells us.

It’s amazing to think that a Western media outlet would sink to the depths of Soviet-style deception. But we’ve seen this before. In 2012, NBC purposely edited the 911 call of George Zimmerman — the community watchman who shot black teen Trayvon Martin — to make the man appear racist.

While reporting Martin’s suspicious behavior to the 911 dispatcher, Zimmerman said, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.” The dispatcher then asked, “OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?” Zimmerman replied, “He looks black.”

“Now compare that to what NBC reported on March 19, 2012, deleting the dispatcher’s critical question to make it sound as if Zimmerman both: (a) volunteered that Trayvon was black and, worse yet, (b) said Trayvon was up to no good because he was black,” reported National Review in 2014. “According to NBC’s report, Zimmerman stated: ‘He looks like he’s up to no good, he looks black,’” the magazine continued.

As late essayist Christopher Hitchens put it while criticizing “documentarian” Michael Moore, those who do this, violating the pact with readers or viewers, “are to be despised.”

It’s despicable because lies can kill. Note that there were “revenge” attacks on non-blacks in the Zimmerman/Martin affair’s wake. How many were attributable to NBC’s deception in particular is unknowable, but for certain is that these attacks were largely caused by the media’s continual race-baiting and anti-Zimmerman, anti-police (and, to an extent, anti-white) reportage.

So it is with all things. If “knowledge is power,” as the saying goes, then corrupting people’s knowledge has the power to destroy. Whether it’s the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting of Representative Steve Scalise (R-La.), the Antifa or BLM violence, the general attacks on Trump supporters, or something else, it’s largely attributable to media propaganda. Garbage in, garbage out.

Note here that Robinson himself is placed in danger by the media’s unfair maligning of him.

It’s no mystery why Robinson is targeted for destruction with lies. By speaking out against the European Union’s massive Third World migration scheme — which could visit demographic and cultural destruction upon the continent — he threatens their multiculturalist, globalist ambitions.

Moreover, on an emotional, instinctive level, political correctness is now the dominant social code among Western pseudo-elites. Thus has reality been inverted, with the good of native Europeans and their culture subordinated to that of foreigners and Islam.

As an example, a French hero who sacrificed himself saving a hostage from a jihadist earlier this year won’t have a place named after him because “it may offend Muslims.” In the same vein, a large cross monument on the Greek island of Lesbos was just “levelled to the ground because it could be ‘offensive to Muslim migrants,’” reports VOE.

Of course, most everything offends someone and most everyone is offended by something. But today, clearly, some offended feelings are more equal than others — and they’re not yours, Western man.

Photo: AP Images