Heather Hobbs, a pro-life activist with Save The 1 and now a field coordinator for The John Birch Society in northern Texas, was denied boarding a flight. For medical reasons, her personal doctors recommend that she not wear a face mask. Yet despite having a letter from her personal physician, a recent negative COVID test, and having flown numerous times without a face mask since the pandemic was first announced in the U.S. in January of 2020, she was denied to board her flight. Hobbs tells The New American about her nightmarish ordeal at the airport, after having checked multiple times, beforehand, with the airport, airline company, and both CDC and TSA guidelines posted on their website. She recounts how the airline employees sympathized with her but were bound by newly imposed and unannounced regulations from the Biden administration. For the full story, watch and listen to her interview.
Christian Gomez
Christian Gomez graduated from the John C. Whitehead School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Seton Hall University, in South Orange, NJ. Based in Appleton, Wisconsin, Mr. Gomez is a print, online, and video contributor for The New American magazine.
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