Democratic Socialist Convention Does Impression of Mental Asylum

It may seem like a parody by satire site the Onion or conservative actors, but the Democratic Socialist Convention this weekend was all too real — and unreal.

The event, which took place Friday through Sunday in Atlanta, was crazy enough to make America’s most famous Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), look tame, with bans on clapping, “aggressive scents,” and complaints about “gendered” language and sensory overload.

In typical modern Democrat style, delegates “overwhelmingly voted in favor of resolutions that, among other things, call for open borders and endorsing a Green New Deal program,” writes Protean. But that was just their warm-up.

Channeling Lenin and Stalin, convention participants really did address each other as “comrade.” Nonetheless, this wasn’t your grandfather’s socialism. According to Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson, Lenin and Stalin might not have been allowed to speak at the affair because of a racial/group-identity hierarchy system in effect.

Caucasians were allowed to provide input, however — if they were snowflake white. Just consider one delegate, who opened with, “Uh, quick point of personal privilege.”

“Um, guys, first of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him,” he continued, introducing himself and making clear he didn’t possess victim-group “personal pronouns.” “I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to a minimum? I’m one of the people who’s very, very prone to sensory overload. There’s a lot of whispering and chattering going on; it’s making it very difficult for me to focus.”

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“Please, I know we’re all fresh and ready to go,” he further pleaded. “But, please, can we just keep the chatter to a minimum? It’s affecting my ability to focus.” (Inability to focus would explain the embrace of socialism.)

“Thank you, comrade,” the emcee replied, intending to move on, not realizing that one snowflake had just trampled on another snowflake’s snowflakery. For an individual who’d seemed irritated at Jackson’s comments chimed in, moving toward the microphone and exclaiming, “Point of personal privilege, point of personal privilege!”

“Please do not use gendered language to address everyone!” (alluding to Jackson’s use of “guys.” Must-watch video below).

Perhaps the convention organizers realized how insane they could look, as one speaker warned against talking to members of the media who couldn’t show proper credentials. There were “right-wing infiltrators,” he said, of whom they had to be wary.

“Don’t talk to cops. Don’t talk to MAGA a**holes,” he further admonished. “If you do see someone talking to cops, let the marshals know.”

This evoked no applause — in fact, nothing at the convention did. But this wasn’t for lack of approval. Clapping had been banned, apparently because it can induce stress; instead, delegates registered support with the sign-language applause known as “jazz hands.” This is when a person holds up his hands, fingers splayed out, and rotates them slightly side to side. (This reminds me of leftists banning dodgeball. Yeah, these people are about as much fun as an outhouse at 30 below zero.)

This idea isn’t original, mind you. For example, a British university’s student-union body passed a motion last year to replace clapping with jazz hands. The union’s “access and liberations officer” (huh?) explained that “many people with autism, sensory issues and deafness had been ‘discouraged’ from attending events because of loud clapping and cheering,” ABC News related.

Of course, as one YouTube commenter asked, what about the blind (oh, sorry — I mean, optically challenged)? Jazz hands don’t do much for them.

Yet if the convention hall was still too uproarious, it was not to fear. The speaker who earlier warned of rightist infiltrators informed delegates that they also had a “completely quiet room.” He added, however, that no one should “go into that space with anything that’s, like, an aggressive scent.”

I prefer passive-aggressive scents myself, and like common scents (and sense) even more. But I can envision tomorrow’s woke Chanel perfume commercial: “Try our Coco Loco Gender Fluid — an unaggressive scent for today’s non-discriminating snowflake.”

Of course, people who can worry about scents, sounds, and “gendered” language aren’t the exploited poor; they’re spoiled brats who, never having endured real hardship, have invented problems. They exhibit, as pundit Tucker Carlson’s left-wing guest (video above) Angela Nagle put it, “bourgeois narcissism.”

As mentioned earlier, it would seem hard to spoof these leftists. Yet satire site the Babylon Bee managed to do so, with an article entitled “Democratic Socialist Convention Forced To Communicate Via Interpretive Dance To Avoid Offending Any Attendees.”

Interestingly, though, spoofing leftists’ supposed anti-talking sentiments is nothing new. Just consider the video clip below from a 1971 All in the Family episode (the first minute is hilarious).

Joking aside, while it’s easy to poke fun at these leftists’ lunacy, their influence is no laughing matter. It’s not just that they’d bankrupt our nation the way they’re bankrupting themselves (see here). It’s that they’re influencing the Democratic Party and, as epitomized by Ocasio-Cortez and Co., represent a growing movement. Remember, too, that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi crew were also at one time dismissed as cranks and kooks by many.

The even deeper issue is that the feelings-based squabbling witnessed at the socialists’ convention is what happens when people deny Truth and descend into relativism. It’s called the Truth because there’s only one; it’s called a lie because there are many. Post-truth people can follow any one of innumerable lies — and many will conflict with one another.

This is why “inclusiveness” and “non-judgmentalism” are impossible goals. As philosopher G.K. Chesterton put it, “There are only two kinds of people, those who accept dogmas and know it, and those who accept dogmas and don’t know it.”

Everyone draws lines and enforces dogmas, even, and especially, leftists. Those ending up under their thumb upon their rise to power find this out, too — the hard way.

Image: screenshot from YouTube video