Mob Erupts in Fury Over Trump Apology; Media Misrepresents Accusations Again

President Trump boldly and forthrightly apologized to newly minted U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at a ceremony that included Kavanaugh’s family and his eight colleagues on the court.

But Trump’s loyalty and firm support of his pick wasn’t the only news from that event.

As expected, the usual suspects exploded in fury because Trump declared Kavanaugh innocent of the scurrilous, uncorroborated, and ultimately refuted accusations that failed to derail his ascendency to the court.

And the media continued to pretend that the charges against Kavanaugh, despite the failure to corroborate them with witnesses or evidence, might be true.

We’re Sorry
Trump made no bones about the searing ordeal to which Kavanaugh was subjected after Christine Blasey Ford and two other women accused him of attempted rape, exposing himself, and gang rape.

Ford’s own witnesses refuted those charges, while Debbie Ramirez surveyed friends to see if they could remember who exposed himself to her at a college party. Accuser three, Julie Swetnick, told such a ridiculous tale that Democrats were furious at her attorney for advancing it.

Thus did Trump apologize: “On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure.”

And he didn’t stop there:

Those who step forward to serve our country deserve a fair and dignified evaluation, not a campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception. What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency, and due process.

Our country — a man or woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Reprising Kavanaugh’s long career as a judge, Trump noted he is a “fair-minded, unbiased, and even-handed person. He understands that justice must be divorced from the passions of the day — tethered instead to the enduring foundation of our Republic: the Constitution.”

Said Kavanaugh, “On the Supreme Court, I will seek to be a force for stability and unity. My goal is to be a great Justice for all Americans and for all of America…. I will always strive to preserve the Constitution of the United States and the American rule of law.”

Justice Kavanaugh’s first move was appointing only women as his law clerks, a first in the history of the court.

Fury Erupts Again
As with anything Trump does, the media felt compelled to challenge him, and his hateful opponents erupted in fury.

“In fact, no definitive conclusions were reached during the confirmation process regarding Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation,” the Washington Post observed, “or accusations of sexual misconduct in high school and college by two other women.”

That disingenuous assessment hides the “definitive conclusion” the prosecutor who questioned Ford most certainly did reach. Ford’s shifting account was full of holes, not least because of Ford’s memory, and her own witnesses “either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them.”

CNN reported that the “FBI probe into the allegations,” launched after Ford and Kavanaugh testified, “reportedly found no corroboration.”

In fact, the FBI did not find anything to support Ford’s lachrymose tale. Nor did the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Twitterverse exploded like a supernova: “You’re willing to apologize to a man just like you, but you won’t apologize for stealing an election, being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, calling pow’s and sexual assault survivors liars, and committing sexual assaults over the years,” went one unhinged rant.

Another reasoned comment was this: “Hi @realDonaldTrump, you don’t speak for me or millions of other Americans you corrupt pervert. I believe Dr. Blasey Ford. F*ck Kavanaugh.”

Has-been thespian Tom Arnold tweeted this intelligent opinion: “Brett Kavanaugh is disgusting.”

Appearing on CNN, Hillary Clinton, whose husband was credibly accused of rape, complained that Trump “undermined the image and integrity of the court.”

Said the woman who smeared the “trailer trash” who told the truth about her husband, “the president’s been true to form. He has insulted, attacked, demeaned women throughout the campaign — really for many years leading up to the campaign. And he’s continued to do that inside the White House.”

As The New American reported this morning, the media have been telling this mad mob that Democrats will take the U.S. House of Representatives in November, just as the media firmly predicted that Clinton would defeat Trump.

Expect more violence if the Democrats lose.

Photo: AP Images