New York Bar Assn., State Senator Seek To Disbar Giuliani, Take Law License
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The chairman of the New York Senate’s Judiciary Committee has joined the mad campaign to ruin and blacklist anyone who challenged the results of the rigged presidential election that will put the radical Left in charge of the United States on January 20.

State Senator Brad Hoylman is going after the law license of Rudy Giuliani, a former top Trump adviser, mayor of New York, and Mafia prosecutor. Giuliani, Hoylman alleges, helped incite the mob that trespassed the U.S. Capitol during the mostly peaceful protest there last week. 

Though Giuliani only challenged the election result in speaking to pro-Trump supporters, he did commit another unpardonable offense. He opposed “President-elect” Joe Biden.

Giuliani gave a copy of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s now famous laptop, which included photos of underage girls, to the New York Post. That device contained documents that proved Biden’s business connections to Red China and his role in the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scheme. 

The revelations should have ended Biden’s campaign. But the pro-Biden media buried the story.

Flush with victory, Biden’s angry supporters now want to punish his opponents.

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Statement To Committee

In an online meeting of the Senate’s committee, Hoylman raged that Giuliani helped precipitate last week’s unfortunate events.

“Like many of you, I was horrified to watch last week’s insurrection attempt in Washington, D.C.,” the angry senator said. “And I was especially dismayed to see members of the legal profession from New York State at the heart of it.”

“I will be filing a formal complaint with the Appellate Division of the Unified Court System asking them to consider revoking Rudy Giuliani’s license to practice law in New York due to rampant and egregious violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct related to his participation in a scheme to unlawfully overturn the results of a free and fair election and his complicity in inflaming a violent coup attempt on our seat of federal government,” Hoylman said.

In his speech to Trump supporters at the protest, Hoylman alleged, Giuliani employed inflammatory rhetoric to set the mob aflame. 

I believe he has committed rampant & egregious violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct related to his participation in a scheme to unlawfully overturn the results of a free & fair election & his complicity in inflaming a violent coup attempt on our seat of federal govt:

During a speech last Wednesday immediately prior to the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Giuliani repeated baseless claims to sow doubt about the results of the 2020 Presidential Elections, and urged the angry mob to seek “trial by combat.”

The profession of law is a sacred and noble one. And there can be no room in the profession for those who seek to undermine and undo the rule of law.

But trying to ruin Giuliani for exercising his right to free speech and opposing what he calls the “Biden Crime Family” isn’t enough. Hoylman will mount up and ride to hunt down anyone who practices law in New York and “participated” in the mostly peaceful protest.

“I’ll do the same for any other attorney licensed in New York who was found to have participated in last week’s assault on our democracy,” Hoylman warned. “There must be consequences for seditious acts.”

Accordingly, Hoylman sent a letter to the state’s First Department Appellate Division, the New York Times reported.

The letter said that what occurred at the Capitol was “the foreseeable culmination of increasingly outrageous lies and disinformation being peddled by Mr. Giuliani” and those who question the election result.

Wrote Hoylman:

The codes of ethics we as attorneys swear to uphold are intended to safeguard both the public and the reputation of the profession itself. A failure to hold a member of our ranks accountable for seditious acts and exhortations of violence is a failure to provide that safeguard.

Hoylman acted after the state bar association announced that it would investigate Giuliani’s actions and might boot him out. Bar association chief Scott Karson, the Times reported, said Giuliani’s speech to Trump supporters “clearly intended to encourage Trump supporters unhappy with the election’s outcome to take matters into their own hands.”

“The subsequent attack on the Capitol was nothing short of an attempted coup intended to prevent the peaceful transition of power,” Karson wrote in a prepared statement.

Giuliani’s Speech

The text of Giuliani’s speech shows that Hoylman and Karson are misrepresenting his remarks.

Giuliani opened by challenging the constitutionality of the Election Counting Act of 1887.

The vice president “can cast it aside and he can do what a president called Jefferson did when he was Vice President,” Giuliani said. “He can decide on the validity of these crooked ballots, or he can send it back to the legislators, give them five to 10 days to finally finish the work.”

Giuliani said “the Democrats and their allies have not allowed us to see one machine, or one paper ballot,” which suggests election fraud. “Now if they ran such a clean election, why wouldn’t they make all the machines available immediately?” he continued. “If they ran such a clean election, they’d have you come in and look at the paper ballots. Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence. Not honest people.”

But then Giuliani uttered the words that Hoylman and others disingenuously allege helped inspire the brief spasm of violence at the Capitol:

Over the next 10 days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent, and if we’re wrong, we will be made fools of. But if we’re right, a lot of them will go to jail. Let’s have trial by combat. I’m willing to stake my reputation, the President is willing to stake his reputation, on the fact that we’re going to find criminality there.

Clearly, Giuliani’s “trial by combat” remark was a metaphor for checking ballots he claims are fraudulent. 

After that, Giuliani detailed the fraud: “crooked Dominion machines” and “suspicious algorithms” that “programmed that machine from the outside to accomplish” the fraud.