WaPo Tries to Link anti-Totalitarian John Birch Society to Totalitarian Nazis
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It took two pundits converging in a Washington Post op-ed to invent a connection between early 20th-century American Nazis and the ardently pro-liberty activist organization The John Birch Society. This is another example of obtuse reasoning among mainstream commentators.  

On July 13, the Post published “The long history of American Nazism — and why we can’t forget it today” by a history professor and a novelist. It’s not until the end that the authors throw out this little nugget of literary prowess: “After World War II, American Nazi parties and groups were replaced by new organizations that combined conspiratorial thinking about Jews, immigrants and African Americans with new fears of communist subversion, from groups such as the John Birch Society and … American Nazi Party.” 

Major media has a long history of attacking the JBS with fallacious and blatantly ludicrous smears. In this case, it’s laughably appropriate that one of the authors is someone who writes fiction. It takes an inventive mind to come up with this stuff.  But it’s less funny that the other author is dubbed a historian. This means he will be mistaken for an expert. The damage Howard Zinn caused with his uncomplimentary, fictionalized version of American history illustrates how much harm revisionist historians cause. These days, the air reeks of fake history, the invention of the 1619 Project being a prime example.

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It would be hard to find another organization the media has mislabeled and mischaracterized more than The John Birch Society. The most common false accusations against the JBS have been those of anti-Semitism, racism, and fascism, all of which are logically and factually absurd. Among the founding members of the JBS was a Jewish man. The JBS has always had Jewish members on the national council, and of course, Jewish members among the ranks. Furthermore, the JBS has always had brown and black members. A state government investigation in the early years of the JBS verified these facts. Reality testifies to the JBS’ diversity today.  

Furthermore, among the Society’s core values is freedom, which puts the organization face-to-face in a fierce stand-off with all forms of collectivism, whether it be communism, socialism—or fascism. All these systems entail complete or nearly complete government control over a nation. The JBS advocates Constitutionalism, a Republican system intentionally designed to result in small and decentralized government.  

The prior arguments have been made to various media outlets repeatedly. Yet the nonsense continues. Fortunately though, more Americans now realize that major media operates as a propaganda arm that pushes Marxist values, whether it be in the policy or cultural arena. And no organization hates Marxism more than the JBS. Americans are beginning to understand that people and organizations who do not toe the Marxist line will be attacked, and in some cases, viciously.  

COVID mania propaganda and the vitriolic one-sided treatment of Donald Trump proved once and for all the media’s sinister agenda.  

Americans are also beginning to realize the Deep State exists. For 62 years, the JBS has exposed the Deep State — the globalist “power behind the throne.” No organization has worked harder and has been a sharper thorn in the side of the globalists’ plan for one-world government than the JBS.  

The major media are a tentacle of the Deep State. The Internet opened alternative avenues of information, blowing the gates off corporate media’s information monopoly. The June 7 issue of The New American (an affiliate of The John Birch Society) includes a diagram that shows the major media leaders who are part of the globalist brain trust Council on Foreign Relations. That issue also documents what role the CFR plays in ushering in globalism. The May 8, 2017 issue is dedicated to how globalists use the media to brainwash and misinform the masses. And that’s just a drop in the bucket of the sea of information the JBS makes available on the Deep State.  

The JBS came on the scene like a bolt of lightning. Robert Welch formed the Society in 1958 to combat the threat of global totalitarianism. Welch, who had retired a successful businessman and had, by then, traveled the world, created a very effective organization that focused on information and electorate activism. The Society exploded and, within a couple of years, chapters of concerned, patriotic Americans had sprouted from coast to coast.  

Interestingly, it was the Communist Party USA’s publication, People’s World, that published the hit piece that would set the trend for mainstream media thereafter. On February 25, 1961, People’s World published “Enter (from stage right) the John Birch Society.” It said the JBS was made up of “cells,” instead of chapters, to imply nefarious goals. It said that the founder demanded complete obedience to him. And it emphasized that the Society was anti-democracy.  

Less than a month later, Time magazine published its piece on the JBS in its March 10, 1961, issue. It too used the word “cell” to refer to JBS chapters. It too said that members must accept the “hard-boiled dictatorial direction of one man.” And it too highlighted the JBS’ insistence that America is a Republic by framing it under the supposition that democracy is good and Welch saw it as a threat.  

From there on out, major media have consistently been antagonistic to the JBS. However, despite efforts to neutralize it, it’s become increasingly difficult to conceal the JBS’ influence. The New Republic published on March 8, 2021 a piece called “The John Birch Society Never Left.” A month later, Salon published the piece “William F. Buckley and the Birchers: A myth, a history lesson and a moral.” A month after that, in May, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria hosted a Sunday night special titled “A Radical Rebellion: The Transformation of the GOP.” When stripped down beyond the bias, all three pieces essentially say the same thing: you can thank the JBS for what is happening in conservative politics today.  

What is happening is America is waking up to the existential threat the Deep State poses to all humanity. Liberty-loving people of all colors and ethnicities see that freedom is under assault. People see that they’re being lied to. And that the JBS, unfortunately, has predicted the time in which we live now.  

This great awakening is causing many concerned Americans to take a hard look, and join, the proven, battle-scarred John Birch Society.