Biden to Line Admin With Silicon Valley Cartel, Including Former Google CEO

Under a Biden administration, Big Tech might get its own corner office in the West Wing.

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google who also figured prominently in the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, is being considered to lead a tech task force in a potential Biden administration.

This comes as the Biden team, along with the mainstream media and the Democrat Party, continue to insist that Joe Biden is the winner of the 2020 presidential contest and the president-elect, although votes in swing states are still being counted (or are about to be recounted) and the true determinant of the president-elect, the Electoral College, will not convene until December 14. 

Nevertheless, Joe Biden is pushing ahead with assembling a “transition team” — one that would include former bigwigs at some of the most prominent tech corporations.

According to the Financial Times, candidate Biden has “hired both Jessica Hertz, former associate general counsel at Facebook, and Cynthia Hogan, former Apple vice-president for government affairs to his transition team. Eric Schmidt, the former Google chief executive, has been a big fundraiser, and is being talked about to lead a new technology industry task force in the White House.”

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And as Breitbart News notes, a number of Big Tech executives joined the Biden transition team mere weeks before Silicon Valley censored the New York Post’s bombshell article on the alleged corruption of the Biden family.

Schmidt is famously close to the Democratic Party, often getting involved in the campaigns of the party’s candidates. This involvement has landed him government roles at both the state and national level.

Wrote Breitbart:

Eric Schmidt, who was executive director of Alphabet Inc during the presidential campaign, pitched himself as “head outside adviser” to the Clinton campaign in 2014, according to emails leaked by WikiLeaks. Schmidt — then still executive director of Google-parent Alphabet — was also pictured at Hillary Clinton’s NYC “victory” party wearing a badge marked “campaign staff.”

Schmidt is deeply tied to the Department of Defense, a relationship that began during the Obama administration. He is currently Chairman of the DoD’s Defense Innovation Advisory board. Schmidt’s relationship with top U.S. politicians has also paid off in New York, where Governor Andrew Cuomo has asked him to “re-imagine” the state post-coronavirus.

The tech companies, including Google and social media, have played an important role in the Deep State’s information warfare campaign to convince the public that there was no voter fraud and that Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the presidential election.

Facebook and Twitter, after all, limited the distribution of the New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop and its revelations of impropriety by Joe Biden. In the middle of an election, these platforms censored content because it was damaging to the candidate the corporations’ executives want to win.

Even now, as the election is still being decided, the social giants are doing all they can to make it seem like a foregone conclusion that Joe Biden is the new president of the United States.

Go to Facebook or Facebook Messenger right now, for instance, and you will see a large banner at the top of the screen telling you that Joe Biden is the winner of the 2020 election.

Of course, it isn’t a surprise. Mark Zuckerberg said before the election that Facebook would suppress anyone claiming victory on election day, such as President Trump and his supporters. The platform also cut political ads a week before the election.

Hours after the polls closed on Election Day, President Trump took to Twitter to voice concerns about the voter counts, prompting Twitter to swiftly take action and begin replacing his tweets with warning labels. Trump’s tweets were blocked by a Twitter label. When clicked, the label disappears and the original text of the tweet becomes visible, but a “misleading” content label is placed above the text and a fact-check link is placed below.

In one such instance, President Trump tweeted, “Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled. Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the ‘pollsters’ got it completely & historically wrong!”

Twitter placed a label on that tweet that states, “Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.”

President Trump has called the mainstream media the “enemy of the people.” Now, Americans are seeing just how right he has been all along.