Billionaire Charlie Munger’s Praise for Chinese Communists’ Treatment of Jack Ma Shows Disturbing World Planned by Globalist Elites
Charlie Munger (center) with Bill Gates (left) and Warren Buffett (AP Images)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Berkshire Hathaway’s Vice Chairman Charlie Munger is a big fan of Xi Jinping’s totalitarian style. In a June 29th sit-down interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick, Munger praised Xi’s smackdown of Jack Ma and the mysterious “disappearance” of Ma, China’s richest and most globally recognized citizen. Discussing the recent multi-billion dollar implosion of Archegos Capital Management, which affected Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and other investment banks, Munger gave a shout out for the way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) handles things.

“What, yeah, what interests me in this is that the communist Chinese behave the way I am talking in favor of,” Munger said. “And our own wonderful free enterprise economy is letting all these crazy people go to this gross excess. People who are avoiding it are the communist Chinese. They step in preemptively to stop speculation.         

“What about what they’ve done to Jack Ma?” Quick asked. “He’s kind of disappeared as —”

“Well, yes, but Jack Ma is one of the swingers,” Munger cut in. “So, they just cut his, they said, ‘To hell with you.’ He basically gave a speech when he said to a, to a one-party state, ‘Well, you guys are a buncha jerks, don’t know what you’re doing. And I know what I’m doing, and I’m gonna do it better.’ And he was gonna wade into banking and no rules and just do whatever he pleased.”

“Communists did the right thing,” Munger continued. “They just called in Jack Ma and say, ‘You aren’t gonna do it, sonny.’ And, and I wish we had a, I don’t want the, all of the Chinese system, but I certainly would like to have the financial part of it in my own country.”

The shocking comments occurred in an adulatory hour-long special, “Buffett & Munger: A Wealth of Wisdom,” in which the 97-year-old Munger and Berkshire Hathaway’s 90-year-old legendary CEO Warren Buffett discussed their 60-year friendship and business partnership. Berkshire Hathaway, an investment conglomerate with over $874 billion in assets, is one of the world’s largest companies, owning Dairy Queen, Duracell, Fruit of the Loom, Geico, and BNSF, as well as major shares of Coca-Cola, Apple, Bank of America, Kraft-Heinz and more. Buffett’s net worth is frequently reported to be over $100 billion. Forbes estimates Charlie Munger’s net worth to be around $1.9 billion.

Jack Ma, the founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group, the e-commerce giant, and Ant Group, a financial services company, was China’s wealthiest and most flamboyant tycoon — until Chairman Xi and the CCP decided to clip his wings and cannibalize his business empire. Since his arrest and disappearance last year, Ma has been busying himself with painting and other hobbies. Or so we are told by China’s communist press and by his longtime Chinese business partner Joe Tsai.

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The Communist-Capitalist Pigmen

Munger’s comments are as revealing as they are disturbing. And they are even more disturbing when one considers that they most likely reflect the thinking of “the Oracle of Omaha” as well, since, as Buffett says, he and Munger rarely disagree on anything. And he certainly made no effort to distance himself from Munger’s comments on Ma and the CCP during or after the CNBC interview.

Although Buffett and Munger have milked their conservative, down-home, Midwest image to great effect with media and investors, they are, like many of the Wall Street moguls they rub shoulders with, infatuated with Communist China and its command economy that answers to the dictates of the CCP rather than market forces. Munger and Buffett fit the image of the hybrid pigmen of the last scene of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, in which the pigs and men, who were once enemies, become so much alike as to be indistinguishable one from the other.

Betsy Quick might have followed up her questions about Jack Ma’s treatment with a couple about Lai Xiaomin and other business executives who have been executed. Lai Xiaomin, the chairman of China Huarong Asset Management Co., was executed in January for alleged bribery and corruption. One suspects Munger (and Buffett) might have responded, “Serves him right! Give it to ‘em, Xi!”

