FBI Officials Lend Credibility to FISA Memo Ahead of Public Release
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

As the timetable continues to move toward the public release of the four-page memo detailing FISA abuses at both the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), Democrats continue to treat the document with a mixture of disdain and incredulity. But according to recent reports, two senior FBI officials who have reviewed the document have said it does not contain “any factual inaccuracies.”

The memo — originally prepared by Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) for members of the House — has been described by leading Republicans in the House as “explosive,” “shocking,” “troubling,” “alarming,” and describing actions of FBI and DOJ officials as being similar to those of the Soviet KGB. Democrats on the committee — all of whom voted first to keep even other members of the House from seeing the memo and then to block its public release — have made repeated statements calling the veracity of the memo into question. This latest news — that FBI officials who have reviewed the memo “could not point to any factual inaccuracies” — does not bode well with the claims of those Democrats.

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The news — first reported by Fox News Tuesday — coincided with a party-line vote by the House Intelligence Committee to release the memo to the public. President Trump, who called for the release of the memo, was caught on a “hot mic” after Tuesday night’s State of the Union address saying he would approve the public release “100 percent.” By law, the president has five days after such a vote by a committee to either approve or block such a release.

Another red-herring concern voiced by Democrats is that the memo would reveal important information about national security, but that claim has also been show to be baseless. According to the report by Fox News, the network was told that “the memo was ‘drafted deliberately to eliminate national security information’ that could be damaging if viewed by individuals outside Congress. This seems to indicate both that the Democrats (who have had access to the memo and would know that it is safe for public consumption) who are putting forth the “national security” argument are being deliberately dishonest and that the memo was designed — from the beginning — to be shown to the American people.

While members of the House — who were only allowed to view the memo in a secure room and were not allowed to take notes, pictures, or recordings of any type — are forbidden to discuss the particulars of the memo until it is made public, many have discussed its content in general terms. Many of those comments have alluded to the memo containing information that would “destroy” the Mueller probe and allegations of Trump/Russia collusion.

For instance, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said, “The consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice” and that it would not “just end with firings,” adding, “I believe there are people who will go to jail.” Gaetz also told Sean Hannity that the memo shows that the Mueller probe is “a lie — built on corruption — built on a sham. The entire investigation is a fiction — is a fallacy. And when the American people see how this began — when the American people see how different people interacted with one another — how organizations were infected and infiltrated and subjected to tremendous bias of individuals — and how that really played out, I think that every American will understand how absolutely ludicrous it is that we continue to allow the Mueller probe to go forward.” He added, “It needs to end because the entire basis is a lie.”

Echoing those sentiments, Representative Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told Fox and Friends, “If you’re interested whether or not the dossier was used in court proceedings, whether or not it was funded by political opponents, you’ll want to see the memo.”

The two FBI officials who appear to have validated the memo’s claims are merely the most recent in a chain of confirmation of the veracity of the damning document. As Fox News reported in the article linked above, after “the FBI and Justice Department had ‘fought tooth and nail’ for close to a year to avoid providing the surveillance-related records to Congress,” a source told the network that “additional records provided this month, after Republican committee Chairman Devin Nunes threatened to move forward with contempt of Congress citations, backed up investigators’ earlier findings.”

Once the memo is made public — which could happen at any moment — the American people will have the document and be able to judge it for themselves. Of course, those who have already decided to dismiss it will likely continue to do so, but either way, the efforts of Democrats — and their liberal media cohorts — have not been able to keep whatever is in the memo from dominating the conversation about the Mueller probe. The release of the memo will certainly lead to more investigations into corruption within the liberal establishment.

This is a developing story and The New American will continue to provide coverage as more is known.

Photo: FBI