Sen. Mike Lee Creates “Sovereignty First” Feedback Web Page
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) seems determined to get himself promoted to the top of the Obama administration’s “public enemy number one.”

Lee has set up a new section of his official Senate website called “Sovereignty First” that encourages visitors to contact him and share their “thoughts about the United Nations, treaties that are being considered by the Senate, and what aspects of American sovereignty need to be vigorously defended.”

Senators, Lee explains on the site, are responsible for considering treaties signed by the president and then deciding on ratification. As part of this responsibility, Lee is determined to “ensure that treaties that are not good for the United States of America do not get ratified.”

This commitment to the protection of sovereignty comes as at a very important time, as there are several treaties that President Obama either has signed or intends to sign in the very near future. Among these, as mentioned by Lee, are: The United Nations the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), the Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and the New START treaty with Russia.

Each of these agreements are to one degree or another an attempted globalist grab on the rights and the right to rule of the American people and their elected representatives. Each them has also been the subject of articles published by The New American as warnings to citizens to let their senators know they are aware of the threat and will expect them to address it.

Mike Lee, for one, seems to get that. He rightly recognizes that these treaties “put international interests above the interests and sovereignty of our country.”

To his credit, Ted Cruz’s filibuster tag team partner also realizes that the loudest and most foresighted warning voices come from outside of Washington, D.C. “Some of the best arguments against these treaties have come from the numerous Americans who have contacted me to express their concerns,” Lee says.

As an assist to those who are familiar with the various assaults on sovereignty contained within the provisions of these would-be international agreements, Lee offers citizens a fill-in form for contacting him with information about the unconstitutional treaties that could soon come before the Senate for ratification. The form begins:

I believe that it is our duty vigilantly scrutinize the treaties that are brought before the Senate for ratification. That way we can guarantee that only treaties that prioritize the interests of the United States will be ratified. I have found that many Americans care passionately about the role we play in the world, and I want to hear your thoughts about the United Nations, treaties that are being considered by the Senate, and what aspects of American sovereignty need to be vigorously defended.

Readers concerned about the Constitution and protecting the United States from becoming a mere subordinate to the internationalists at the United Nations are encouraged to visit the site and share these sentiments with Senator Lee.

 Graphic of U.S. and UN flags:

Joe A. Wolverton, II, J.D. is a correspondent for The New American and travels frequently nationwide speaking on topics of nullification, the NDAA, and the surveillance state.  He is the host of The New American Review radio show that is simulcast on YouTube every Monday. Follow him on Twitter @TNAJoeWolverton and he can be reached at