Like Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and the rest of the Deep State “capitalist” mob, Berkshire Hathaway has been bullish on China for a long time. Never mind the police-state surveillance, slave labor, religious and political persecution, torture, organ harvesting, espionage, intellectual theft, censorship, intellectual theft, fentanyl warfare, oppression of Hong Kong, release of the CCP virus — and on and on. The woke corporatists can register outrage over Hungary or Poland opposing homosexual “marriage,” North Carolina’s law that public restrooms be restricted to the designated gender, or Donald Trump refusing to cave in to the demands of the “climate emergency” mob, but they cannot muster indignation over any of China’s daily crimes against humanity.

Warren Buffett, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Apple’s Tim Cook, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, and dozens of other corporate globalists were on hand in Seattle in 2015 to welcome Xi Jinping to the United States. Jack Ma was there too. Xi made lots of promises about “reform,” “market access,” and “more open and transparent market rules.” But, in the six years since that big media splash in Seattle, Xi and the ruling CCP have gone in the opposite direction. That doesn’t seem to bother the globalists.

Berkshire Hathaway started investing in China in 1995. It is invested in e-commerce giant Alibaba, tech/telecommunications conglomerate Tencent, state-owned PetroChina, and holds a 25 percent stake in China’s state-owned battery, solar panel, and auto manufacturing company BYD. Buffet enjoys an almost unmatched popularity in China, where he is worshiped by many as the “god of stocks.” His image appears on bottles of Coca-Cola and books by and about him are best sellers.

Although they haven’t been as explicit as George Soros, Munger and Buffett probably share the Soros belief (and hope?) that China will soon replace the United States as the global leader in a New World Order. According to Soros, China has to “own” the New World Order, and “to own it in the same way as the United States owns … the current order.”

Abortion, Population Control, One-child Policy

Buffett, of course, is a boon companion of Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, another “capitalist” whom China has embraced, even inducting him into the CCP-run Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Buffett has given billions of dollars to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is hellbent on exploiting the CCP virus “pandemic” to adopt China-style medical dictatorship, including a maniacal obsession for injecting every person on the planet with experimental gene therapy “vaccines.” Buffet also joined Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, and Oprah Winfrey at a secret meeting in New York City in 2010, where the assembled billionaires formed “The Good Club,” the primary purpose of which, it seems, is to promote population control — under the guise of “global health.”

Both Munger and Buffett have been avid abortion supporters for decades. But even though they have publicly boasted of this, their allies in the Fake News media have been careful to shield them from public exposure on this issue. Through Berkshire Hathaway and the foundation named for his late wife, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, Buffett has poured over $4 billion into pro-abortion causes and organizations. The Media Research Center, in a report titled “Warren Buffett: The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion,” notes that “Buffett donated $1,230,585,161 to abortion groups worldwide from 2001 to 2012. These groups, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL and the Population Council, either campaign for pro-abortion legislation, perform abortions themselves, or helped develop the controversial abortion drug RU-486. Buffett gave an additional $21 million to these groups between 1989 and 1996.”

The MRC report notes that Munger once raised his glass at a party for Los Angeles obstetrician/abortionist Keith Russell, declaring that “I want to toast Dr. Russell for the thousands of babies he didn’t deliver.” Need we point out that the “thousands of babies he didn’t deliver” were indeed delivered, but as murdered, mutilated, dismembered baby corpses? And Munger cheerfully celebrates this savage butchery with a toast!

According to the MRC, Munger and Buffett helped organize the Planned Parenthood chapter in Los Angeles. “We were way ahead of the national office of Planned Parenthood in arranging abortions,” Munger proudly boasted. Munger and Buffett formed a faux church group called the Ecumenical Fellowship to promote access to abortion. Buffett biographer Alice Schroeder described the Fellowship as “part of the country’s abortion underground railroad.” Munger was a trustee and chief financial officer for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles for many years. His son Philip is a funder of “progressive” causes and a member of George Soros’s Democracy Alliance, another billionaire/millionaire club for revolution.

