GOP Megadonors Lobby Senate to Confirm Biden’s Visa-selling Pick for DHS Chief
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The elites have spoken and their servants in the uniparty are poised to listen.

Several millionaire and billionaire GOP donors are pressing Senate Republicans to support Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security.

Alejandro Mayorkas (shown), whom Biden has tapped, helped lead the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) during the Obama administration, an era in which protections against fraud were eliminated.

In fact, Obama’s own inspector general (IG) found that Mayorkas improperly intervened to secure EB-5 visas for wealthy foreign nationals to whom he was politically tied.

Among the donors trying to get Republicans to back Mayorkas is John Rowe, a billionaire associated with the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC). He told the Associated Press about his efforts, stating he planned to speak with several Republican senators to urge them to support Mayorkas.

“This is an easy vote,” said Rowe, the former CEO of Exelon Corp. “Some of the other immigration votes are not that easy for Republicans who have to go home to primaries. No one is going to lose their seat because they vote to confirm Mayorkas.”

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In the last two years alone, Rowe has given large sums of money to the party, including nearly $40,000 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Mike Fernandez, a billionaire based out of Miami and a Jeb Bush donor, wrote an endorsement of Mayorkas in the Sun-Sentinel:

Former Deputy Secretary Mayorkas is a known quantity who’s proven his ability to work with all concerned and find solutions in the best interest of everyone involved. He has proven he possesses the intelligence, integrity and skills to carry out the mission of the Department of Homeland Security: “safeguard the American people, our homeland and our values.”

ABIC’s executive committee, which consists almost entirely of GOP donors, have issued a letter supporting Mayorkas:

As business leaders, we have worked closely with Mayorkas when he was director of USCIS, and we know him to be an effective leader with deep professionalism and integrity. On the issue of naturalization, he reduced backlogs and created professional and transparent systems that kept naturalization affordable through fee waivers for working poor immigrants. Mr. Mayorkas also stood up the DACA program in a period of 60 days, running a problem-free program that is now one of President Obama’s signature policies. As Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, Mr. Mayorkas ran a department that professionally and speedily processed a wide range of visas essential to our business community, including high-skilled, entrepreneur, agriculture, and temporary worker visas.

Former Deputy Secretary Mayorkas has our deepest respect for his relentless leadership, and we believe that he possesses the intelligence, integrity, and skills to carry out your policy priorities. Thank you for your consideration of our experience and support for him. Please let us know if you have any questions, and we would be more than happy to discuss our recommendation.

Signatories of that letter include GOP donors Bill Kunkler, who gave more than $20,000 to Republicans this year, and Woody Hunter, who this year contributed nearly $60,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee.

The big business, pro-migration lobby has long had a stranglehold on the Republican Party, which is why pro-America immigration controls like those espoused by President Trump have repeatedly failed to find realization in Congress despite the overwhelming support for such policies among the Republican base.

It’s also why Republicans such as Marco Rubio are already quietly laying the groundwork for an amnesty bill should Joe Biden become president.

Thankfully, there are members of the party who won’t go along with the open-borders program. Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), for example, has said he will not support Mayorkas’ nomination.

“He was found by Barack Obama’s inspector general to be guilty of selling green cards to Chinese nationals on behalf of rich Democratic donors,” Cotton said. “Think about that. Selling citizenship to well-connected Chinese nationals on behalf of Democratic Party donors. That is disqualifying to lead the Department of Homeland Security.”

Because Mayorkas’ nomination to head DHS would go before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) is likely to lead, Americans concerned about immigration policy would do well to contact Portman’s office to stop a Mayorkas confirmation.