Will SEVENTH FBI Probe Prove Kavanaugh Was a Criminal Genius?

President Trump and Republican leaders agreed to yet another FBI probe of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, caving to leftist Democrats trying to kill the nominee by character assassination.

The surrender came the same day when the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 to send Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate floor, and GOP Senator Flake said that he too wanted another look just to make sure the judge isn’t a brutal, drunken teenage rapist.

The key question is this: What will the seventh FBI probe, limited to less than seven days and “current credible allegations,” find out that the first six didn’t?

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As The New American reported Friday, all eyes were on Flake as the committee gathered after lunch. Chairman Charles Grassley, a stickler for punctuality, did not call the meeting to order at 1:30, as would be his practice. Democrats were “hot-boxing” Flake in a side room, as Fox News’s Bret Baer called the high-pressure pitch.

Flake wilted like a Mariposa Lily. The Arizona desert flower said he would vote yes to move the nomination out of committee, but that he wanted to ensure that “we do due diligence. I think it would be proper to delay the floor vote for up to but not more than one week.”

Flake was terrified, and, in the end, conceded that the Democrats were right. Kavanaugh is suspect, despite the lack of evidence. The raging Democrats, Antifa’s political arm, were “justifiably uncomfortable” with moving forward, he said, and because the “country is being ripped apart,” Kavanaugh must be investigated yet again.

Senator Tom Cotton tweeted the obvious: “If FBI investigation is limited to ‘current credible allegations’ against Kavanaugh, then it should be over now, because there are no credible allegations against him. And only a fool would think this will change Senate Democrats’ shameful treatment of Kavanaugh. Mark my words.”

Six, Now Seven, Investigations

The question is what this new probe will show that the other six haven’t. The FBI has investigated Kavanaugh for his slot on the federal appeals court and for his job in the Bush Administration, which put him in constant contact with the president.

Forgetting about the cloudy charge of attempted rape from Christine Blasey Ford, which cannot be proved or disproved, consider the charge from rape fantasist Julie Swetnick, who claims, absurdly, that Kavanaugh and his pals ran rape parties “nearly every weekend during the school year” between 1981 and 1983. They plied girls with drugs and alcohol to incapacitate them and then “train” rape them. Inexplicably, Swetnick attended more than 10 of them knowing they were rape parties. She, too, was finally raped, she says.

What “nearly every weekend” means is unknown, but three of four is hardly an unreasonable guess given Swetnick’s meaning. But even a party every other weekend would mean Kavanaugh and his lubricious gang hosted about 18 of them, considering a nine-month school year.

Swetnick and her attorney, porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, who have credbility problems of their own, ask to us believe that Kavanaugh and his fiendish friends, then between 16 and 18, ran what mounts to a major sex-trafficking ring in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country. But no one knew.

How did this nefarious criminal enterprise escape the FBI’s notice the first six times? When President Bush nominated Kavanaugh for the appeals court, not a single victim or guilt-ridden participant in this massive criminal conspiracy contacted the media, police or FBI. Of course, not a soul said anything to police at the time. Not a victim. Not a sibling or parent. Not a teacher. Not a doctor or hospital. Not one girl who attended one of these parties or knew about them told a teacher or parent. And remember, these parties occurred “nearly every weekend.” No one complained, confessed, or found out.

So for all of this to be true, Kavanaugh must have been a teenage criminal genius. For more than a year —again, if the allegations are to be believed — he operated a roving, weekend bordello, where the boys passed around drugged girls like the women in a Shanghai opium den. He was Bethesda‘s Dr. Fu Manchu. Yet amazingly, Kavanaugh turned his life around, went to Yale, and became a loving husband, father and federal judge, living quietly unitl a brave psychology professor exposed the man behind the mask.

This, we are supposed to believe, is the truth.

Cotton’s Right

Speaking of Ford, who has credbility problems of her own, what can the FBI possibly find out? Her own best friend has already said she doesn’t know what Ford is talking about. So do two others. Unless one of them changes their previous statements, “investigating” her claim is a non-starter.

Cotton nailed it: You’d have to be a fool to think this new inquiry will change a thing.

Photo: South_agency/iStock/Getty Images Plus

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