Don, Jr. Is Right: Don’t Expect Support in 2024 if You Won’t Support Trump Today
Photo of Donald Trump, Jr.: Gage Skidmore via Wikipedia
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The big names of the GOP establishment are being exposed like the infamous emperor with new clothes.

Amid the tumultuous aftermath of the 2020 presidential race, Donald Trump, Jr. called out potential 2024 Republican presidential candidates for their lack of support for his father as Donald Trump battles the narrative of the mainstream media that the election is over and that there has been no appreciable vote fraud, despite Trump’s claims, and much evidence, the opposite is true.

Trump, Jr. decried what he referred to as a “total lack of action” on the part of those who may throw their hats in the ring in four years’ time, even with glaring voting inconsistencies.

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“They have a perfect platform to show that they’re willing & able to fight but they will cower to the media mob instead,” tweeted the president’s son, who some observers see as a potential future candidate for political office himself. He added that his father “will fight & they can watch as usual!”

The president’s second son, Eric Trump, also censured what he saw as a failure of the Republican Party to stand by the president, and called on the GOP to “have some backbone.”

The Trump brothers demanded that Republicans step up their efforts to defend the president as his campaign and party officials file lawsuits in various states to reverse the tide of ballot dumps in battleground states that have overwhelmingly favored Joe Biden.

Not long after Donald Trump, Jr.’s tweet, several Republicans seen as potential future presidential candidates delivered pro-Trump statements on Twitter.

“All votes that are *legally* cast should be counted. There is NO excuse not to allow poll watchers to observe counting,” tweeted Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.).

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R), who served as United Nations ambassador under Trump, also tweeted, “We all owe @realDonaldTrump for his leadership of conservative victories for Senate, House, & state legislatures.”

“He and the American people deserve transparency & fairness as the votes are counted. The law must be followed. We have to keep the faith that the truth will prevail,” she added.

Trump, Jr. gave credit to Senator Josh Hawly (R-Mo.) for having already stated that he favored various voting changes. “If last 24 hrs have made anything clear, it’s that we need new election integrity laws NOW. Ban ballot harvesting, guarantee poll watcher access, make ballot counting transparent. I will introduce,” Hawley had tweeted.

Many oddities surround the results of the election, oddities that fan suspicions of targeted voter fraud in the districts and states needed to turn the tide of the election in the favor of Joe Biden.

For example, in Detroit (Biden ostensibly won Michigan, which President Trump won in 2016), the windows at the absentee ballot counting center were covered up to prevent the public from watching the results. 

There were reports in many Democrat-controlled precincts of Republican poll watchers being denied a view of the counting.

Moreover, there’s the fact that on election night, battleground states such as Pennsylvania mysteriously brought their counting to a halt early in the evening while President Trump was ahead. Then, the counting dragged on for days for the few remaining votes, and the remaining ballots miraculously brought Joe Biden ahead of the president in nearly every case.

It is also curious that Republicans did well down ballot, holding the Senate, expanding their numbers in the House, and winning a governorship and state legislature. In short, Republicans benefited from the coattail effect, yet the “coat” himself supposedly did not win.

With Biden in the lead in key states the president needs to win, such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, it appears that recounts and court challenges are President Trump’s best options for prevailing. 

Not only is the Republican Party in general failing to support its leader; the party has dropped the ball for years for failing to take any definitive action on voter fraud, which is talked about in every election.

Don, Jr. is right to lash out at the 2024 hopefuls. If the Republic is to survive, it needs leaders who are willing to take a stand in a moment of crisis; not opportunists who jump on a movement to make a name for themselves and then jump off when the going gets tough.