Biden’s Cabinet Appointments: Refilling the Swamp With Deep State Globalists From the CFR
Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Like the rest of the media cartel, ABC News is gushing over everything Biden. A January 18 ABC report on President Biden’s top-level appointments and Cabinet picks began with a headline quote from Biden: “We’ll have a Cabinet of barrier breakers, a Cabinet of firsts.”

“On the campaign trail, Joe Biden guaranteed his White House would ‘look like the country,’” the ABC story said, before noting, “As he enters the White House, he’s taking steps towards keeping that promise — assembling a historically diverse slate of top-level nominees.”

“Half of the president-elect’s Cabinet picks are women, and the majority are people of color,” the ABC story continues. “Biden has noted that many of his selections would be pioneers in their roles — including the first woman to serve as treasury secretary, the first Black defense secretary, the first openly gay man confirmed to a Cabinet role and the first Native American Cabinet secretary.”

Biden’s highly publicized “diversity” ploy is aimed, of course, at appeasing all the radical grievance lobbies that supported him. Just as importantly, it is being served up for the media as well, which he knows he can count on to swoon over every politically correct, virtue-signaling nomination, regardless of the nominee’s qualifications. Let’s see, first load up with women: Check, check, check, check. Next, the “people of color”: Check, check, check, check, check. Then, reward the noisy LGBTQIA+ mob: Check, check, check. Etc., etc.

These politically motivated quotas based on XX chromosomes, melanin content of skin, or sexual/gender disorientation may satisfy the “social justice” revolutionaries and give a surface appearance of genuine diversity that looks something like some parts of America (at least those parts controlled by radical Democrats that are rapidly degrading into no-go zones).

However, when one looks beneath the skin-deep/sex organ/perversion criteria of the Biden nominees there is little diversity to be found. Whatever ideological diversity one may find (Left, Far-Left, Over-the-Cliff Left, Off-the-Planet Left) among these appointments, the one characteristic that stands out and begs to be noticed (but is studiously covered up by the lapdog media) is that the new crop is overwhelmingly globalist. More specifically, it is overwhelmingly globalist as denoted by membership in Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the ruling oligarchy that is the brain trust, the backbone, and the public face of the shadow government that has become popularly known as the Deep State.

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As president, Joe Biden will make around 4,000 executive-branch appointments, about 1,200 of which will require confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Since World War II, the Council on Foreign Relations has gained a virtual stranglehold on the executive branch of our federal government, with both Democrat and Republican administrations filling their ranks with CFR apparatchiks.

Hillary Clinton, while serving as Barack Obama’s secretary of state, infamously admitted, during an appearance at the CFR’s new Washington, D.C., office, that she depends on the globalist outfit to tell her how to think and what to do. She was happy that she wouldn’t have to go all the way to organization’s New York City headquarters, which she referred to as “the mothership,” where she had gone for directives many times before.

“We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future,” she told the CFR audience and its president Richard Haass. Secretary Clinton was not a CFR member at the time and still is not listed as one, but the Council has been known to have unlisted members. Her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, and daughter Chelsea Clinton, are both listed as members on the CFR’s current online membership roster.

But, back to the Biden CFR crowd. His newly confirmed secretary of state is a CFR member and will, undoubtedly, refer often to the organization’s “mothership” in New York and its D.C. adjunct for guidance. Below is a short list of the CFR appointees, thus far, at the helm of Team Biden. Many more will certainly follow.

  • Secretary of State — Antony Blinken
  • Secretary of Defense — General Lloyd Austin
  • Federal Reserve Chairman — Janet Yellen
  • Secretary of Homeland Security — Alejandro Mayorkas
  • Secretary of Commerce — Gina Raimondo
  • Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors — Cecilia Rouse
  • Director of the Domestic Policy Council — Susan Rice
  • Director of the CIA — William J. Burns
  • Deputy Director of the CIA — David S. Cohen
  • Deputy National Security Advisor — Jon Finer
  • Homeland Security Adviser — Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall
  • Special Presidential Envoy for Climate — John Kerry
  • Counselor to the President — Jeffrey Zients
  • White House Press Secretary — Jennifer Psaki
  • White House Cabinet Secretary — Evan Ryan
  • Presidential Science Advisor — Eric Lander
  • Coordinator for Middle East & North Africa — Brett McGurk
  • Coordinator for the Indo Pacific — Kurt M. Campbell
  • Co-chair of White House Gender Policy Council — Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon

The four-year presidency of Donald J. Trump saw a break from the past in terms of the CFR lock on all of the top executive-branch slots. He didn’t break entirely, but President Trump learned from bitter experience that his relatively few CFR appointments turned out to be some of his biggest backstabbers. For just three examples, consider Anthony Scaramucci, H.R. McMaster, and John R. Bolton.

It was not only Trump’s reversing of the CFR’s decades-long globalist agenda on many fronts, but also his purging of CFR globalists from their positions of power in the federal government that precipitated the CFR’s Non-stop Effort to Take Down Trump and America.

Joe Biden, now “president” through massive voter fraud ratified by the CFR’s incessant Fake News propaganda, is in the process of reversing the reversal, and putting us back on course to the New World Order and The Great Reset.

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