The Economy and the Caravan Giving Trump a Boost in the Midterms

Donald Trump, the President of the United States, has been given two gifts: one of his own making; the other from pro-open-borders leftists. Together they bode well for Republicans in the November midterm elections.

The first is the booming and relentless U.S. economy. As Shobhana Chandra of Bloomberg noted on Tuesday, “The U.S. economy is poised for its best back-to-back quarters of growth since 2014, handing President Donald Trump a $20 billion talking point just in time for the midterm elections.” The report from the Commerce Department due out Friday, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg, is likely to show that in the third quarter the economy grew by 3.4 percent annualized, following the 4.2 percent GDP growth number printed in the second quarter.

Remarkably, this number was likely depressed due to Hurricane Florence in September, which slowed household spending, employment, and industrial output in the southeastern part of the country. And that number is being challenged by the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow forecast, which is currently showing 3.9-percent growth for the third quarter.

But, as reported by The New American on Monday, the economy isn’t the harbinger for success in the midterms that it usually is; rather, it’s the president himself. And his public approval numbers have moved substantially higher over the last couple of weeks.

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That’s why the second gift — the caravan of “migrants” which some are calling the Soros Express — is likely to put Republicans over the top in November. Selwyn Duke, writing in The New American, said “this migration is a con.” World News Daily exposed that con back in April during the previous “migrant caravan”:

The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras [People Without Borders]. But the effort is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services and the American Immigration Lawyers Association – thus the acronym CARA. At least three of the four groups are funded By George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, WND has confirmed.

The CARA coalition was formally announced last week.

Other support groups are funded by the MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation.

This is a gift for the commander-in-chief and an opportunity for him to seize. As the “Soros Express” nears the southern border, it would present an irresistible opportunity for the president to arrive at the border to direct the troops, stop the caravan, and gain enormous publicity for the need, now seen in living color, for the wall. The Trump-bashing media would have no other option but to cover the event.

It’s the Trump-bashing media that is reaping the whirlwind, according to British journalist and commentator Piers Morgan:

The more Trump-bashers scream abuse at and about him, the more it fires up his base — and indeed, the more it fires up Trump himself … and in two weeks’ time, he may deliver the biggest knockout punch of his presidency….

In fact, I’d say there’s a very good chance the Republicans will hang onto the House as well as the Senate, and Trump will move on empowered and emboldened to what could very well be an even bigger win in 2020.

About that “Soros Express,” Morgan nailed it:

As I write this, a “caravan” of more than 7,000 Central American migrants — most of them from Honduras — is moving towards the Southern border.

They intend trying to enter the United States illegally.

It’s hard to think of a more powerful image to vindicate Trump’s much criticized demand for a new “Wall”, isn’t it?

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Image: Gage Skidmore / flickr

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American magazine and blogs frequently at, primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at


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