Amid Genocide Alert, Racist New Black Panthers Hit South Africa
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Even as the world’s most prominent expert on genocide warns that South Africa’s European-descent Afrikaner population is on the verge of government-linked extermination, the virulently racist U.S.-based “New Black Panther Party” has a delegation visiting the so-called “Rainbow nation” — a country now ruled by a president who openly sings about murdering whites. The NBPP and its leadership have regularly called for genocide against white South Africans as well, so critics of the visit are expressing alarm, concerned that the officially recognized hate group is agitating for further ethnic cleansing while collaborating with genocidal elements within the regimes ruling South Africa and Zimbabwe.

On the NBPP’s official website, the New Black Panthers boast about their “historic” trip to Marxist-ruled Zimbabwe and South Africa, which the anti-white and anti-Semitic organization refers to as “Azania.” During broadcasted conference calls about the visit posted online, members and leaders of the group were caught plotting to accelerate the elimination of European-descent South Africans from their homeland. On the call, participants claimed they would “raise up a black army” and offer military training, bragging about collaborating with people who have murdered whites and calling for more racist killings. 

The NBPP did not return a request for comment from The New American. However, according to a statement released online, the vaguely outlined purposes of the visit apparently include creating a better future as well as uniting African and black countries. In reality, as the group’s publicly available radio shows and frequent genocidal remarks demonstrate, the true purpose of the ongoing visit is more likely to help pursue the ultimate extermination of all European-descent Africans from the region.

The official NBPP statement, which was filled with spelling and grammar mistakes, also indicated that the “home coming visit” was being coordinated with the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) and brutal dictator Robert Mugabe’s “Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front” (ZANU–PF). The socialist so-called “Pan African Congress” also played a role in arranging the trip, which includes NBPP members from various countries including the United States and goes from March 19 until the 27th.       

“This is not just a visit but a historic journey that may UNITE AFRICAN/BLACK Nation’s [sic],” the group said on its website. “It is a visit in which, 20 and 30 years from now, men and women will speak about it and write of it [sic]. To all my brothers and sisters we ask each and everyone [sic] of you to give your full support to make this historic journey a success, wherever you are, support us spiritually, physically, especially financially [sic] if you can please contact and Support the Revolutionary Roots tour 2013 [sic].”

Critics and Afrikaner activists, however, are frightened by the “historic” visit, pointing to the NBPP’s history of calling for the extermination of whites — something that, according to Genocide Watch, is already in the planning phases in South Africa, probably with official help from the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party (SACP) regime. In Zimbabwe, white farmers have already been eliminated under the Mugabe regime, oftentimes enduring barbaric torture and even murder as the despot and his minions sought to “redistribute” the wealth. Today, the nation is starving to death, dependent on international aid after the economy imploded.

As late as last year, the NBPP were openly calling for genocide against white South Africans on the radio. “We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple,” former NBPP National Chairman Khalid Muhammad, who led the group until his death in 2001, said in a speech that was re-broadcasted by the organization on its radio program as late as August of last year. “I say God d[***]it we kill them all…. If they are white, kill ’em all.”

Muhammad, who worked for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam prior to assuming power at the NBPP, also explained why he thought white woman and children needed to be murdered, too. “Why kill the women? Why kill the babies? They are just innocent blue-eyed babies? Because God d[***]it they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now,” he fumed. “Why kill the women in South Africa? I say kill the women because the women are the military manufacturing center, and every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs. So shut down the military manufacturing center by killing the white woman.”

Of course, even before the NBPP arrived in Southern Africa, opponents of the visit were trying desperately to halt it. A petition to deny visas to the delegates was signed by hundreds of South Africans. The petition cited NBPP statements about the true purpose of its visit: “To ignite the continent in self-determination and drive out blood sucking colonizers robbing our motherland.” Other critics pointed to NBPP claims that the mission was to bring the late chairman’s vision — genocide of all whites, many of whose descendants arrived there hundreds of years ago — to fruition.  

