Progressives Propose Radical-left Cabinet Picks, Say Dems Lost House Seats Because the Party Is Too Moderate
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No sooner did the leftist media appoint Joe Biden “president-elect” than the radical Left published a list of demands not only for the presumed winner on election day, but also for the party itself.

Those demands emanated from the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats, a coalition of socialists, Marxists, communists, environmental extremists, and like-minded zealots. They demanded that socialists and radical Muslims be in the Cabinet, and plan to smear everyone in the country who doesn’t agree as a racist.

Their message is clear. 

The old Democratic party that represented the patriotic working class, after a long, enervating illness that began in the 1960s, is dead. The new Democratic Party will impose Venezuelan socialism and ratchet up hatred of cops and whites.

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The Biden Cabinet Proposal
If Biden surrenders to this “progressive coalition’s” demands, which appeared in the New York Times, he will have assembled the most dangerously radical Cabinet in history.

The group wants millionaire soft-socialist Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who lost to Biden in the Democratic primaries, as treasury secretary, despite having had in the past falsely claimed to be a native American to boost her career.

Giving Warren control of the nation’s wampum would be bad enough. But even worse would be the proposed labor secretary: socialist and millionaire Bernie Sanders. His campaign staffers promised gulags and the mass murder of moderates, liberals, and Trump supporters who opposed him, which suggests handing the old Bolshevik power over every job in the country would not end well.

But the list grows worse, with two radical Muslims offered as Cabinet choices. 

They want Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who faces unresolved charges of domestic abuse and was tight as a tick with Nation of Islam race-monger Louis Farrakhan, to be U.S. attorney general. Apparently, the Sunrise-Justice movement doesn’t much care about Karen Monahan’s credible claim that Ellison brutally abused her. 

As her son reported on Facebook in 2018: “I was using my mom’s computer trying to download something and I clicked on a file, I found over 100 text and twitters messages and video almost 2 min long that showed Keith Ellison dragging my mama off the bed by her feet, screaming and calling her a “f***ing bitch” and telling her to get the f*** out of his house.”

When these reports surfaced, Democrats did nothing.

Ellison was also a member of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan confirmed in a speech, and peddled the Final Call newspaper.

Ellison later claimed his relationship with Farrakhan was a “mistake.”

The Antifa sympathizer is also trying to railroad the Minneapolis cops involved in the death of George Floyd, leveling murder charges, though the drug addict and career criminal died after ingesting a fatal dose of fentanyl and struggling with the officers, one of whom then pinned Floyd to the ground with a knee on his neck.

Palestinian Muslim Rashida Tlaib, the congresswoman from Michigan linked to Islamic terror apologists, should be secretary of housing and urban development, leftists say. Tlaib, who would “defund the police” and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is also linked to Farrakhan and other dangerous radicals.

She wrote a column for The Final Call, and permitted an open anti-Semite and terror apologist, Linda Sarsour, to help her campaign in 2018.

Tlaib raised money from Muslims terror apologists, and has said her first priority is always Palestine, the country of her parents’ birth.

Like many in her radical cohort, she is obsessed with imaginary “white supremacy.” After black supremacists murdered a white cop and died in a gun battle with police, Tlaib tweeted that “white supremacy kills.” She quickly deleted the false, hysterical claim.

Just after she was elected in 2018, Tlaib vowed that we, meaning the Democrats, would “impeach the motherf***er.”

Last, the leftists want Indian immigrant Pramilla Jayapal, a congresswomen from Washington state, to run health and human services. Jayapal wants to purify the United States of “white supremacists” and bragged about helping illegal aliens file what were probably bogus asylum claims.

Tlaib and AOC: Democrats Aren’t Radical Enough
Appointments aside, Tlaib and fellow “Squad” member Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, think their party is too conservative. They blame its loss of House seats last week on its failure to move more to the radical left.

Tlaib claims her constituents are unheard, while Ocasio-Cortez thinks the party must focus on accusing whites of racism.

“It’s not just like some moral question about how you confront racism in elections, but it is now an existential crisis for the Democratic Party,” the former barmaid told Politico

The problem, she said, is Democrats don’t want to talk about race. “Anti-racism plays zero percent of a role in Democratic electoral strategy — zero, explicitly, implicitly,” she continued. “I’m not telling people to virtue signal, but there’s just like no plan for it.”

As well, “progressives” released a memorandum that demands Biden and his hitmen “take on the Republican Party’s divide-and-conquer racism head-on and not demobilize our own base.”

That shrill document also blames the loss of seats in the House of Representatives on the party’s not moving far enough to the left.

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H/T: The Daily Caller