Globalists Use Putin as Foil to Push TTIP U.S.-EU Merger

“Vladimir Putin Hates the TTIP: Which is exactly why Europe and America need to get it done.” Those are the title and subtitle for a November 19 op-ed by Admiral James Stavridis at, the website of the establishment journal Foreign Policy.

A problem for Stavridis and the TTIP promotional choir is that Putin (shown on right) is on record as favoring Russia’s eventual convergence with the EU. And the recent developments of Putin’s newly formed Eurasian Union are following his proposals for a regional approach to world government that closely parallels the regionalist strategy as detailed by Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and other globalist demigods.

The Stavridis piece is a clear indication that the global government advocates at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and their corporate-banking cronies at the Transatlantic Business Council, the Business Alliance for TTIP, and the Atlantic Council, are stepping up their campaign of employing Vladimir Putin as a scarecrow to stampede Americans into supporting the dangerous Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

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Admiral Stavridis, U.S. Navy (ret.), who now serves as head of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, is a CFR member and a reliable retailer of the organization’s globalist propaganda. “Flying under the international radar,” says Stavridis in his Foreign Policy piece, “is one of the most potentially important agreements ever negotiated across the broad Atlantic: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), also known as the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA).”

In one of the only truthful statements in the op-ed, Stavridis admits that the TTIP is “flying under the international radar,” a sly acknowledgment of the fact that “one of the most potentially important agreements ever negotiated” has been already brought to this advanced stage by secrecy, stealth, and deception. As The New American has pointed out repeatedly (see, for instance, Secretly Trading Away Our Independence), a key objection to the TTIP, as well as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other “trade” pacts, is the hermetically sealed environment in which they are negotiated, with the process and the texts being inaccessible to the American public, or even to their elected members of Congress. Meanwhile, select, privileged representatives of the approved corporate, banking, labor, and environmental lobbies are given access and participation rights.

“It is a big basket of agreed-upon rules and regulations that would make the United States and much of Europe a free trade zone, perhaps increasing overall trade by as much as 50 percent, according to the European Commission and the White House.” It is indeed a big basket of rules and regulations, which will add to the burden of ObamaCare and the hundreds of thousands of federal regulations that are already crushing American business with a regulatory load that now costs an incredible $1.8 trillion annually.

Like NAFTA, the TTIP, if passed, would undoubtedly lead to a new wave of outsourcing, stripping away much of our remaining manufacturing base.

But we are not supposed to pay attention to any of these very real, very serious concerns, because, we are told, the bonus for passing the TTIP is that it will cause Vladimir Putin great vexation and heartburn.

“Guess what? Putin hates it,” Stavridis claims. “It’s not hard to figure out why: it would more tightly bind Europe to the United States, thus hurting Russian leverage. The TTIP is a sensible agreement on economic grounds, broadly speaking. But it also holds enormous real value in the geopolitical sphere.”

According to the CFR admiral, the TTIP provides geopolitical security benefits because “increased linkages between the United States and our European allies and partners will stand in direct opposition to Putin’s key strategy of driving a wedge between the United States and the EU as the central members of the transatlantic community.”

Stavridis concludes his exhortation by declaring: “Indeed, a negotiated and eventually ratified TTIP would be a powerful signal to Putin’s Russia that Europe and the United States stand together in all dimensions — values, politics, security, and trade. And if Putin hates it, TTIP probably makes sense.”

TTIP: New World Order Briar Patch X 2

However, before jumping on the anti-Putin, pro-TTIP bandwagon, it would be wise to consider that it might actually be a Br’er Rabbit briar patch for the New World Order.

For those a little foggy on Uncle Remus’s fable about Br’er Rabbit, Br’er Fox and the briar patch, here’s the gist of the story: After Br’er Fox captures Br’er Rabbit with the Tar Baby, Br’er Rabbit escapes by using reverse psychology to cause Br’er Fox to throw him into the briar patch. “I don’t care what you do with me, Brer Fox” said Brer Rabbit., “just don’t fling me in that briar patch over there. Hang me, skin me, roast me, Brer Fox, but don’t fling me in in that briar patch.” Br’er Rabbit so convincingly pleaded not to be thrown into the briars that Br’er Fox was certain this would be the ultimate punishment for his nemesis. Of course, after being tossed into the briar patch, Br’er Rabbit scampered away safely, mocking his erstwhile captor, who had done exactly what Br’er Rabbit had wanted all along. In the case of Putin and TTIP, however, there is a added twist: Putin isn’t fooling the CFR globalists with his faux opposition to the TTIP; he is actually working hand in hand with them to fool the real target — the American public, and more specifically, American conservatives who constitute the major opposition to the TTIP.

The TTIP actually would benefit both Putin and the CFR globalists in multiple ways. Putin is playing the TTIP issue for his own political advantage, both to his domestic Russian audience as well as the global anti-American audience. Putin’s saber-rattling over Ukraine and his military excursion there paid off handsomely in terms of stirring up Russian nationalism and further boosting his domestic popularity. It has also paid off economically. The U.S.-EU sanctions imposed on Russia have been offset by the IMF/U.S./EU bailout of Ukraine, which ended up transferring billions of dollars to the Kremlin to pay off Ukraine’s debts and energy bills to Russia (see here, here, and here).

The globalists have certainly benefited from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as Michael Knigge, head of the editorial team for the Deutsche Welle newspaper, a leading globalist mouthpiece in Germany, acknowledged. In an op-ed mockingly entitled “Thank You, Mr. Putin,” Knigge wrote: “Your power play does what we couldn’t: revive our two key projects. With your annexation of the Crimea you have thrown a much-needed lifeline to two fundamental Western projects: European integration and the transatlantic partnership.”

“You knew that even 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, nothing concentrates the Western mind like a Soviet-style land grab in Eastern Europe,” said Knigge,

In two key articles, “Putin: Key Player in the ‘New World Order’” and “Putin’s East vs. Globalist West: Merging Into a New World Order” (see links below) The New American’s Alex Newman surveys the abundant evidence demonstrating that Putin, far from opposing the globalist plans for world government, is actually fully on board with the scheme, including giving the UN, IMF, and WTO vast new powers.

Putin is even on record as countenancing eventual economic convergence with the EU. Speaking at an economic conference in Germany in 2010 (as reported by TheTelegraph), Putin said: “Can it be supposed that one day Russia will be in some joint currency zone with Europe? Yes, quite possible.”

Moreover, Putin stated in 2011 that his newly formed Eurasian Union is modeled on the European Union and “will be based on universal integration principles as an essential part of Greater Europe.” Putin wrote: “We suggest a powerful supranational association capable of becoming one of the poles in the modern world and serving as an efficient bridge between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region. Alongside other key players and regional structures, such as the European Union, the United States, China and APEC, the Eurasian Union will help ensure global sustainable development.” The sustainable development to which he refers, of course, means UN-supervised, centralized global control over all human activity and micromanagement of the entire planet.

While the TTIP process has been rightfully condemned by critics from across the entire political spectrum for its lack of transparency, the pro-TTIP op-ed offered by Admiral Stavridis and Foreign Policy is very transparently a deceptive manipulation and an exercise in reverse psychology ripped from the pages of Tales of Uncle Remus. But if a sufficient number of Americans are clued in to the TTIP dangers, they will easily recognize this as one briar patch too far and dump the TTIP in the same way that they rejected the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and the North American Union/Security and Prosperity Partnership (NAU/SPP).

Photo of Putin:

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Putin: Key Player in the “New World Order”

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