De Blasio, Democrats Abandon Social Distancing to Party for Biden
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Now that Democrats believe (or want us to believe) Joe Biden will be the next president, it seems they’re perfectly fine with “COVID parties.”

After the mainstream media, with a nearly unanimous voice, declared Biden the winner of the presidential election over the weekend (an untrue statement, as the Electoral College won’t select the president until December and lawsuits and recounts could end Biden’s projected win by then), Democrats celebrated en masse, ignoring the Left’s own common and frantic call to “social distance.”

In some cases, even prominent Democrat office holders who have pushed lockdowns and mandatory masks forsook precautions to revel in Biden’s supposed victory.

Among Democrat leaders rationalizing the close-quarter partying by members of their party was New York Mayor Bill De Blasio, who at his daily press briefing brushed off concerns that the Biden victory celebrations could spread coronavirus.

At the briefing, a New York Post reporter noted that although the attendees at many such meetings wore masks, they largely did not abide by the social-distancing guidelines that the mayor has himself urged New Yorkers to follow.

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On the contrary, De Blasio said outdoor gatherings with a mask were less cause for concern than indoor gatherings without a mask.

“This is really what we’re seeing decisively. Those outdoor gatherings, always something to keep an eye on. But if people keep a mask on and they’re outdoors, we haven’t seen too much will come of that,” De Blasio said. “Increasingly the concern is, more and more people are indoors, fewer and fewer … wearing a mask. That’s overwhelming where our concern is.”

However, he did not address the lack of social distancing observed at such festivities, where videos showed attendees packed shoulder-to-shoulder. De Blasio himself appeared in selfies with individuals celebrating.

This comes after De Blasio, back in April, announced that the NYPD was breaking up the funeral of a Brooklyn rabbi that attracted hundreds. Earlier, his administration rolled out an app for New Yorkers to report fellow residents who violate social distancing guidelines — and imposed a penalty of up to $500 for violators.

Democrats claim to follow the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which advises people to social-distance both indoors and outdoors.

Another prominent Democrat mayor, Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C., also disregarded the social distancing she has forced upon her constituents when she traveled to Delaware to attend Biden’s victory speech.

Curiously, Delaware is on a list of states deemed “high risk” that Bowser’s office released just last week. 

The guidelines state that “anyone coming into Washington, DC from a high-risk state (within the prior 14 days) who was traveling for non-essential activities will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days from their arrival in the district.”

It further states that “individuals traveling from high-risk states after essential travel or arriving in the District for essential travel are required to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days and, if they show signs or experience symptoms of COVID-19, they are to self-quarantine and seek medical advice or testing.”

The Democrat mayor defended her attendance at the Biden event as “essential travel.”

There’s also the “surprising” news on Monday that Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, claimed that a vaccine developed by his administration and German company Biontech is more than 90 percent effective in preventing infection.

“I think all the vaccine trials were designed to measure at least 50% efficacy but one can only hope for something as good as a 90% efficacious vaccine,” Dr. Richard Novak, head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UI Health, said. “I thought ‘wow, that’s incredible.’”

It’s almost as though Democrats were just waiting for Joe Biden to “win” in order for the world to magically go back to normal. Apparently, the coronavirus is only a cause for concern when Donald Trump is president. 

The establishment’s sudden shift in attitude toward COVID-19 only highlights what patriots and truth-focused outlets such as The New American have been saying for months: The “pandemic” was largely nothing more than a ruse to serve the various ends of the Deep State, which, among others, included providing cover to the voter fraud necessary to prevent President Trump’s reelection.

It was, after all, the pandemic fears that led states to adopt universal mail-in voting in this election, a practice President Trump and conservatives repeatedly warned about.