CNN: Tying Foreign Strongmen to Trump While Praising Biden as “Adversarial”
Image: Screenshot from Wikipedia
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

While CNN has had more than its share of misleading and Anti-American articles and news segments, its November 9 article “Putin, Xi, and other strongmen haven’t congratulated Biden yet. Their silence speaks volumes,” borders on treason.

Starting with the false premise of a Biden “election,” it states: “Congratulations have been pouring in for President-elect Joe Biden, and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris from leaders around the world — but not all have been forthcoming in acknowledging the projected victors of the 2020 US presidential election.”

And then the article quickly descends into libel:

Among the notable holdouts are the strongmen who President Donald Trump has cozied up to and heaped praise upon over the last four years. Trump’s affinity for authoritarian leaders across the globe has been one of the few constants during his chaotic time in office.

In staying silent, these leaders have spoken volumes about the types of relationships they anticipate having with the new administration.

Starting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, CNN tries to continue the Trump/Russia narrative by stating, “In 2016, the Kremlin congratulated President Donald Trump within hours of the race being called — but Russian President Vladimir Putin has not extended the same message to Biden.”

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The article regurgitates the usual left-wing falsehoods about the Russians meddling in our elections for Trump, and it posted a picture of Trump and Putin “chatting” at the APEC Summit in Danang, Vietnam, 2017, insinuating a close relationship between the two. Whereas in covering Biden, the article states:

The same cozy relationship cannot be expected from Biden, who has vowed to treat foreign interference “as an adversarial act.”

“Biden will work hard with partners and allies to push back on whatever Russia is up to, whether it’s trying to assassinate Russian citizens overseas, or kill their own opposition leaders like the alleged attempt with [Alexey] Navalny in Siberia, or activities in Syria, Crimea, etc.,” said Karin von Hippel, director-general of the Royal United Services Institute. “So I do think he [Putin] knows that there will be much more of an effort to try to contain Russia.”

In late October, Biden called Russia “the main threat” to US national security during an interview with 60 Minutes on CBS.

So, who are we to believe Russia would be more inclined to welcome or assist in becoming the president, Trump or Biden?

Let’s review some of Trump’s actions. He:

  • enabled the U.S. oil and gas sector to regain its place as the world’s largest exporter, whereas Biden plans to kill the industry;
  • sold $47M worth of Javelin anti-tank weapons to Ukraine to discourage Russian aggression;
  • allowed the U.S. military to kill over 200 Russian mercenaries/soldiers in Syria when they went to take an oil field;
  • implemented brutal economic restrictions on Russian oligarchs to pressure Putin;
  • used the Magnitsky Act and the Global Magnitsky Act to curb Russian human rights violations and refused to give in to Putin.


  • is a lifelong supporter of a communist front organization called the Council for a Livable World (CLW);
  • and Obama’s support for Ukraine to resist Russian aggression largely consisted of gear for infantry, such as armor for personnel, and nonmilitary aid;
  • Biden pushed for the “reset” with Russia and oversaw Russia’s entry into the WTO;
  • sold out the Ukrainians to Russia by refusing to sell them armaments;
  • assisted with Hillary’s scheme to sell U.S. plutonium to Russia.

Putin also said this about Biden: “The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to social democratic ideas,” Putin said. “And it was from the social democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.”  

The CNN article did the same number on Trump, saying he was in bed with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who congratulated Trump on his election in 2016 and wished for a “sound” and “stable” Sino-U.S. relationship moving forward.” But even though the Sino-U.S. relationship turned sour under Trump, with Trump trying to deter Chinese favoritism in trade, CNN laments: “The Chinese government on Monday sidestepped questions on when it would congratulate Biden on his election victory, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman saying only that China would act in “accordance with international practice.”

Again, comparing Trump’s and Biden’s pasts is a study in contrasts:

  • Trump has been the only president to oppose China’s dishonest trade policies, signing the U.S.-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement;
  • Trump rightly called COVID-19 the CCP virus and instituted bi-lateral travel limitations;  
  • Trump approved a $4.8 billion arms sale to Taiwan, which China intends to absorb into its dominion.
  • Biden, on the other hand, led the effort to get China into the WTO in 2001;
  • Taiwan fears a Biden presidency will cost them U.S. support against China;
  • Biden still stands behind his support of China: “We want China to grow;”
  • Biden refused to answer whether he would hold China responsible for the CCP virus;
  • Biden has had extremely shady business dealings with China;
  • Obama/Biden did nothing as Xi implemented his island-building campaign in the South China Sea in order to claim dominion over large expanses of ocean and land.

The CNN article then lists other hardliners who haven’t yet supported Biden: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Maybe they understand that the election is indeed not over until it is officially over, which will not happen for some time.

This CNN article smacks of treason for not only camouflaging Biden’s pro-Russian/Chinese communist attitudes and dealings, but for pushing a dangerous, false narrative that Biden is the legitimate president-elect, though the many accusations of fraud in the past election have not been checked. By reinforcing the legitimacy of a Biden victory to the rank and file Democratic voter, it will further inflame the hatred of Trump and the country should he prevail in court. If the riots over the summer prove anything, the Democrats are willing to burn down the entire country to rule over the ashes. Articles like this only add fuel to the fire.