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As President Biden prepares himself and the nation for a Supreme Court nomination based on race and sex, a recent ABC News poll shows that the American people think his criteria are wrong: More than three-quarters of Americans want him to consider all potential nominees, regardless of race or sex. That poll also shows that “Biden continues to lose ground with the American public on a range of issues including response to the coronavirus and economic recovery.”

While campaigning for the presidency, Biden promised that if he were elected, he would nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court. Now with Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement announced, Biden has confirmed his pledge to replace the senior-most member of the court’s liberal wing with a black woman — and it appears almost any black woman will do, so long as she is a liberal. At a ceremony in honor of Breyer’s retirement, the Biden announced his intention to replace the retiring justice with a black woman, with all the emphasis on race and sex, saying:

The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity. And that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court.

He added:

It’s long overdue in my view. I made that commitment during the campaign for president, and I will keep that commitment.

So, apparently, Biden can know in advance that the best person — and one who posses “extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity” — simply cannot be either white or a man. Only a black woman can fit the bill.

And not for the first time — as his declining (read: plummeting) polling numbers show — Biden is completely out of step with what the American people (more than 81 million of whom, we are expected to believe, voted for him) want. And he is not just slightly out of step, he is on a completely different path: An ABC News poll conducted January 28-29 found that 76 percent of Americans would like Biden to base his nomination on merit — choosing the best candidate from all potential nominees — instead of limiting the choice to a diversity hire.

As ABC News reported,

During the spring 2020 presidential primaries, days before his set of big wins on Super Tuesday, Biden pledged to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, if elected. Now, with the chance to do so, just over three-quarters of Americans (76%) want Biden to consider “all possible nominees.” Just 23% want him to automatically follow through on his history-making commitment that the White House seems keen on seeing through. At a ceremony honoring the retiring justice, Biden told reporters he is able to honor his promise without compromising on quality.

Setting aside the idiocy of not compromising quality while limiting the choice to only people who have the “correct” skin pigmentation and genitalia (as well as the fact that the Biden administration has hung its hat on the myth that no one can even know what a woman even is, since — according to the administration — someone with male genitalia who identifies as “female” is a woman) the main thrust of this article is that the American people disagree with Biden’s criteria for picking a Supreme Court justice.

The poll — conducted by Ipsos for ABS News — found not only that 76 percent of Americans “believe Joe Biden should ‘consider all possible nominees’” and not just “consider only nominees who are Black women, as he has pledged to do,” but also found that

Partisanship drives major differences in attitudes about the next Supreme Court pick, with virtually all Republicans saying “consider all” (95%) compared to only half of Democrats (54%).

This means that while Biden is out of sync with more than three out of four Americans, he is also at odds with roughly half of his own party (who are ostensibly the lion’s share of the more than 81 million voters we are expected to believe voted for him). Those are bad tidings, indeed, for Biden.

Further, the poll found that a mere 23 percent of Americans would like to see Biden keep his promise and nominate a candidate for the Supreme Court based on race and sex. And while ABC points out that “the poll’s sample size was not large enough to break out results” based on race, among those polled, only 28 percent of black Americans would want the nomination to be based on race and sex.

So, not only will Biden do exactly what his party condemned President Trump for doing (nominate a Supreme Court justice in an election year), but he will do so based on racist and sexist points, against the will of the overwhelming majority of Americans.

Beyond the overwhelming majority of Americans disagreeing with Biden on his method for nominating a Supreme Court justice, the poll also found that “Biden continues to lose ground with the American public on a range of issues including response to the coronavirus and economic recovery.”

As the report on the poll states:

One year after entering office, Biden has lost the approval of almost one in five Americans (19%) on his response to the coronavirus, dropping from 69% approve in January 2021 to 50% approve in January 2022.

And while “Views of Biden remain strongly tied to partisanship with four in five (82%) Democrats approving his handling of the pandemic versus less than one in five (16%) of Republicans,” some Democrats seem to share Republican frustration with Biden and his policies. In fact, over the last year, Biden has lost points with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. The poll showed:

Biden has lost 15 points with Democrats (97% -> 82%), 24 points with Republicans (40% -> 16%), and 17 points with independents (70% -> 53%) from January 2021 to now.

Furthermore, the poll shows:

The President has lost similar levels of support on his handling of the economic recovery, down 18 points from 60% approve in March 2021 to 42% approve now.


Public approval of other facets of Biden’s administration are also more negative than positive including two-thirds (69%) disapproving of his handling of gun violence, 69% disapproving his handling of inflation, 64% disapproving his handling of crime, and 64% disapproving his handling of immigration.

And Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Biden’s economic policies and their outcomes. “The large majority of Americans (75%) describe the economy as not so good (47%) or poor (28%)” according to the poll. In this area, Biden again fares poorly, even among Democrats. The report on the poll states, “Partisanship drives some of the assessment with Democrats split (46% good, 53% not good) vs Republicans very critical (7% good vs 93% not good).”

With less than half of his own party supporting him on his handling of the economy and just over that percentage of his own party agreeing with him about his racist and sexist way of choosing a nominee to the Supreme Court, one is left to wonder what real support he has left. It certainly does not come from the majority of American voters, because, as this ABC poll shows, most of them seem to disagree with every policy about which they were questioned.