Experts: Trump Is Target of “Color Revolution”

President Donald Trump appears to be the target of a “Color Revolution”-style coup attempt by powerful actors within and outside of the U.S. government and even in the Armed Forces, according to experts in the field and a growing list of prominent analysts. Indeed, many of the same individuals and organizations involved in other “revolutions” around the world are helping lay the groundwork for a similar operation in the United States. The same strategies are being used, too. The chaotic 2020 election will be the focal point.

Biden expressed confidence that the military would “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch” if called upon to do so. Whether the “Color Revolution” plot will succeed, though, remains to be seen at this point.

Between massive levels of expected voter fraud, open insubordination among senior military leaders, escalating riots in the streets, the much-hyped “siege” of the White House by revolutionaries, and a powerful media machine dedicated to overthrowing the administration, the chaos is likely to keep growing as November 3 approaches. Individuals close to Trump and outside his network have all warned the nation about what is brewing. Outrageously fake polls are conditioning Americans to view any Trump victory as fraudulent. The pieces of the planned coup are falling into place.

At the center of the effort to overthrow Trump and potentially even America’s constitutional republic is a shadowy George Soros-backed group known as the Transition Integrity Project (TIP). This “bipartisan” establishment network of mostly secret NeverTrump “RINO” Republicans and Democrats founded by a key Soros operative has been war-gaming various scenarios involving the upcoming 2020 election. The goal: ensuring Trump leaves the White House no matter what, even if it means a “street fight” or military involvement to secure a Biden victory.

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TIP and its operatives such as disgraced former Obama and Clinton bigwig John Podesta (of “spirit cooking” fame) are already laying the groundwork to try to overthrow Trump and secure major institutional changes even if the president wins in a clear victory, the group’s leaked report revealed. Among other strategies, the outfit has floated the idea of states ignoring voters to send Biden electors to the Electoral College. It has also called for Big Tech social-media companies to censor information it disagrees with. And it is not-so-subtly encouraging revolutionary Marxist groups such as Black Lives Matter funded by Soros and other powerful figures to unleash hell.

Already, the true colors of these alleged coup plotters are showing. The founder of the TIP group, Nils Gilman, vice president of the Communist Chinese Party-linked Berggruen Institute, made headlines recently for calling for the actual execution of Trump national security official Michael Anton as a Nazi criminal. Yes, seriously. Analysts said this sort of incendiary rhetoric and calls for killing political opponents provide a sneak preview of what is to come if the alleged color revolutionaries get their way amid the 2020 election.

The Democratic Party and many of its leading luminaries appear to be fully on board. In fact, more than a few have already made clear that they will not accept a Trump victory no matter what happens. Former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, for example, even urged 2020’s Democrat contender, Joe Biden, not to concede defeat in the election under any circumstances. The establishment media is peddling the dangerous narrative, too. And top current and former military officials associated with Deep State are already openly speaking about intervention by the Armed Forces.

The TIP ran four scenarios involving the election. Considering that there were literally no Trump supporters involved in the scheme, it should not be surprising that there are no scenarios where Trump wins and simply remains president. Only the first option was relatively smooth. Basically, under the first scenario, Biden won a clear victory in both the popular vote and Electoral College, and so Trump leaves the White House after his allegations of vote fraud by Democrats go nowhere.

In the second scenario, Biden secures a narrow victory in the election, and Trump points out that there was massive voter fraud by Democrats through mail-in voting. In this scenario, protests and violence break out on the streets across America. Still, Trump is ultimately “escorted” from the White House by the Secret Service after his term expires so Biden can take office.

The third scenario gets significantly more complicated. This one envisioned a close election in which Trump wins. However, the entire election hinges on the state of Michigan, where apparently some ballots were destroyed. This leads Michigan’s governor to send a rival slate of electors supporting Biden. Both Biden and Trump send supporters out into the streets, and there is no clear president by January 20. It was not clear what would happen next.

The fourth and final scenario gives Trump a clear victory in the Electoral College, but Biden supposedly wins the popular vote, leading to unrest. Using the alleged popular-vote win as leverage, Biden and his Deep State backers demand “concessions” including eliminating the Electoral College, making Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico into (Democrat-controlled) states, turning California into multiple states, and thereby packing the U.S. Senate with a new Democrat senators. West Coast states threaten secession if Trump and America do not give in. There is no clear president on January 20, and the TIP report cryptically concludes that it was not clear what the military would do.