Like George Soros, Ted Turner, Mike Bloomberg, and David Rockefeller, Munger and Buffett have said our planet would be better off with fewer people. Buffet is a contributor to the Rockefeller-founded Population Council and other anti-natalist population control groups. The Berkshire Hathaway duo’s ardent support for abortion and population control fits nicely with China’s draconian one-child policy, which featured state-forced abortions. Decades later, recognizing the demographic carnage that policy has wrought, China’s CCP ruling class decided to change course; now Chinese couples may have three children. The important point is that the State and the Party have made this decision — to serve the interests of the State and the Party. It’s all about central planning, command-and-control, and an iron fist, the key features of all totalitarian regimes. The people, the lumpen proletariat, are merely rabbits that will either reproduce or not reproduce according to the dictates of the communist overlords.

Their fabulous wealth and their mystique as investment gurus notwithstanding, Munger and Buffett appear to be more in tune with China’s Marxist-Leninist-Maoist command-and-control model than with Adam Smith’s capitalist model. They favor fractional reserve central banking (supporting even stronger powers for the Federal Reserve) and endorse the graduated income tax and inheritance tax. All three of these issues are key points called for by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto. All three limit freedom of the individual and concentrate wealth and power in the hands of the ruling elite.

No True Friends Among the Globalists/Communists

The abandonment of Jack Ma by his erstwhile “friends” presents a disturbing picture of the New World Order that is being planned for us. For a brief time, Ma bestrode the Earth as a colossus, a uber-wealthy celebrity in both the communist and globalist worlds. He was a privileged member of the Chinese Communist Party and a superstar of the World Economic Forum. But, have any of his CCP comrades rallied to defense? Have any of his Davos buddies come to his aid or organized a “Free Jack Ma” effort? Has “Mr. Davos,” Klaus Schwab, uttered a syllable in Ma’s favor. Have any of them expressed outrage over Charlie Munger’s endorsement of Ma’s treatment? Why the deafening silence? Envy of Ma’s success and schadenfreude for his downfall is a likely explanation for the public silence of many of the “friends” who ran in his circle during his glory days. Cowardice and greed are additional reasons: His fellow CCP members will not risk receiving the same treatment, while his former Wall Street/Big Tech chums will not risk offending Xi and losing out on hoped-for profits from their China investments.

Beyond these explanations, however, is another. The globalists are intoxicated with their own self-importance and their vision of “transforming” the world according to the Great Reset. They will not countenance God, man, constitutions, national sovereignty, checks and balances, the rule of law — or anything else — standing in their way. They all think that they will hold a privileged position among the ruling elite in the New World Order. And they will sacrifice anything or anyone to get there.

The communist/globalist Pigmen do not think that they will ever be disappeared like Jack Ma or executed like Lai Xiaomin. But there is a well-worn maxim that has been proven time after time, and it applies to even the most privileged Pigmen: “The revolution eats its own.” From the French Revolution to the communist revolutions in Russia and China, top revolutionary leaders have been dethroned, denounced, tried, and executed: Danton, Desmoulins, Babeuf, Robespierre, Trotsky, Bukharin, Yagoda, Zinoviev, and on and on. Interestingly, in China, which annually executes more people than all the rest of the nations of the world combined, the CCP is not so quick to execute CCP leaders who have been purged. They usually die in prison (Peng Dehuai, Jiang Qing, Chen Boda, Liu Shaoqi), although some are “rehabilitated” — after showing sufficient penitence — and are brought back to serve the Party: Deng Xiaoping, Xi Zhongxun (Xi Jinping’s father), Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang. The point is that, in a China-dominated New World Order, many of the Davos-strutting billionaire peacocks of today would end up (like Jack Ma, Wang Xing, Zhang Yiming, Bo Xilai) as tomorrow’s feather dusters. But they are too blinded by their lust for worldly pomp and power to see that.

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