“First Coattail Election With No Coat”: GOP Wins Widely, but Trump Loses?
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Does it make sense that a rising red tide should lift all boats in a carrier group except the carrier, whether it’s the USS Donald Trump or not?

This is basically what has happened this election, do note, with Republicans apparently holding the Senate despite having far more seats to defend, gaining ground in the House, and adding a state legislature and one governorship — yet supposedly losing the presidency. As one commentator put it, “This is the first coattail election with no coat.”

It’s especially odd given that many people were concerned about the opposite outcome: new Trump voters, notably among minorities, casting ballots for the president but not otherwise supporting his party.

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The Washington Examiner writes about the Republican gains:

Democrats had been hoping their landslide victory would hand them power in a number of new state legislative chambers.

This was key to their goal of cementing themselves into power. Not only would it give them opportunities to advance their policy agenda, but it would also hand them much greater control over the redistricting process than they had enjoyed in 2011.

Alas, with only Arizona’s results still outstanding, it appears that Democrats failed to flip even a single legislative chamber in their favor. The latest tally by the National Conference of State Legislatures suggests that Republicans gained full legislative control in New Hampshire (and thus full control of the state government), and that’s about it.

This failure will echo through the next decade. Democrats, given greater power at the state level, could have erected massive obstacles to Republicans’ goal of staging a post-Trump comeback. Instead, they now look forward to a second dismal decade of living under maps they did not themselves draw.

(Hat tip for the above and for the below tweets, American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson.)

Noting this absence of a blue wave, many observers suspect blue knaves — of being the miasma beneath Biden’s wings.

Moreover, is it believable that Trump won Ohio by more than eight points but may lose Georgia? Really?

Other anomalies were noted, too:

Of course, some may counter that with Trump being an unusual figure, many Americans might have voted for GOP representatives but against the president. Others have wondered why vote fraudsters would steal votes for Biden, but not for Democrats in down-ticket races. Yet neither of these points is refutative.

First, Trump being an unusual figure, there might have been people splitting the ticket the other way, voting Democrat down-ballot and for Trump for president. Second, the fraudsters likely did steal down-ticket votes as well.

Perhaps overlooked is that the Republican wave might have been far greater had such votes not been stolen. In keeping with this, note that the GOP House candidates did not win races in Democrat areas.

Consider: The Republicans picked up eight Democrat House seats (two were negated by a pair of Democrats beating Republicans elsewhere). Five of the eight were in states that went for Trump: Two in Florida; and one each in Iowa, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.

The other three were divided among states that supposedly went for Biden. But what really tells that tale is that all three seats were won in Republican/Republican leaning areas in those states: Michigan’s District 3, Minnesota’s District 7, and New Mexico’s District 2.

This is relevant because localities largely run their own elections. In other words, the crucial factor influencing Democrat vote fraud in a district is not whether the state it’s in is Republican or Democrat, but whether it itself is Republican or Democrat.  

Yet most striking is simply the evidence of vote fraud itself. Here’s a series of recent articles and videos outlining it:

I’ll add that, as I’ve mentioned in recent days, I have a source who told me before November 3 that the Democrats would steal the election and that the main factor would be massive numbers of discarded GOP ballots.

If the culprits aren’t held to account for 2020’s massive vote fraud, it’s hard to imagine how there could ever again be an honest major election in America. For vote fraud has long been a problem. But catalyzing this election’s unprecedented level of it is establishment desperation to eliminate a threat; irrational Democrat rank-and-file hatred of Trump; the projection-born illusion that he represents an existential threat to our republic; and, feeding off the lie that the president stole the 2016 election, the justification that “turnaround is fair play.”  

Once the precedent is set, however, why wouldn’t the same formula be used against future Republican presidential nominees? The Democrats would know they can steal any election via the swing states they control and that there’d be no accountability. All reward and no risk mean wash, rinse, repeat.

And that, my friends, is the real existential threat to our nation.