Biden & Globalists Building Global Taxation Regime
The Deep State and its minions are currently erecting a global taxation regime that will eventually fund a one-world technocratic government, warns The...
Does it ever feel like you’re not getting the full story from the media; like there are dark and powerful forces behind the scenes manipulating national and world events? You’re right on both counts. In his award-winning weekly show Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the shady characters, organizations and agendas that the elites don’t want you to know about.
The Deep State and its minions are currently erecting a global taxation regime that will eventually fund a one-world technocratic government, warns The...
Deep State advocates of transhumanism are targeting children and young people with propaganda through entertainment and education, warns The New American magazine Senior...
Read moreDeep State maniacs and minions are openly working on technology that will hook human brains up to super computers and artificial intelligence, warns...
Read moreThe United Nations COP26 “climate” summit in Glasgow this month was a huge boon for Communist China but devastating to the United States,...
Read moreWhile it has so far escaped public attention, the evil agenda behind “transhumanism”—a key part of the Great Reset—literally threatens liberty and even...
Read moreThe Build Back Better abomination being pushed through Congress by the Democrats will completely restructure the U.S. economy and our way of life,...
Read moreJoe Biden and the Deep State-controlled federal government, egged on by population control zealots such as Bill Gates, are using government schools to...
Read moreThrough the United Nations, the Big Tech companies, and the violent fascists on the streets, the Deep State is waging war on freedom...
Read moreAs world leaders and Deep State swamp monsters prepare to descend on Scotland for the annual UN “climate” convention, The New American magazine’s...
Read moreDeep State foundations are giving huge “grants” to police departments, sheriffs departments and law-enforcement agencies to buy major policy changes beyond the accountability...
Read moreThe Deep State is now taking aim at parents concerned about the indoctrination of their children in government schools, with the National Association...
Read moreGovernments and dictators from around the world will assemble this year at the COP26 UN “climate summit” in Scotland to shackle humanity to...
Read moreThe National Education Association (NEA) has been at the forefront of the war against America and individual freedom, warns The New American magazine...
Read moreAll around the world, the fruit of the U.S. government’s so-called “foreign policy” is becoming clear to see: the slaughter and persecution of...
Read moreLeading Australian Health officials have boldly announced that the new world order is here, under the guise of keeping people safe from Covid...
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