Surge in Immigrants Registering to Vote Seen as Boon for Democrats

A large number of immigrants who have recently become naturalized as U.S. citizens are registering to vote — and most of these, especially those classified as “Latinos,” intend to vote for Hillary Clinton.

An October 13 report in the Rochester, New York, Democrat and Chronicle cited a spokeswoman for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services who said there has been a noticeable increase in the number of applications received to become a naturalized citizen in the last few months in western New York state.

The report noted that while the federal government does not break those numbers down for Monroe County (of which Rochester is the county seat) the local Catholic Family Center, which has been facilitating naturalization applications under a grant for the last several years, has kept such records.

In 2015, the center processed 178 citizenship applications; but through just the first nine months of 2016, that number jumped to 238.

“We’ve definitely seen an increasing number of legal permanent residents who want to get their citizenship,” the Democrat and Chronicle quoted Florian Seger, an immigration specialist at the center, as saying. “Applicants have told us they want to [be able to vote],” Seger said.

Seger said the refugees he speaks with are afraid of what might happen to the citizenship process if Donald Trump is elected president, stating, “They want to make sure they’re citizens so nothing [will happen] to make them deportable and removable.”

The report stated that the 44 people who were naturalized on October 13 at the Monroe County office building became citizens one day before the deadline for voter registration to vote in the November election.

The Democrat and Chronicle reported that immigration policy was one of the new citizens’ top concerns and that all who were surveyed said they plan to vote for Hillary Clinton.

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An October 11 article in Bloomberg presented a more comprehensive look at the number of newly naturalized U.S. citizens who have registered to vote in this November’s election. 

The report noted that from October 2015 through June, 718,000 permanent residents applied for citizenship, up eight percent compared with the same period preceding the 2012 election, according to Homeland Security Department data compiled by the Pew Research Center.

Bloomberg quoted a statement from Maria De Jesus Diaz Zermeno, a 52-year-old immigrant who emigrated from Mexico as a toddler. Zermeno told those present in the Tucson, Arizona, courtroom, where she was undergoing the naturalization process, “I’m most looking forward to the voting privilege.”

Zermeno decided to achieve citizenship so she could vote for the first time — for Clinton.

She said that since he began his campaign for the White House last year, “I just saw so much negativity coming from Mr. Trump and I said, ‘Wait a minute, this is not OK.’ This is not the person who should be running the country. I can’t just be somebody who talks about it. If that’s how you feel, you should act on it and try to do something to change it.”

Bloomberg reported that following the naturalization ceremony at the courthouse in Tucson, U.S. District Court Judge Brenda Whinery urged the new citizens to serve on a jury, volunteer time and energy to become a part of their community, and more.

“And get out and vote — I can’t stress that enough,” Whinery said. “Please don’t take that lightly.”

Perhaps Whinery should have urged the new citizens to first educate themselves about the American system of government and about the dynamics of U.S. politics, so that would not only vote, but vote intelligently. However, the judge may also realize that, statistically, newly enfranchised immigrant voters, especially those of a Hispanic background, are much more likely to vote for Democratic than Republican candidates.

A report from the CALmatters website on October 12 analyzed voter registration data in California and estimated that up to 2.2 million people have joined the state’s voter rolls since January of this year. Their conclusion: These new voters reflect major growth in the number of Latinos and Asian-American voters, who — along with younger voters registering for the first time — are steering clear of the GOP.

The CALmatters study found that about half of new voters who registered after January registered Democrat, while 30 percent registered independent and that Latinos led the surge in 2016 California voter registration. They found that the number of registered Latino voters has grown by nearly 20 percent from the end of 2015 through this year and that about one in three new California voters is Latino.

Another report in the Washington Post on October 4 cited statistics from Voto Latino, which the newspaper described as “a nonpartisan, mostly online-based voter registration group.” While the Post called the group “nonpartisan,” it should be obvious that the efforts of an organization called Voto Latino would very likely benefit the Democratic Party more than the Republican Party.

Voto Latino said it helped compile 101,720 new voter registrations between November 2015 and the last weekend in September, which surpassed registration rates from previous presidential election years. In the past few weeks, the group says it has been assisting more than 5,000 people register per day, exceeding a 3,000-per day goal.

The Post reported that Voto Latino’s top four states for registrations were Texas (20,483 new voters), California (13,394), Florida (10,565), and North Carolina (6,297).

The Post report included the following significant statement: “Across the country, activists, lawmakers and political consultants have said that Hispanics are flooding into citizenship workshops and congressional offices and jamming hotlines on how to become U.S. citizens or register to vote. Many said they are primarily motivated by the rise of Trump, who has proposed deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants and building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.”

A recent report in The New American observed that an internal Obama administration e-mail shows that the Democrat political machine is trying to turn as many foreigners as possible into citizens in time to vote in the November 8 election. The report quoted from a Fox News Report that stated, in part:

The email, from a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services field office chief and part of a chain of correspondence within the agency, urges the unnamed recipient to swear in as many citizens as possible “due to the election year.”

“The Field Office due to the election year needs to process as many of their N-400 cases as possible between now and FY 2016,” reads the email, which was disclosed to by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who chairs the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

In that article, we noted that the extremely liberal immigration policy of the Obama administration is “a massive Democrat ‘get in the vote’ drive. In other words, with 85 percent of our post-1965 newcomers hailing from the Third World and Asia — and with 70 to 90 percent of them voting Democrat upon being naturalized — it’s no mystery why Democrats have become the immigration party.”

We summed up the process as follows:

While [getting out the vote] involves getting as many as possible of the set number of sympathetic potential voters to the polls, getting in the vote is the process by which you increase that number of sympathetic voters. This process is … done in two ways. One is by indoctrinating people — especially young people — via academia, the media, and entertainment. The second way is through immigration.

While this reveals not only the “method behind the madness,” but also the motivation behind the madness, the recent reports we cited above show that this agenda is not so much “mad” as cunning, and is working exactly as its planners intended. It is obvious that unrestricted immigration will eventually result in the end of our republican form of government. This underscores the importance of the outcome of this year’s election.


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