Poll: Majority of Americans Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction

A NBC News poll released this week paints a bleak picture for the future of the United States, with nearly 75 percent of Americans thinking the country is heading in the wrong direction. The poll results bring a symbolic dark cloud of pessimism and anger from Americans that will follow President Biden as he begins a nationwide tour to assist with his out-of-touch Democrats in their midterm campaigns.

Out of 1,000 registered voters polled by Hart Research Associates during the week of August 12-16, 74 percent said they believe the United States is heading in the wrong direction. Over half of the respondents, 58 percent, also said they feel “more worried that America’s best years may already be behind us,” but 35 percent said they believe the country’s best days are still coming, according to the poll results.

Pessimism over the strength of the economy was the respondents’ main concerns, with 68 percent believing the United States is already in a recession. This is despite Biden’s ludicrous claims of zero-inflation and doublespeak that the economy is rebounding, while in truth, the country’s inflation rate sits at a 40-year high.

The poll found that 55 percent of Americans now disapprove of the job the president is doing, while just 42 percent approve. That’s bad news for the president as he travels across the nation to energize his base to cast ballots for a Democrat-controlled Congress in November.


NBC anchor Chuck Todd said Sunday on Meet the Press, “Just 21% of adults say we are headed in the right direction. Once again three out of four Americans say we are on the wrong track. In fact, this number never before in this poll, has this wrong track number been over 70% for this long. It’s been nearly a year now. 58% say America’s best years are behind us. That’s an all-time high in our polls.”


Todd added, “So what is behind this rise in pessimism about our country’s future? Well, it starts with this: Americans don’t like either party and they don’t like anyone in power. Take a look at this, both parties are very unpopular, one slightly over the other. It is a similar story with the both current and former presidents. The former president’s negative rising a bit faster than we have seen since our last poll.”

The horrible poll results for the Democrats came after their party-line victory with the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act. The Biden administration and fellow Democrats claimed the bill would reduce the country’s deficit by $300 billion over the next 10 years, while expanding health-insurance subsidies, increasing funding for the IRS, and giving financial incentives to companies that prioritize renewable energy. But spending and printing more money has never decreased inflation, and Americans are quite aware of this as their personal finances lose spending power.

A Washington Examiner report on the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act said, “Despite the victory, only 42 percent of voters in NBC’s poll said the legislation was a good idea, compared with 31 percent who said it was a bad idea, and a quarter that had no opinion at all. Additionally, 36 percent said the legislation will not make a difference in their lives, while another 35 percent said it would make things worse for them personally.”

In an attempt to get voters to show up and support Democrat candidates, Biden and his Cabinet members will begin travel under the banner of the Building a Better America Tour. They plan to visit 23 states, with more than 35 scheduled trips to tout the legislation along with other Biden victories, which include signing burn-pits legislation and the CHIPS Act into law, as well gas prices falling under $4 a gallon.

Republicans are viewing the doomsday-like poll results with eager eyes, knowing that the mid-terms could very well usher in a Republican-controlled House and Senate. They could then act in the nations’ best interest, pass legislation to drastically cut spending, end woke polices, and reduce the size of government. But history has shown us all that no one is safe when Congress is in session, regardless of which party is in control.