Key TIP individuals are already psychologically conditioning the public to accept their subversive coup attempt. Writing in the radical anti-Trump Washington Post, owned by Deep State billionaire Jeff Bezos of Amazon, TIP bigwig Rosa Brooks lays it out in plain English. In the piece, headlined “What’s the Worst that Could Happen: The Election Will Likely Spark Violence and a Constitutional Crisis,” Brooks argues, “If things go as badly as our exercises suggest they might, a sustained, nonviolent protest movement may be America’s best and final hope.”

Brooks is also warning that the Department of Justice may try to investigate massive mail-in-voting fraud in certain key states. This, she hopes readers will agree, must be viewed as evidence of Trump seeking to stay in power against the will of the voters as some sort of dictator. In other words, if the administration seeks to prevent fraud by coup plotters, it will provide the justification for more extreme measures by the coup plotters. Cracking down on violence and crime by the coup plotters’ useful idiots in the streets will similarly justify the coup plotters’ machinations.

Alongside all of the above, plans to deploy the military against President Trump are also being openly discussed amid the expected chaos of mail-in-voting and the lack of a clear winner. Biden, former Vice President Al Gore, and other key individuals have already floated the idea. Retired Lieutenant Colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling even wrote an open letter to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley urging him to be ready to give the order to use the military to remove Trump from the White House by force if supposedly needed. Talk of civil war is getting louder, too. 

Unfortunately for Trump, even at the highest levels of his administration, Deep State swamp creatures surround him. For instance, like many of the coup plotters openly preparing the Color Revolution-style operation, Trump’s current Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, is actually member of the anti-Trump globalist Deep State organization known as the Council on Foreign Relations. A defector from the CFR, U.S. Admiral Chester Ward, warned that there was no term of revulsion more hated by CFR members than “America First.” Esper has also already publicly suggested he would defy orders to put down an insurrection in America if the president were to do what many others have done many times before and invoke the Insurrection Act.

Along with the military, the intelligence community and especially the Central Intelligence Agency are also involved, according to former high-ranking U.S. officials such as Reagan Treasury leader Paul Craig Roberts. He argued that the CIA, which is “very experienced at color revolutions,” is helping this plot along, as is the establishment media in the United States and worldwide. Massive violence from Antifa and Black Lives Matter should be expected, along with an unprecedented propaganda campaign against Trump. “The CIA will be certain that the violence is well funded,” Roberts said. Former CIA chief John McLaughlin has publicly thanked his “god” for the Deep State’s efforts to take down Trump.

The term “Color Revolution,” which is now being used all over the place, refers to various efforts to overthrow existing governments in recent decades, primarily in Eastern Europe but also in Asia and the Middle East. These regime-change operations have often been orchestrated by Western Deep State elites acting through “intelligence” agencies and “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs). While some have been portrayed as “anti-communist,” KGB defectors such as Anatoly Golitsyn revealed Communist plans for these phony “revolutions” years before they happened. The tax-funded National Endowment for Democracy has been key in helping these along.

The Obama administration’s ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul, another member of the global-government promoting Deep State group Council on Foreign Relations, has written extensively on these “color” revolutions, which he now seeks to re-brand as “democratic breakthroughs.” He identified a number of traits they have in common, including an “unpopular incumbent,” an organized effort to discredit election results by the media, mobilization of large numbers of protesters, and “divisions” among supporters of the target. All of that is happening now in America.

McFaul and his CFR cohorts appear to be right at the center of it. Consider that McFaul recently wrote on social media that Trump had “lost” the “intelligence community,” the State Department, and the military. “How can he continue to serve as our commander in chief?” he wondered. The CFR operative promptly deleted the Tweet, but analysts said it offered important evidence of what the coup plotters were up to.

One of the key individuals involved in the Color Revolution is said to be George Kent, a longtime U.S. State Department bureaucrat who loathes Trump and worked hard to have him impeached on the now-discredited charges. After testifying against the president as a key impeachment witness, Kent was not fired for his betrayal, like most of the other anti-Trump activists. Instead, he was actually promoted to a more powerful position.

