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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Is it all over? Not by a long shot.

All throughout the country, Americans are facing heartbreak, fear, anger, resentment, and even hopelessness.

Upright patriots in every part of the Union gave their all to prevent the socialists from taking total control of the federal government. Without a doubt, many of you reading this were among those who made calls, knocked doors, distributed literature, donated money you could have used to pay the bills, and spoke the truth boldly even when it meant getting ridiculed by people you thought were your friends.

And yet, in what feels like an instant, it seems that everything you worked for is lost.

Joe Biden is now at the helm of the executive branch and as we speak is peeling away at every major executive order President Trump signed over the last four years.

Democrats control both houses of Congress, meaning they can give their far-left agenda the full weight of the law.

And what makes it all worse is the burning sense of betrayal. That though we did everything right, the very people we elected to represent us didn’t do right by us when it mattered most.

For many, this has shattered the faith they held in our electoral system and in our nation itself. Many now believe that there’s no point in even trying anymore; that the whole process is rigged, that elections are an illusion, that America is already too far gone for any effort now to make a difference.

It’s tempting, certainly, to simply say “to heck with it all” and totally disengage; to go back to your life and drown out anything even remotely political by turning up the volume on the radio.

There’s the urge to hunker in a bunker out on a lone piece of land somewhere with some chickens and fruit trees, hoping you can just wait out the coming horror in isolation.

It’s tempting to consider, but we can’t kid ourselves. 

Atomization isn’t the answer. It doesn’t matter where you buy your spacious piece of land or how many years’ worth of food you’ve stockpiled.

The modern government has the most sophisticated geolocation technology at its fingertips. Armies and police forces with the best-trained troops and the most advanced equipment are at its disposal. If the surveillance state is allowed to grow, unbridled by constitutional restraints, to the heights the Deep State desires, they will find you and make an example of you — you and the people you love. 

The only way to stop the global elites from unleashing their reign of terror is to (1) keep them from obtaining total control over every lever of government and societal power and (2) reduce the scope of government power by eliminating unconstitutional laws that expand its authority.

Both of those require patriots to remain engaged in the civic life. It is only through participation in the political system that the fight for control and reduction of state power can occur.

Demoralization is always an important tactic in warfare. The Left wants conservatives to despair, to believe that it’s so impossible to make changes through politics that they may as well not even try. Sadly, the tactic is working on some. Many dejected Americans right now are saying they will never vote again because the vote will be rigged anyway.

It’s important for every concerned constitutionalist to understand that there’s more to voting than the presidential election every four years.

There are elections for school board, city council, mayor, county commission, ports and waterways, tax collectors, sheriff, airport authority, district attorney, public defender, judges, state attorney general, state house, state senate, and more.

Every one of those offices is an opportunity — an opportunity for an honest American to uphold the Constitution or an opportunity for a Deep State asset to impose more socialism.

State and local offices typically affect our daily lives more than the federal government. It has thus always been incredibly important for citizens to stay abreast of local politics. And in an era when socialists are in near total control of the federal government, involvement in local politics is now vital, for it now falls upon local leaders to push back against tyranny coming out of Washington.

We can still win in local and state elections. Those who now think voting is an exercise in futility must remember that Joe Biden won due to fraud in a small number of Democrat-run precincts in a handful of battleground states.

The conditions that exist in those states are not the same everywhere. Many Republican states and counties have honest elections. Why should you shut off participating in a local sheriff’s race or school board race because of voter fraud happening in a big city a thousand miles away?

We know that Democrats and their globalist masters have a destructive agenda prepared and are ready to hit “launch.” They’ve been telling us about it for months. The Great Reset, a plot to radically transform society and create a global socialist technocracy, will deprive us of even our basic rights to private property. It must be stopped at all costs.

There is a way forward. To stave off the communist takeover of this nation, constitutionalists and patriots should focus on the following:

  • Pass election reform at the state level to prevent 2020-type voter fraud again
  • Flip U.S. House seats to break Democrats’ grip on Congress in 2022
  • Put pressure on state and local leaders to nullify unconstitutional federal legislation
  • Start local newspaper/outlets to provide real (not socialist) news in your communities
  • Hold workshops, classes, and seminars, and general community outreach to bring the principles of constitutionalism to new people
  • Create groups of like-minded citizens who are willing to call or visit elected officials en masse to advocate for good legislation, shoot down bad bills, and vote for good candidates
  • Start donor networks and even political action committees to fund patriot candidates
  • Fund or support businesses that function as alternatives to leftist-controlled companies, particularly for Big Tech and financial services
  • Get involved in organized, grassroots patriot organizations such as The John Birch Society, the parent organization of this magazine.

Every struggle has battles lost and won. But the war is only lost when we give up. And this is a fight we can’t afford to surrender.