Buyer’s Remorse? Biden Voters May Already be Regretting Their Choice
President Joe Biden (
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It’s a bit like buying a product purely based on marketing, neglecting to check the ingredients label, and then being surprised when you have an allergic reaction to something contained therein. That’s what can be said about some Biden voters who are apparently shocked to learn that the worst candidate in presidential history, as a puppet of the worst major party in American history, is giving them the worst policies in the Republic’s history.

At issue are some Biden-voter conversations published by Gateway Pundit. First there’s the following, courtesy of Twitter user Kristin, involving a woman learning that Biden’s oil-industry policies could destroy her family’s income:

Jeremy just called and yelled at me. He said that everyone on the job site are freaking out thinking they are going to lose their jobs. He’s blaming me for voting for Biden. You know I hated the way Trump acted. Is it true that Jeremy could lose his job?

Ok, first I’m sorry Jeremy is likely losing his job. I’m going to be honest with you though, YOU voted for this. I didn’t and neither did Jeremy, but we will be suffering…. I always knew people would regret voting for Biden, I didn’t think it would be Day 1. Biden probably won’t hurt your feelings as much as Trump, but he will take you husband’s job [tweet below].

Of course, Jeremy is just another egg for an omelet to the statists. Why, the Democrats had already with reckless disregard cost millions of Americans their jobs via irrational lockdown policies — instituted for purely political reasons.

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Next we have text messages brought to light by author Mike Cernovich, which he identifies as another Biden-regret fit in response to a White House executive order. An expurgated version follows:

“[What] is happening?”

“Like ruin the economy on purpose”

“What the [heck]”

“Where the [heck] is Trump when you need him!?”

“But…But…character matters”

Cernovich theorizes that such conversations are occurring nationwide.

Gateway Pundit also presents the following tweets from commentator Charlie Kirk:

While the earlier-presented text messages are anecdotal, studies even last year pointed to a buyer’s remorse trend. For example, a report from the Media Research Center showed “that the media’s lack of coverage and big tech’s suppression of certain issues and scandals surrounding Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden could have cost President Donald Trump the election,” wrote the Federalist in November.

“The survey results report that 17 percent of Biden voters would not have voted for the Biden-Harris presidential ticket if they had known about at least one of the eight news stories that were suppressed by big tech and mainstream media outlets,” the site continued.

One of those, of course, is the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

I said prior to November 3 on Talkback with Chuck Wilder that I didn’t see how Trump could win the election with all that was arrayed against him, from mainstream media bias, which gives the Democrats eight to 10 extra popular-vote points; to Big Tech manipulation, which can swing up to 15 million votes toward them; to electoral fraud, which, well, can shift who knows how many votes.

I’ve also said for years that if the media actually told the Truth, the radical leftist Democrats wouldn’t stand a chance (which means they wouldn’t exist, as constituted, because the party would conform more to the electorate).

Yet also true is that just as people get the government they deserve, so do they also get the media they deserve: If people tuned out fake news, it wouldn’t exist. But if “wishes were horses, beggars would ride,” as the old proverb goes.

In this vein and as you might imagine, some respondents at Gateway Pundit didn’t react kindly to the regretful voters. “‘I hated the way Trump acted,’” wrote commenter IPray4LibsItBugsThem, quoting one of the cited Biden voters. “Yeah, he wasn’t a ‘smooth’ political type, so what? What did he DO for you?” the poster continued.

“Instead of being bent out of shape because you are one of the eternally offended, why not look up a list of Trump’s accomplishments while in office? That may really open your eyes to what’s important (clue, it has nothing to do with looking polished and slick). In the meantime, if you are going to continue to be stupid and shallow, please don’t vote. Thank you,” the poster concluded.

Worse still, people generally learn the wrong lesson from such mistakes. For example, the issue with a remorseful Biden voter is not that he voted for China Joe. No.

It’s that he’s the kind of person who could vote for a China Joe. 

This isn’t to condemn such an individual (were he one of the “initiated,” he wouldn’t be remorseful). Rather, it’s akin to saying that, as with a young, novice driver overconfident behind the wheel, a person must develop the wisdom to know what he knows and know what he doesn’t know.

After remorse should come repair. Following a bad vote, we should ask: How was I so deceived or unaware of the Truth? What are my information sources? What should they be? (Visiting daily would help!).

Then ask: Do I know the virtues — e.g., Charity, Courage, Diligence, Chastity, Prudence, Justice — those elements of morality? This provides us with a moral yardstick with which we can measure all things, including political candidates.

Really, though, in talking about people “getting what they deserve,” we’re just lamenting man’s nature. ‘Twas ever thus, that, as the apocryphal Roman saying goes, the average person “is concerned about the pebble in his shoe.”

All we can do is strive to create a moral society, understanding why Benjamin Franklin warned that only “a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

And because national virtue is lacking, masters we are getting.