MAGA Hat Suspect Faces Charges in Yet Another Anti-Trump Attack

The unhinged, cursing thug who assaulted a young man and stole his Make American Great Again (MAGA) hat at a Whataburger in San Antonio,Texas won’t get away with it. At least unless a equally unhinged jury acquits him.

The man pictured in a viral video, Kino Jiminez, will indeed face a theft charge.

But that unprovoked assault is part of a larger, unpleasant narrative: the open hostility toward, and verbal and physical attacks upon, supporters of President Trump.

Theft of Person

According to, a grand jury indicted Jiminez for theft of person, a felony that could send the violent thug to state prison.

Unless it’s a case of mistaken identity, meaning the man on the video is not Jiminez, his guilt is not in doubt.

The scene, as MySanAntonio reported, started as Jiminez tossed a drink at Hunter Richard, 16.

Richard said something about supporting the president, whereupon Jiminez, who had swiped Richard’s hat, tossed the drink in his face and said, “you ain’t supportin’ s**t, n*gga.”

After it was over and millions saw the attack, Richard offered a rather more intelligent observation about supporting Trump than Jiminez: “I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off. I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me.”

Yet Another Anti-Trump Attack

Jiminez’s unprovoked attack isn’t the only one of its kind. maintains a constantly updated list of attacks on Trump supporters and officials — and justifications in the leftist media for them — that has reached 555 at this writing.

The latest occurred on August 18 at a concert staged by a fading punk rock band, Social Distortion. When the band’s lead singer, Mike Ness, attacked President Trump, Republican farmer Tim Hilldebrand objected.

“I pretty much said I paid for your music, not your politics,” Hildebrand told CBS Sacramento. “I stood pretty much with my silent protest with my middle finger up for the next two songs.”

So Ness jumped into the crowd, Hildebrand claims, and beat him up … badly. The singer, he alleges, “gave him two black eyes, a busted lip, a concussion and almost knocked out one of his teeth.”

Hildebrand is pressing charges, and undoubtedly hopes he doesn’t get the same result as the victims of the college professor in California, who skated free of serious felony charges after he attacked Trump supporters with a U-lock in April of 2017.

Antifa goon Eric Clanton struck at least seven people in the head with the lock, but somehow received only four felony charges, the local newspaper reported. And then, by some means, he negotiated a guilty plea for misdemeanor battery. The sentence, handed down in August, was three months probation.

In mid-August, Antifa terrorists attacked police in Charlottesville, Virginia and Washington, D.C., and threatened to kill the president.

Politicians and Business Owners Encourage the Violence

Though they don’t outrightly preach violence, the actions of anti-Trump Democrats and business owners are at least signaling that the attacks are acceptable.

In July, “Mad Maxine” Waters, the Democratic congresswoman from California, urged Trump haters to hit the streets and make trouble. But before that she sanctioned attacks on Trump officials, which reached a frightening turn in June when a restaurant owner booted out press secretary Sarah Sanders for no good reason other than the owner hated Trump. Instead of denouncing the despicable humiliation of Sanders, Waters called for more of it.

“God is on our side,” she claimed. “[I]f you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”

In New York the same day Waters called for leftists to make trouble in the streets, a Trump hater disrupted a book signing for Sean Spicer, the president’s former spokesman.

And in June, The New American reported that a bar in Chicago banned MAGA hats.”I just kind of wanted to make somewhat of a statement,” the owner said. “I felt like we did have an opportunity to say something that might draw some attention to this ugliness.”

He did. It’s open season on Trump supporters.