Propaganda Mill CNN Lies About John Birch Society — and America’s Socialist Transformation
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The following is a statement from The John Birch Society, the parent organization of The New American.

For many decades in America, major newspapers and television outlets had a virtual monopoly on the news narrative. And the public largely believed what they watched and read.

Things are different today. Millions of Americans rightly distrust major media outlets. Access to alternative information thanks to the Internet, along with the blatantly biased media coverage of Donald Trump, have helped turn many Americans away from the “mainstream media.” People are realizing that most major media outlets are more akin to propaganda ministries than objective news reporters.

CNN is a perfect example of a discredited news outlet serving up daily doses of propaganda. As evidence of this, one only need watch Project Veritas’ latest video series, released in April, showing CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester admitting on hidden camera that the network engaged in propaganda to remove Trump from the presidency. 

Chester’s admission was only news to those living under a rock. It doesn’t take an especially astute person, or even an awake one, to notice the network’s coverage of Trump was purely antagonistic, unbalanced, and often false. Project Veritas videos exposing the corruption, lies, and blatant propaganda of CNN can be viewed here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.    

Not surprisingly, CNN is now spreading lies about The John Birch Society (JBS), the parent organization of The New American.  

On May 16, CNN aired a special called “A Radical Rebellion: The Transformation of the GOP,” hosted by Fareed Zakaria. During the second half of the hour-long special, Zakaria said, “They [the JBS] fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights movement, using anti-communism as a cover for racism.” 

On May 15, the day before the special aired, The John Birch Society published a statement predicting that Zakaria’s report would include the bogus racism allegation. And that’s exactly what happened.  

But what CNN said was not original. The lies about the JBS started 60 years ago after the Communist Party USA’s newspaper People’s World wrote a hit piece that triggered an onslaught of mainstream-media smears.

The simple and verifiable truth is that the JBS has always welcomed and included members of all races and ethnicities. JBS was racially integrated years before the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Some JBS chapters even consisted only of black Americans. An investigation of the JBS by the California legislature, released in 1963, verifies these facts.  

It’s true that the JBS opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but not because the organization opposed equal rights for black Americans. What the JBS opposed was federal interference into issues that should be handled by the states. Simply put, the federal government does not have authority under the Constitution to make anti-discrimination laws and apply them to the states. The JBS understood that once that door was opened, even for a good cause, there would be no closing it. This concern has repeatedly been proven legitimate, as the federal government now affects nearly every aspect of American life.  

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But CNN’s special was about more than just the JBS. The narrative Zakaria, a member of the globalist-oriented Council on Foreign Relations, wants you to believe is that if you stand in the way of a socialist and immoral transformation of America, you’re a “radical” who stands in the way of natural societal progression.   

According to Zakaria, the modern Republican Party, which he said was in large part shaped by the JBS, has its roots in rebellion. Conservatives are rebelling against natural change as it relates to the growth of the welfare state, the secularization of society, and the increasing cultural diversity of America.

Zakaria’s implication was that America is turning into a socialist, secular country purely as a result of natural societal evolution.   

This is the big falsehood he wants people to believe.  

And it’s what the JBS has been trying to expose to fellow Americans, i.e., the real reason for America’s socialist transformation.  

The truth is, the country has been coerced into change. Americans have been force-fed Marxism and immorality.  

There is very little that’s organic about America’s recent transformation.  

Internationalist elites have been working for decades to intentionally and systematically transform America. The JBS has been warning about this for more than 60 years, publishing a mountain of materials exposing this anti-American agenda. This network of people working, through national and international organizations, is today often called the Deep State. This unelected group of bureaucrats, bankers, media leaders, and business tycoons have used their resources and influence to forcefully transform the world into a godless socialist tyranny. 

The truth is that colleges and universities, which play a huge role in shaping American culture, are run by leftists and socialists, who outnumber conservative educators 10:1 (or 12:1, depending on the source). And there is plenty of evidence that conservative professors are not only outnumbered, but often bullied because of their views, making academic jobs for conservatives less appealing.  

The truth is that the liberal news media has influenced many Americans to embrace the inane welfare state that creates a sort of permanent underclass of people dependent on government. Among the many brilliant individuals who have documented the truth about the harm caused by the welfare state is economist and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution Thomas Sowell.  

The truth is that judicial legislation, not the will of the people, removed prayer from schools, which obviously contributed to America’s secularization.  

It was a judicial ruling in 2015 that legitimized same-sex “marriage,” not the will of the people. When the people of California passed Proposition 8, clearly proving that a majority did not agree with same-sex “marriage” even in a very liberal state such as California, it was the courts that overturned it. Other states already recognized same-sex “marriage,” it’s true, but they were in the minority.  

It was a judicial ruling, Roe v. Wade, not the will of the people, that legalized the killing of unborn babies through abortion.  

The truth is that the Department of Education has had great influence on dumbing down American children to the point that they can’t think critically. The Department of Education hardly takes into account the will of teachers or parents. At this time, the White House wants public schools across the country to brainwash children with the racist, Marxist propaganda known as Critical Race Theory.

The truth is that a majority of Americans are against allowing millions of immigrants to illegally pour across the border, yet it continues to happen. Pew Research finds that nearly 60 percent of Americans oppose giving citizenship to illegal aliens. Some have even argued that concern over illegal immigration is what got Donald Trump elected. There is a legitimate way to get into this country, as this writer knows from personal experience. But those in Washington and their lobbyists don’t care that Americans don’t favor unchecked illegal immigration.  

Unrestricted illegal immigration is more proof that the country’s demographic transformation is not organic. It is being done against the will of a majority of Americans, including non-whites.  

Would American citizens have been better informed instead of propagandized, and were the government to listen to the public, Americans of every race and ethnicity would be more patriotic, free, and moral.  

Zakaria is telling a lie. Patriotic Americans are not rebelling against a natural societal progression. They are rebelling against a systematic, forceful transformation that is turning the United States into a Marxist tyrannical state. 

Zakaria wants viewers to think the whole conservative movement is about race and hate. This is propaganda. He ignores facts that show during the last election, more people of color voted with the GOP than in previous elections. The political friction in the GOP has nothing to do with race. Claims that it’s all about race are a diversion.  

The truth of freedom is a universal value.

The ongoing battle is for freedom.  

Fortunately, patriotic Americans are waking up by the millions. But once they are awake, they also need to become activists. Activism isn’t violence; it’s working within the system to preserve our freedom. If you aren’t sure about what that means, look into The John Birch Society. The JBS provides the educational and organizational tools needed to fight tyranny, and is one of the biggest thorns in the side of the Deep State.  

The John Birch Society welcomes all people of good character who want to restore America to the hope of the world it has been for two centuries.  

Join the freedom movement.