Former Dem POTUS Candidate: Loose Lips on Court-packing Sunk Party In Senate
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Former Democrat presidential candidate John Delaney says angry shouts to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with leftist justices killed the party’s chance to take the Senate.

Democrats and their leftist army on Twitter twisted themselves into a foaming rage after and even before the GOP-controlled Senate confirmed Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett just weeks before the election. So just as they did during the confirmation hearings of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, they began discussing a fix to the game of American politics so they can’t lose.

And that, avers the former representative of Maryland’s 6th district, hurt them at the voting booth.

“Self-inflicted Wound”
“Packing the court” didn’t help Democrats with the Senate races last night, Delaney tweeted:

The thing to remember about the “court packing” argument is that it was entirely a self-inflicted wound. Republicans didn’t make this up, Democrats decided to start talking about it right before an election.

The court-packing talk began less than 24 hours after the death of Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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“If Sen. McConnell and @SenateGOP  were to force through a nominee during the lame duck session — before a new Senate and President can take office — then the incoming Senate should immediately move to expand the Supreme Court,” said leftist Representative Jerry Nadler of New York, chief of the House Judiciary Committee.

“Filling the SCOTUS vacancy during a lame-duck session, after the American people have voted for new leadership, is undemocratic and a clear violation of the public trust in elected officials. Congress would have to act and expanding the court would be the right place to start,” Nadler continued.

Worse still, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden wouldn’t say whether he backed such a plan because voters “don’t deserve” to know his position.

Thus did Delaney conclude that discussing such a plan was not a bright idea.

Followers agreed. “Polling showed that this was incredibly unpopular — even with Dems & Independents,” one wrote.

“It’s 100% of the reason I voted R in my Senate race,” tweeted another.

Many of the replies revealed that many Democrats and liberals simply do not understand what “court packing” is.

“The Republicans packed the court John,” came one reply. “That is the reality we all live in. Maybe if you are white, male, and rich you can be ok with that but the rest of us have a big problem with it. Please be quiet until you have something constructive to say.”

When another tweet explained what court packing is, the writer was undeterred:

Split all the hairs you want. Over 70 Obama nominees for the federal bench never made it to the Senate floor. If you don’t want to call it court packing — what turn of phrase would you prefer? And FDR ruled the day btw.

Court packing has a definite meaning: expanding the size of the Supreme Court to achieve a political end. It does not mean refusing to consider a nominee, or holding hearings and confirming one near Election Day that will provide a conservative or liberal majority.

The term refers to Franklin Delano Roosvelt’s failed scheme to boost the number of justices for every sitting justice older than 70 to a maximum of six. FDR wanted to pack the court because it repeatedly ruled his New Deal socialism policies and programs unconstitutional.

Now, apparently, it means confirming a justice with whom the Left is displeased.

Democrat Plan Nothing New
But the Left floated the idea even before the Barrett confirmation.

When it became clear the false charges of rape wouldn’t sink the confirmation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats opened discussion of court-packing.

“Democrats are going to face a fundamental choice about the Supreme Court the next time they control the presidency and Congress and try to carry out substantial reforms,” leftist Paul Starr wrote at the American Prospect.

That’s because “the Court will likely have reversed many long-standing liberal precedents and policies and be poised to strike down new progressive initiatives.” 

Democrats accused the GOP of “stealing” the seat because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would not confirm President Obama’s nominee, federal judge Merrick Garland, to replace deceased Associate Justice Antonin Scalia.

Even if Joe Biden becomes POTUS 46, court packing won’t happen for at least two years because the GOP appears to have retained control of the Senate.

Democrat Delaney blames that on his own party.

H/T: The Daily Caller