Two More Sanders Campaign Staffers Promise Communist Revolution if He Wins

Two weeks ago, we learned that American cities will go up in flames and cops and moderate liberals will be murdered if Bernie Sanders loses either the Democratic nomination or the general election.

That warning from a staffer in the elderly socialist’s Iowa campaign, and another from a worker in South Carolina, included a hint of what would come with a Sanders victory in November. Republicans will go to an American gulag. The rich will be guillotined.

Guerilla journalists for Project Veritas video-recorded those threats, and today published a fourth installment (video below) in which Sanders’ staff members elaborate on their plans for a Stalinist America should Sanders prevail.

Two New Confessions
This week’s video features two more staffers in the Palmetto State, Mason Baird and Daniel Taylor, who divulged plans for a communist uprising and “extreme action” if Sanders lands in the White House.

Admitting that “we attract radical, truly radical people,” Baird confessed that campaign staffers are “Marxist/Leninist” and “Anarchists” with “more of a mind for ‘direct action’ for engaging in politics outside of the electoral system.”

Sanders expects to assemble a “mass movement going after the election” that will completely alter American life as we know it, Baird explained, not least by nationalizing Google, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media to use “as education stuff goes.”

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As well, Baird envisioned erecting a Maoist state of trial and error — or trial and terror:

We would need a federal government and labor union movement that is working together to strip power away from capitalists and preferably directing violence toward property. At the end of the day, this kind of stuff will come out through practice, through the work and it’s hard for me to talk about it in the moment we live in ’cause I think China today is not what Mao envisioned, right it was through the practice of Chinese people doing the work to create the China today…. A lot of these answers are going to come through practice — we’re going to try things — things aren’t going to work — we’re going to move on to the next thing, and we’re going to try to be as conscious and intentional about those things, but when you get into a certain level of detail, and depth, it’s like, that’s kind of my ‘cop out’, it comes through the work, you know. The answers come through the work.

Whether guillotines and burning cities are the “things” Baird and his cohort will try is anyone’s guess, but he did promise “militancy” and a violent labor movement that will crack skulls — “a militant labor movement that’s willing to … strike, and if necessary, you know, just destroy property and things like that.”

And if the “militant labor movement” doesn’t succeed, “other means” will be tried.

Landlords will be glad to know Baird doesn’t want to kill them if they refuse to surrender their property, but alas, he’ll do what he must:

After we abolish landlords, we don’t have to kill them, that’s my feeling I think it’s damaging to the soul, but um, there were plenty of excesses in 1917 I would hope to avoid. Labor, I think that’s a big source of power for us, and just try to gain as much leverage and power in the short time that we have. You know, Lenin didn’t have the internet, they were a peasant society, and I mean it was like, so you know I would hope that like, that we would — we’d have — we’d be doing a bunch of prep work before the capitalists got hip to what we were doing, I guess. That’s my best uh, I’m not excited about the prospect of armed struggle.

Americans can rest easy though, because “the Gulags and the persecution of the Kulaks and things like that are exaggerated.”

“Back-burner” Plans
Another staffer in South Carolina, Daniel Taylor, explained that “extreme action” is planned whether Sanders wins or loses:

We don’t want to scare people off, you first have to feel it out before you get into the crazy stuff…. You know we were talking about more extreme organizations like Antifa, you were talking about, Yellow Vests, all that but we’re kinda keeping that on the back-burner for now..

In other words, Antifa goon squads will be ready to enforce Sanders’ edicts. “It’s unfortunate that we have to make plans for extreme action,” Taylor warned, “but like I said, they’re not going to give it to us even if Bernie is elected.”

For the record, three Sanders campaign staff members have promised the following after the election:

• murdering the rich;

• murdering moderate liberals;

• burning cities and murdered police;

• gulags for Republicans;

• nationalization of social media;

• abolition of landlords, and

• mass destruction of property.

Image: screenshot from YouTube video

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.