Biden Will Confiscate All Privately Owned Weapons
Photo: Artfully79 / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

If Joe Biden is elected president, millions of gun owners would suddenly owe taxes on weapons they already own and millions would see the Justice Department deployed to confiscate their entire arsenal.

Specifically, Biden has announced that as president he would require everyone who owns an AR-15 to register that weapon per the mandates of the National Firearms Act of 1934. That would amount to a surcharge of $200 for each AR-15 in your arsenal.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) estimates that there are at least 18 million AR-15s owned by Americans. That’s a low-ball estimate.

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Do the math: That’s $3.6 billion in new taxes. It should be noted, however, that there’s no way a President Biden would stop at slapping taxes and registration requirements on AR-15s. Nope.

On his campaign website, Biden describes the Second Amendment as “limited” and boasts that if he’s elected he would:

enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. 

What happens, though, if Congress refuses to enact such sweeping, unconstitutional legislation? Biden’s got a pen! Again, from his own campaign website:

“While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons.”

There it is. That’s the sort of autocratic, authoritarian government we’ve seen established over the past several decades. Any time a president — of either party — doesn’t want to wait on the lawmakers to make laws, they simply take the cap off a pen and sign a decree, claiming it’s done under their “constitutional authority.”

Biden’s war on “weapons of war” won’t end there, though. He promises he will “restrict the number of firearms an individual may purchase per month to one.” 

You read that right. As president, Joe Biden would not only tax the guns you already own, but he would prohibit the sale of “assault weapons” and he would restrict every American to only purchasing one weapon — one Biden-approved weapon — per month.

Biden’s gun grab will include re-enacting the requirement that the Social Security Administration and the Veterans Administration report to the federal background check system anyone who has sought treatment for mental illness. 

To President Trump’s credit, this humiliating attack on veterans was one of the first federal programs he repealed upon taking office. Biden would bring it back. 

If for some reason you’ve not completed your background check within 10 days, Biden would order the FBI to inform him so that he can “eliminate this occurrence.”

A thorough reading of Biden’s campaign website reveals that there is no firearm he won’t confiscate, no firearm he won’t tax, no firearm he won’t regulate, no firearm he won’t restrict, and no American who would, during his administration, enjoy the rights protected by the Second Amendment.

Then, with all those prohibitions are in place, Biden promises to put boots on the ground to make sure all those weapons are confiscated. Here’s the promise from his website:

As president, Biden will direct the FBI and ATF to outline a model relinquishment process, enact any necessary legislation to ensure relinquishment when individuals newly fall under one of the federal prohibitions, and then provide technical and financial assistance to state and local governments to establish effective relinquishment processes on their own.

Not only would a president Biden bring to bear the full force of the federal government to enforce his gun confiscation scheme, but he would co-opt the money, means, and men of states and towns, too. The bottom line: He will get your guns. Period.

Do not underestimate Joe Biden’s commitment to confiscation. He will stop at nothing to see all “weapons of war” and “assault weapons” removed from the hands (and homes) of civilians and placed in the exclusive control of the federal government.

If states permit the federal government to rob the people of their ability to resist tyranny, then all other liberties will be at the mercy of that same federal force, for a disarmed populace is a slave populace.

On November 3, more is at stake than just the name on the White House letterhead. The ability of Americans to resist the imposition of armed tyranny will be on the ballot, as well.

Choose wisely.