Kent is one of the State Department’s key “Color Revolution” experts, with extensive experience aiding and abetting Deep State-backed regime-change operations across Eurasia. He was serving in various senior roles with the U.S. government mission in Ukraine, for instance, during that nation’s so-called “revolution” a few years ago. That revolution, of course, was waged with massive assistance from the Obama administration and billionaire globalist George Soros — the same man helping to bankroll the revolutionaries wreaking havoc across America.

Former Trump speech writer Darren Beattie has been at the forefront of exposing these machinations at, a relatively new but immensely popular conservative alternative to the increasingly left-wing Drudge Report. “What is relevant [in Ukriane’s example] is that the State Department’s preferred candidate did not win, and the State Department, with the help of its constellation of friendly NGOs, helped to facilitate the overthrow of [Ukrainian President Viktor] Yanukovych,” Beattie explained in the series, noting that the same organizations and NGOs were involved.

This State Department-backed regime-change operation was carried out “by contesting the legitimacy of the election, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press — all tactics eerily similar to those used against President Trump beginning the day after he was elected,” Trump’s former speech writer continued, adding that the “very same people” behind those revolutions in Eastern Europe are using the “very same playbook” to bring down Trump.

“The people most viciously and effectively targeting Trump today are regime change professionals of the Color Revolution variety, whose preferred playbook involves a combination of attacking the legitimacy and electoral integrity of their target, mobilizing mass demonstrations of ‘mostly peaceful protesters,’ and using any effort to crack down on said protests to further escalate the offensive against the target regime,” Beattie said in another piece of the series, this one focusing on the TIP.

Another key operative in TIP and the effort to unseat Trump using any means necessary is former Obama “Ethics” Czar Norm Eisen, who has been foaming at the mouth to remove the president for years. Interestingly, Eisen actually wrote the go-to manual on Color Revolution, known as “The Playbook,” and is now working to unleash it in America. Eisen’s strategies, by his own admission, are merely a continuation of those pioneered by the “originator and Godfather of the Color Revolution model.”

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that regime change professionals such as Eisen simply decided to run the same playbook against Trump that they have done countless times when foreign leaders are elected overseas that they don’t like and want to remove via extra-democratic means,” explained Dr. Beattie, a former Duke University professor, adding that the operation against Trump has nothing to do with “democracy” but everything to do with ensuring the people never “meddle in their own elections again.”

Concluding, Dr. Beattie said the facts have become clear. “By now the Color Revolution agenda against Trump should be as plain as day. Regime change professionals like McFaul, Eisen, George Kent, and others, who have refined their craft conducting color revolutions overseas, have taken it upon themselves to use the same tools, the same tactics — quite literally, the same playbook — to overthrow President Trump,” he wrote. “Yet again, same people, same playbook.”

Of course, the Deep State effort to overthrow Trump has been ongoing since he was elected. In a 2017 interview with The New American, longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone warned that the Deep State’s “Plan C,” to be implemented if the other schemes failed, was to simply kill the president. Plan A was the “Russia collusion hoax,” and Plan B was to try to declare Trump incompetent under the 25th Amendment to have him removed, Stone explained.

As The New American reported in early 2017, an economic calamity that has been in the making by the Federal Reserve System for decades could burst open at any time. And more than a few knowledgeable analysts and even lawmakers have suggested that the elites would seek to blame any such economic catastrophe — implosion of the dollar, for instance, or collapse of the stock market — on Trump and his supporters. That remains a very real possibility, especially amid the economic carnage resulting from the largely Democrat-led “lockdowns” to supposedly deal with the coronavirus.

Numerous analysts have pointed to a 1980s interview of Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov by the John Birch Society’s G. Edward Griffin. In it, Bezmenov warned of the four stages of the takeover of the United States. It begins with demoralization and brainwashing the youth, followed by destabilizing the nation as society and civilization begin collapsing. That is followed by a major crisis. And finally, “normalization” of the new order begins, as the victims are told they must adapt to the “new normal.”

America and its liberties are in mortal danger amid the 2020 election. It has become clear that subversive forces are working to overthrow not just President Trump, but the entire constitutional order and the broader remnants of Western civilization. Foreign powers appear to be involved, too. Those who value liberty and the United States as a bastion of freedom must get involved now, or risk losing it all.

Image: Johnnyfrs/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Alex Newman is a senior editor for The New American. He can be reached at or through Liberty Sentinel Media. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.

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