Out for Revenge: Will the Deep State Destroy Citizen Trump?
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Can the global elites allow their greatest challenger in a generation to go unpunished?

Although anything could theoretically happen in the less than two weeks between now and Inauguration Day, it appears the Deep State has succeeded in its coup against a sitting president, unleashing voter fraud on an unprecedented level to hand victory to Joe Biden and then leveraging its clasp on state legislators, judges, and members of Congress to prevent the constitutionally established safeguards against voter fraud from being used.

After being the subject of universal censure (the bipartisan nature of which is a clue to the establishment’s hand in spinning the narrative) over Wednesday’s storming of the Capitol, President Trump on Thursday night appeared to finally end the election battle, publishing (upon being released from a Twitter suspension) a video in which he assured there would be a “smooth transition of power.”

While the fact that the president did not specifically name Biden in the video, along with the arguable vagueness of a Friday morning tweet in which he “will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th,” fueled speculation among some of his supporters that he will yet pull off a last-minute hail mary to secure a second term, the realist assessment of the situation is that it’s over: President Trump used what legal recourses he had at his disposal to combat the fraud and, finding them unsuccessful, will now bow out.

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Can he be faulted? While some would like to see him take extreme measures to prevent a Biden presidency, such as invoking the Insurrection Act and declaring martial law, the last few weeks, culminating with the universal, bipartisan cries of outrage over Wednesday’s march on Congress, shows that President Trump simply does not have enough support in Congress, the courts, the bureaucracy, or even the military brass to successfully pull off something like that. 

Moreover, the president’s remarks in yesterday’s “transition” video included conciliatory language and calls to peace that show he does not have the stomach to plunge the country into a state of civil strife and violence.

The Trump presidency, then, is all but over.

Among the many questions this reality raises is the question of Donald Trump’s post-presidential life. Better put, the question is whether he will even be allowed to have any semblance of a post-presidential life.

Since 2015, the bombastic real-estate mogul and reality-show host turned political powerhouse has been perhaps the greatest individual thorn in the side of the globalist elites, continually challenging their agenda on everything from the United Nations to China to mass migration and environmental quackery.

Although people such as Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan and organizations such as the John Birch Society had been talking about these things for years, President Trump brought greater awareness to these issues, making them mainstream among the Republican base. With his presidency, the United States had, for the first time in at least a century, someone in the Oval Office who was firmly against the globalist agenda for world dominance instead of complicit in it.

Even with Trump out of office, the movement he helped create will continue. And that’s something the Deep State can’t have. To stamp out the movement, they will try to first bury the man who is its symbol — the president himself.

First, they want to tarnish his reputation. That’s why, despite the fact that there are only 12 days between now and the inauguration, Democrats want to either impeach Trump again or try to remove him via the 25th Amendment. They want Trump to go out with a bang to create the impression that his presidency ended in disgrace.

Next, they will go after him on the legal front. Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin didn’t rule out charging the president with playing a role in the Capitol Hill chaos on Wednesday. And there’s no shortage of things with which Democrats, armed with control of the presidency (and thus, the Justice Department) and Congress, could try to pin on the ousted president. From the Russia collusion hoax to supposed financial entanglements, they will have carte blanche to trump up whatever charges they want.

Third, though President Trump will likely work on projects to move his agenda forward, such as new media and social platforms, the Deep-state controlled government will doubtless do all it can to shut those down as well through politically motivated enforcement of regulations, IRS audits, and major financial processors refusing to service them.

The president’s supporters will have to keep the heat on their representatives to ensure the justice system isn’t turned on its head to make an example out of Trump and anyone who dares to challenge the globalist overlords.