Republicans Introduce Bill to Pause Funding of WHO Until Leadership Reforms Made
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Republican senators Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Rick Scott (Fla.) introduced a bill this week that would withhold American tax dollars from going to the United Nations’ World Health Organization until it enacts leadership reforms.

The legislation, titled the World Health Organization (WHO) Accountability Act, would hold the agency accountable for what the senators said was its role in helping China cover up the COVID-19 pandemic when it first began to spread in that country.

“Time and again, [WHO] has prioritized advancing the Chinese Communist Party’s interests over building a healthier world,” Hawley said in a statement Tuesday. In particular, he named WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and “other WHO leaders” as those who “must be held accountable for this dereliction of duty.”

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“The WHO must undertake comprehensive reform before it is allowed to benefit from U.S. tax dollars once again,” Hawley added.

Scott added that the WHO “failed” to adequately spread information about the virus to the world. “Last February, I called on the WHO to do its own in-depth analysis on the extent and origins of the coronavirus. It took them nearly a year to take action and we still have no answer,” Scott said. “They have even dropped their investigation into whether COVID-19 leaked from Wuhan lab.”

Scott’s comment was in reference to the WHO’s declaration on Tuesday that it is “unlikely” the virus originated in a lab near Wuhan, China. Instead, the WHO claims, the virus spread to humans from an animal.

Yet one of the leading members of the WHO’s team investigating the origins of COVID-19 took over $3 million in grant money from Communist China. Can their conclusions be trusted?

On his first day in the White House, Joe Biden announced he would put the United States back in the WHO after President Trump had terminated the country’s ties to the organization. America has generally given about $450 million a year to the WHO, making it a top contributor to the UN outfit.

The Hawley-Scott bill would put a hold on the transfer of any money from the United States to the WHO until the organization replaces its top leadership.

As The New American’s Alex Newman has previously written about WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:

Tedros, who has no medical degree but got the top UN job with fervent backing from Communist China, is an actual communist with a long pedigree in the movement. Before taking up his perch at the WHO, Tedros was most prominent for his government posts in a tyrannical regime, and for his key role in leading the murderous communist organization known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). This ethno-Marxist terror group has declared war on freedom and other ethnic groups within Ethiopia. And Tedros played a major role, serving as a top member of the TPLF’s Politburo Central Committee, according to multiple news reports.

Another condition Scott and Hawley seek to place on American funding for the WHO is to accept Taiwan as a member state and to limit funding to match the top contributor. China currently refuses to allow Taiwan to join the WHO, arguing that its inclusion would violate the communists’ “One China” policy.

It was Taiwan that revealed that the WHO initially failed to provide proper information about combating the virus, minimizing the potential for person-to-person spread even after Taiwan alerted them about it.

“The WHO also needs to answer for its refusal to include Taiwan in its membership, meetings, and information, especially in the face of the coronavirus. They are complicit in Communist China’s effort to isolate Taiwan,” Scott said. “There is no reason U.S. taxpayers should be spending hundreds of millions a year, more than any other country, to fund the WHO without significant reform.”

Of course, the best reform would be to simply shut down the communist-dominated entity altogether. And the best course for the United States would be to withdraw from it completely. The same goes for the United Nations.

The globalists much prefer to have authoritarian China as the epicenter of their desired world empire, rather than free America. This is why they continue to promote the communist regime’s ascendance while doing all they can to economically and militarily weaken the United States.