Lincoln Project Spent All Money on Defeating Republicans. MSNBC Hosts Never Asked About Homosexual Stalker Despite 17 Appearances
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The hate-Trump Lincoln Project spent every penny of its advertising budget during the last election to defeat Republicans, federal records show.

Though the project bills itself as a conservative operation trying to save the GOP from former President Trump and his supporters, it is, in fact, a subversive left-wing outfit whose founders included a homosexual predator.

That story broke in early January. Yet despite more than a dozen appearances on MSNBC since then, the left-wing network’s hosts haven’t asked about John Weaver, who stalked a 14-year-old boy and at least 20 other young men.

Money for Democrats

“Of the $87.4 million raised by the Lincoln Project, nearly $50 million was used for independent expenditures,’ Breitbart reported, citing Open Secrets:

All of the Lincoln Project’s spending on political advertisements sought to assist Democrats and fall within two categories: “for Democrats” or “against Republicans.” It spent over $41 million in advertising against Republicans and over $5 million supporting Democrats.

The Lincoln Project spent $33.8 million in advertising directly against former President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election cycle. An additional $2.3 million was spent in express support of President Joe Biden.

The group targeted conservative Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Rand Paul of Kentucky, along with liberal Susan Collins of Maine and moderate Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

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The project raked in its money from corporate America and a Democrat political action committee:

The Lincoln Project’s largest donation, valued at $1.9 million, came from Senate Majority PAC, a Democrat-run super PAC. Other prominent benefactors include Google ($132,360), Microsoft ($120,400) Comcast ($119,037), Bain Capital ($326,000), and the University of California ($296,445).

Weaver Exposed

Those data are no surprise, but that aside, the blacklisting outfit now finds itself disgraced by Weaver, a confessed sex fiend.

Conservative writer Ryan Girdusky yanked Weaver out of the closet on January 11 in the American Conservative. On Sunday, the New York Times revealed that 21 men have accused Weaver of stalking. One was 14 when Weaver’s began grooming him in 2015.

Weaver waged a long campaign to wreck the life of Cole Trickle Miele, the young man told the newspaper.

“I remember being a 14-year-old kid interested in politics and being semi-starstruck by John Weaver engaging in a conversation with me,” the now 19-year-old told the Times: 

In June 2018, Mr. Weaver asked, “Are you in HS still?” — referring to high school — and Mr. Trickle Miele said that he was, and that he would be 18 the next spring. “You look older,” Mr. Weaver replied. “You’ve gotten taller.”

In March 2020, when Mr. Trickle Miele was 18, Mr. Weaver wrote, “I want to come to Vegas and take you to dinner and drinks and spoil you!!,” and in a follow-up message used a term that in sexual banter refers to one’s body: “Hey my boy! resend me your stats! or I can guess! if that is easier or more fun!”

By the time that report had appeared, Weaver had already quit the organization.

Girdusky and others, as The New American reported early today, say LP’s founders have lied about not knowing about Weavers’ predations. They knew about it, and did nothing.

No Questions

Between then and January 31, the date of the Times’s report, 20 days had elapsed, and the LP’s founders, The Daily Caller reported, appeared on MSNBC 17 times.

“When discussing impeachment on MSNBC’s Deadline on Jan. 26, Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson said that Republicans are ‘sunk in a swamp of complete moral and personal cowardice,” the webzine reported. “This appearance was 15 days after Girdusky first reported on the Weaver allegations.”

LP founder Steve Schmidt is another frequent face on MSNBC. But he too never had to respond about Weaver:

Steve Schmidt, another Lincoln Project co-founder, has served as a paid contributor on MSNBC since 2019, according to the Washington Post. During his eight appearances between Girdusky’s report and the NYT story, Schmidt offered commentary on his campaign to force Trump supporters “to apologize and retire from public life.”

Yet LP’s TV talkers received not a single inquiry about the predator they employed.

What About the Wife and Kids?

One question LP’s ballyhooed leaders might answer is why they saw nothing wrong with Weaver’s betraying his wife and kids, as The Times reported:

Steve Schmidt, a co-founder of the group, said its leaders had learned last summer from social media posts that Mr. Weaver, who has a wife and two children, might be involved in relationships with men, but emphasized, “There was no awareness or insinuations of any type of inappropriate behavior when we became aware of the chatter at the time.” Mr. Weaver denied the claims, Mr. Schmidt said in an interview.

Translation: Nothing was “inappropriate” about Weaver’s homosexual activities per se even though he had a family. Had he not been stalking young men, everything would have been fine.

At least that’s what Wilson said: “It wasn’t that John was gay. I don’t care about that.”

One wonders whether Wilson, Schmidt and the rest of the hate-Trump blacklisters care about Weaver’s wife and kids.