Post Report: Raids to Deport Illegals Begin Sunday Morning

It appears President Trump was serious when he said the mass deportation of illegal aliens will begin next week.

The Washington Post reported today that Trump has ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement to begin the deportations Sunday of illegal-alien “families” that have orders to leave the country but refuse to leave.

These “families” are a major component of the illegal-invasion because illegals know immigration authorities will release them if they cross the border with children, but in any event, again, the crackdown on law-breaking, border-jumping illegals comes Sunday morning.

Zero Dark Thirty
The removal operation will begin with pre-dawn raids, the Post reported, and will “target up to 2,000 families facing deportation orders in as many as 10 U.S. cities, including Houston, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles and other major immigration destinations.”

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The Post reported that Trump went around the acting secretary of Homeland Security, Kevin McAleenan, because McAleenan opposed the plan and wanted Trump to “conduct a narrower, more-targeted operation that would seek to detain a group of about 150 families that were provided with attorneys but dropped out of the legal process and absconded.”

McAleenan thinks that what the Post termed an “indiscriminate operation” to collar the miscreant foreigners “risks separating children from their parents in cases where the children are at day care, summer camp or friend’s houses and not present for the raids.”

Sunday will only be the beginning of the sweep. The raids will continue for several days.

Reported the Post:

The agency is planning to use hotel rooms as temporary staging areas to detain parents and children until all the members of a family are together and ready for deportation. Officials also acknowledge that they might arrest individuals they cannot immediately deport — known as “collateral arrests” — and likely will release those people with ankle monitoring devices….

ICE agents have limited intelligence on the locations of the families with court-ordered deportations beyond their last known addresses. But White House and ICE officials believe agents will be able to make many “collateral arrests” by vacuuming up foreigners living in the country illegally at or near the target locations.

Why the Raids Are Necessary
Open-borders leftists and Democrats oppose the raids, of course, and might file lawsuits to stop the deportations.

But the director of ICE, Mark Morgan, explained to reporters this week why they’re necessary, the Post reported. While ICE deports about about 7,000 illegals month, nearly 1 million border-jumpers with deportation orders refuse to leave the country. As well, the Post reported, virtually none of the “families” who have arrived at the border in the last two years have been deported.

On that note, as The New American reported last week, citing, McAleenan said 100 percent of the “families” arriving now are released in the hope they will appear for asylum proceedings that will likely result in their removal from the country.  Immigration officials have found that many of those “families” are fakers.

“In February, we sent letters to these individuals telling them they had an order of removal,” Morgan told reporters, the Post reported. “We’re at the point right now where we have no other choice but to use our interior enforcement statutory authority to identify where these individuals are and remove them.”

And families have to be removed, he said, because “the law must be applied fairly and equally. We’re going to do that with compassion and dignity, but we’re going to enforce the law.”

Morgan told families with deportation orders to surrender to ICE, the Post reported, and reiterated what border officials have said several times during the past few months. The illegal-alien invaders know they won’t be kicked out of the country if they bring children.

That has led to smugglers’ renting children to adult illegals, fakery with birth certificates and other identification, and even “recycling” children; i.e., taking them back south of the border for another trip across with another family.

Morgan said that has to stop, the Post reported: “The message has gotten out that if you bring a kid, nothing will ever happen to you. We need to make sure we’re sending the message that will not be tolerated any more.”

As of the end of May, 676,315 illegals had crossed the border, 366,931 in “families.”

Promised Trump, “Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in.”

Next week starts on Sunday.

Photo: Waldemarus / iStock / Getty Images Plus