Friends for Humanity, a U.S.-based non-profit human rights group dedicated to raising awareness about the genocidal preparations in South Africa, said it “strongly objects” to the “revolutionary tour” by NBPP members. “Their deliberate hate speech and incitement to murder towards the already-marginalized European minority in South Africa should not be tolerated,” co-founder Sonia Hruska, a former consultant for the Mandela administration, told The New American on behalf of the group. “The European minority in South Africa is already facing level 6 out of 8 on the genocide scale [developed by Genocide Watch] and is also subjected to the ANC regime’s second transition, which is defined as a radical call to finalize ‘economic freedom.’ ” 

Hruska pointed to the vicious ANC-Communist Party government-mandated discrimination faced by the European minority in business, trade, employment, education, and more. “Their defense mechanisms have been removed through disarmament and the removal of the effective policing structures that protected them, which places them in grave danger of being tortured and attacked,” she added, saying that especially troubling is the NBPP’s declared goal of exterminating whites. “This incitement to genocide cannot be tolerated and we wish to call on readers to take action to boycott and condemn this visit.”

Thousands of South African families, Hruska continued, “are already mourning the brutal torture, rape and murder of family members as per the New Black Panther vision.” She also pointed out that NBPP members in South Africa are calling for the use of brutal tactics to bring about Khalid Muhammad’s vision of genocide including barbaric, unimaginable torture. 

“It is unthinkable that people want to practice such inhumane torture methods, but unfortunately it is already in use and many European-minority victims and their families can attest to that,” Hruska explained, referring to the barbaric terrorism being perpetrated against white South Africans. “We have a collective responsibility to eradicate such behavior, starting by strongly objecting to such incitement of genocide and by refusing to accept this in any form.”

International Afrikaner Society President Hannes Louw echoed those remarks in a statement to The New American. “Today Afrikaners are not only being tortured, raped and brutally murdered but they also victims of a well-coordinated set of actions aimed at the destruction of the essential foundations of Afrikaner life in South Africa,” Louw said. “The objectives of this Afrikanercide are the disintegration of political and social institutions, of culture, of language, of economic existence, the destruction of the personal security, liberty, dignity, and ultimately extermination of Afrikaner people in South Africa.”

Louw said the society has taken note that the racist NBPP’s goal is to fulfill the legacy of its former chairman — the total extermination of all whites in Southern Africa, as he himself declared. Given the history of the political groups in South Africa and Zimbabwe that organized this excursion, Louw wondered if the visit might be related to the ongoing targeted extermination of innocent and predominantly white Christian Afrikaners. Based on the NBPP’s own statements, most analysts assume that it is.

“Edmund Burke’s observation that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing is still very relevant today,” the International Afrikaner Society chief said. “We call on all Americans and Afrikaners alike, familiarize yourselves with the situation in South Africa and take action to stop the evil that is currently taking place in what was once the light of Africa.”

Of course, South Africans are not the only ones dealing with NBPP problems. After the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida, for example, the group threatened to start a race war and murder white Americans simply because of the color of their skin. Before that, the group’s members were caught on video violating federal law by standing outside of polling places with weapons and intimidating voters — a crime that drew outrage from across the political spectrum when Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department refused to prosecute it.   

“The NBPP is a recognized hate group that is explicitly anti-Semitic and anti-white,” explained the federal U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in a 2010 report entitled Race Neutral Enforcement of the Law? DOJ and the New Black Panther Party Litigation. “Party members often appear in public wearing paramilitary uniforms and carrying weapons. According to Party rules, all panthers must learn to operate and service weapons correctly. In addition, officials are given military titles and the Party advocates armed struggle and violence against its enemies.”

As Zimbabwe continues its brutal descent into ruin, it appears that Mugabe, the NBPP, and powerful elements of the South African ruling establishment hope to see the same phenomenon in South Africa. The ANC-Communist Party regime has become famous for murdering its black opponents in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Meanwhile, many thousands of European-descent Africans — especially farmers, who are being targeted with increasing ferocity and regularity — have already been massacred since 1994. If the NBPP and its racist allies get their way, the rest will soon follow.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at
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