Liz Cheney Getting the Boot? Report: House GOP Ready to Strip Her of Chairmanship
Image of Liz Cheney: Screenshot from

Will Representative Liz Cheney soon be removed from her post as chair of the House Republican Conference Committee, the third-highest position of leadership on the GOP side of the U.S. House of Representatives? It appears so, if unconfirmed reports turn out to be accurate. The Hill, The Independent Sentinel, and other outlets have reported that “more than half” of the GOP House members have signed on to a petition circulated by Representative Andy Biggs (R-Ariz), chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, Montana GOP Representative Matt Rosendale, Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), and others that calls on her to resign her chairmanship.

Although Representative Cheney (R-Wy.) had been under fire for months by Republican House members for her repeated undermining of President Trump and for supporting Anthony Fauci’s increasingly tyrannical COVID restrictions, her decision to join the Pelosi Democrats in voting to impeach President Trump went beyond the pale, in the eyes of many members. As we reported on January 19 (“National Review, CNN, WSJ: Backstabber Liz Cheney Is New ‘Hero,’ ‘Conscience of GOP’”), Cheney was wildly cheered for her actions by the HateTrump media and the NeverTrump “Republicans” at National Review, The Bulwark, and the Wall Street Journal, but her colleagues and Republicans back home in Wyoming were fighting mad over her backstabbing of the president and her siding with the radical Democrats.

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“We, the undersigned, do hereby petition for a special meeting of the Republican Conference pursuant to Rule 6(d) to discuss a resolution on your leadership,” the House GOP petition states.

The petition calls on her to resign, charging that her denunciation of President Trump and her support for impeachment “have been used multiple times by Democrats as justification for a truncated impeachment process that denies the President due process.” Moreover, the petition states, her personal position “does not reflect that of the majority of the Republican Conference and has brought the Conference into disrepute and produced discord.”

The New American contacted the offices of Representatives Matt Rosendale and Andy Biggs for confirmation on the number of House GOP signatories to the petition, but had received no response by the time of going to post. Only one-fifth of the House Republicans need to sign the petition in order to prompt a vote on the matter, so a vote could come soon, and it appears there would then be more than sufficient votes to remove Cheney, if she doesn’t resign first.

Cheney Joins the HateTrump/NeverTrump Chorus

Smearing not only President Trump but the hundreds of thousands of law-abiding, peaceful Americans who had gathered in Washington, D.C., Cheney adopted the rhetoric of Pelosi, Schumer, and CNN, calling the Capitol riot of a few hundred radicals (including agent provocateurs from Antifa and BLM) an “insurrection,” and blaming Trump with this “betrayal.”

Cheney declared: “This insurrection caused injury, death and destruction in the most sacred space in our Republic. Much more will become clear in coming days and weeks, but what we know now is enough. The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

Cheney’s party leadership stature and media anointing emboldened nine other virtue-signaling Republicans to join Pelosi’s impeachment travesty and vote against the president. Those nine Republicans are Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, John Katko of New York, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Fred Upton of Michigan, Dan Newhouse of Washington, Peter Meijer of Michigan, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, David Valadao of California, and Tom Rice of South Carolina.

The backlash from outraged constituents and House colleagues was instantaneous, and has continued to mount. Cheney has defended her action and her denunciation of President Trump as acts of “conscience.” Last week she told reporters that she is “not going anywhere,” and would not resign. However, she may soon be faced with either resigning or being officially removed by the House Republicans.

Cheney might be considering returning to her old gig as a commentator for Fox News. However, with Fox now hemorrhaging viewers, due to their disastrous election reporting and their recently adopted anti-Trump bias, they might decide to pass on hiring Cheney, who would speed the exodus of millions more Fox viewers. However, CNN, MSNBC, of PBS/NPR would be good fits for the cowgirl-hat-wearing faux “conservative” from Wyoming.

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