President Trump Issues “Pardon of Innocence” for General Michael Flynn
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Patience with federal Judge Emmet Sullivan finally ran out for the president on Friday, and he granted a full pardon for his former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. He tweeted:

It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to Gen Flynn and his wonderful family. I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving.

Flynn’s family responded:

The Flynn Family is an American Family and, like all American families, we love our country. We believe in the Constitution of the United States and that justice in this remarkable Republic must prevail for all citizens – equally and always. We believe that our right to freedom and liberty are God-given and that we will fight for these rights until the bitter end if they are unjustly denied by any government, institution or individuals.

For four long years our family and millions of American patriots stood arm-in-arm with our brother, General Michael T. Flynn, fighting the vicious, deep-rooted corruption of government institutions and vengeful individuals intent on destroying General Flynn and our country in shameful defiance of justice and the Rule of Law.

Those individuals have disgraced the United States of America. The perpetuation of this political persecution of General Flynn was further fomented by Judge Emmet Sullivan’s refusal to dismiss the fraudulent prosecution. Judge Sullivan’s inactions are a reprehensible assault against the Constitution and will live in infamy the world over and is his legacy.

The family noted that the attack on their brother was just a skirmish in the great war against the Republic:

Our nation is at a crucible moment in history. Let it be heard across this great country and around the world that tyranny will not topple us. Masks will not silence us. Threats will not stop us. Evil will not triumph.

We are Americans. We stand on the shoulders of the greatest forces and heroes of bravery and courage the world has ever known. That is our legacy and our obligation to defend now and for generations to come.

The Flynn family joins all Americans and patriots in this fight for our rights, our values, our way of life, and our Republic.

May God Bless President Trump, his family and all families during this very important American tradition, Thanksgiving Day. It is truly a time to give thanks.

The Flynn Family wishes everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America.

Flynn’s lead attorney, Sidney Powell, welcomed the pardon of her client, adding that “The FBI and DOJ have been a national embarrassment for more than 15 years. It was my fervent hope to make our judicial system work to exonerate an innocent man … but enough is enough.”

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The four-year vendetta and conspiracy to bring down Flynn and the Trump administration cannot be reduced to a single paragraph, but Petr Svab made a valiant attempt. Writing for the Epoch Times, he summarized:

Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI. Earlier this year, he asked the judge to allow him to withdraw the plea, saying he only signed it because prosecutors threatened his son and his lawyers gave him bad advice due to a conflict of interest.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped the case in May after an internal review unearthed evidence suggesting that the FBI agents were trying to catch the retired three-star Army general in a lie.

District Judge Emmet Sullivan has yet to rule on the dismissal.

Missing from that summary, out of necessity, was any mention of Flynn’s claim of innocence. The mainstream media incessantly claimed repeatedly that “he lied! He lied! He lied! He must be punished for lying!”

And yet Flynn, on bad advice given him by his previous law firm, was urged to admit to lying under the terms of a plea deal. Prosecutors threatened Flynn’s son with charges unless he agreed to the deal. But, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, duress is defined as “any unlawful threat or coercion used … to induce another to act in a manner he otherwise would not.” And any agreement made under such duress is no agreement at all, unenforceable by law.

As Powell noted in her motion to Judge Sullivan to dismiss the case against her client:

There was no case against General Flynn. There was no crime. The FBI and the prosecutors knew what. This American hero and his entire family have suffered for four years from public abuse, slander, libel, and all means of defamation at the hands of the very government he pledged his life to defend.

For these reasons … the Government’s Motion to Dismiss [in May] should now be granted with prejudice instanter [immediately] for multiple violations … and the wrongful prosecution of General Flynn when the agents and prosecutors knew there was no crime.

This hideous abuse of power and travesty of justice has only been exacerbated by the unprecedented and baseless rulings of [your] court, and it should not continue another day.

What a delicious irony it would be if President Trump were to bring back General Flynn to complete the job he was initially given: to expose the Deep State corruption at the highest levels of the U.S. government. That’s what that cabal was most frightened about. As director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Obama, Flynn had an inside first-hand view of that corruption and provided the motivation for the four-years-long attack on him to keep him from carrying out his mission.

Related articles:

Following Thursday’s Release of Explosive Documents, Michael Flynn’s Attorney Demands Dismissal

Who Is Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s Pick for Nat’l Security Advisor?

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