Radical Mass-migration Bills Advancing in Congress
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Members of Congress are seeking to pass multiple bills that would fundamentally undermine the integrity of the U.S. immigration system, threaten American sovereignty, and grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

According to multiple reports, the Biden administration knew the current border crisis would occur, and even likely planned the surge to implement its agenda. Despite this, congressional Democrats, along with some Republicans, are pushing for legislation that would exacerbate the migration surge, in addition to permanently damaging national cohesion.

Mass Amnesty: H.R. 1177 / S. 348

H.R. 1177 and S. 348, titled the “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021”, sponsored by Representative Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) and Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.),respectively, are identical. The House version is co-sponsored by 136 representatives, while the Senate version is co-sponsored by 26 senators.

H.R. 1177/S. 348 is one of the most extreme and far-left migration bills ever introduced into Congress — it would affect both legal and illegal migration and help the Democrat Party take total control of the country through demographic change. The bill would do the following, among other provisions:

  • Allow illegal aliens who entered the United States after January 1, 2021, to receive green cards in five years, and U.S. citizenship in eight years;
  • Immediately provide green cards and a three-year path to citizenship for a conservatively estimated combined total of 3.3 million Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, those protected by the “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS), and illegal immigrants;
  • Massively increase legal immigration by increasing per-country caps for chain migration, and ending it outright for foreign workers, among other actions;
  • Encourage asylum fraud by removing the one-year filing deadline and making easier for asylum-seekers to work in the United States;
  • Provide for the return and amnesty of previously deported illegal aliens at taxpayer expense;
  • Provide U.S.-taxpayer-funded lawyers to all illegal aliens facing deportation proceedings — better treatment than American citizens;
  • Dump $4 billion in foreign aid into Central American countries, with half of this spending being without conditions. Much of this spending would “prioritize … social justice reforms, including environmental activism,” rather than discouraging migration. Additionally, this spending would promote international organizations; and
  • The bill would also change the word “alien” to “non-citizen,” a change that would effectively abolish the legal difference between legal and illegal migrants.

H.R. 1177/S. 348 is an extreme bill, but it is not the only such bill. Other legislation has been introduced that is narrower in focus, but which would serve as a stepping stone toward mass amnesty and the abolition of national borders.

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Illegal Farmworker Amnesty: H.R. 1603

Sponsored by Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and 61 co-sponsors in the House, H.R. 1603, the “Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021,” would give amnesty to illegal aliens who have worked at least 180 days — out of the previous two years — in the agriculture industry. This would likely affect an estimated 1.5 million illegals. Those illegals would then be eligible for green cards — and, eventually, citizenship — if they pay a fine and wait up to eight years.

Additionally, H.R. 1603 would encourage low-wage foreign-worker migration by making H-2A visas more attractive to migrants. To give a picture of how radically this would increase migration into the United States, over 200,000 H-2A workers entered the country in 2020 alone. Thus, in addition to suppressing the wages of American citizens and limiting their job opportunities, this bill would encourage mass migration to the United States and serve as a slippery slope to further amnesties.

The House passed H.R. 1603 on March 18, 2021, by a vote of 247-174. Thirty Republicans joined all but one Democrat voting in favor. The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

DACA, TPS, & DED Amnesty: H.R. 6

Last, but not least, the “American Dream and Promise Act of 2021” (H.R. 6), sponsored by Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) and 175 co-sponsors in the House, would provide permanent amnesty to illegals under the DACA, TPS, and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) programs. Illegals in the latter two programs would also receive green cards.

According to the Migration Policy Institute — a left-leaning, pro-migration organization — over 4.4 million illegals would receive amnesty, 2.5 million of whom would receive citizenship. The actual numbers will likely be much higher.

The House passed H.R. 6 on March 18, 2021, by a vote of 228-197. Nine Republicans joined every Democrat voting in favor. The bill heads to the Senate, where Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) claimed he was “close” to gaining the necessary votes to pass the bill.

The Danger of Mass Migration

As The John Birch Society has warned for decades, the globalist establishment of both the Democrat and Republican parties want to use mass migration “to fundamentally alter the nature of our constitutional Republic.” By importing significant numbers of individuals from cultures with little knowledge or understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers’ philosophical principles, they are able to reshape the nation to their liking — importing the very type of socialist and corrupt governments that many of them fled.

This is demonstrated in the political beliefs of migrants. For example, a 2014 Pew Research Center survey found that Democrat-leaning immigrants significantly outnumber Republican-leaning migrants four-to-one in some cases. Pew also found that immigrant and second-generation Hispanics in the United States are significantly more likely to support an expansive government than third-generation Hispanics. The current proposed bills are intended to accomplish this political shift.

A good way to push back against the Deep State’s anti-American agenda is to defeat H.R. 1177, S. 348, H.R. 1603, H.R. 6, and any other pro-migration bills. The exceptional level of freedom recognized by the U.S. Constitution is too important to lose, whether through mass migration or other means.

To urge your U.S. representative and senators to reject these radical mass migration bills, visit The John Birch Society’s legislative alert here.