Biden Concedes Domestic Policy to Sanders, Forms Task Forces Packed With Radicals

It looks like Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden might get that $100 million pay-off after all.

Pursuant to the quid-pro-quo arranged when socialist Bernie Sanders endorsed Biden last month, the two have established “unity task forces” that will set the new administration’s domestic policy if Biden defeats President Trump.

Those task forces, which will contribute to the Democrat platform and Biden’s campaign proposals, are stacked with supporters of avowed-socialist Sanders — whose staff members promised a reign of terror and murder if he, not Biden, had won the nomination and then defeated Trump.

But giving up control of domestic policy to an admirer of communist murderer Fidel Castro came with an offer. Sanders supporters promised to boost Biden’s campaign with $100 million if he surrendered control of the presidency.

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Who’s Who of the Far Left

Biden and Sanders put together six of the “unity task forces,” which might just be called a politburo, to handle policy in these areas: the economy, education immigration, health care, climate change, and criminal justice reform.

Leading the panel of climate change are John Kerry, former senator and secretary of state and failed presidential candidate, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Ocasio-Cortez is also part of the brain trust, such as it is, behind the Green New Deal.

Co-chairing the health panel are two immigrants: former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and Representive Pramilla Jayapal of Washington. Like Ocasio-Cortez, Jayapal is an outright socialist who ran health policy for the Sanders campaign and served as its chairman in Washington state.

Another immigrant is Marielena Hincapié of the hard-left National Immigration Law Center. She’ll run the immigration task force with someone who was actually born in the United States.

Another radical leftist on the panel is Cristobal Alex, former chieftain of the something called the Latino Victory Fund, an outfit that explicitly defends the interests of “Latinos” to the exclusion of other ethnic groups. “We are the future,” the group declares.

The $100M Pay-Off

Just after Sanders quit the race but before he endorsed Biden, a group of leaders of so-called youth movements (Alliance for Youth Action, Justice Democrats, NextGen America, and others) offered Biden a deal in a joint letter: endorse Sanders’ domestic policy platform and turn control of your administration over to his supporters and we’ll deliver $100 million in campaign contributions.

Sanders’ young supporters demanded the Green New Deal, a federal gun licensing scheme, nationalized health care, “free” college tuition, and immediate citizenship for illegal aliens. Along with that came its list of personnel recommendations, and while the coalition behind the joint letter didn’t get everything it wanted (yet), it did get some big concessions on the unity task forces, which will be precursors to a Biden administration.

At least three socialists who endorsed Sanders, for instance, are on the health care task force: Jayapal, who bragged about assisting illegal aliens slip into the country and file what was probably a false asylum claim; Mary Kay Henry, the lesbian headmistress of the radical Service Employees International Union; and Abdul El-Sayed, a failed gubernatorial candidate who received the endorsement of terror apologist Linda Sarsour, whose Islamist extremism was such that the Women’s March kicked her off its board.

Sara Nelson, another Sanders hack and president of the American Flight Attendants Association, will co-chair the panel on the economy.

We expect jobs for all four in a Biden administration, the Sanders coalition wrote in their joint letter. It’s not a stretch to conclude that the hard-left task force members will segue into key positions for Biden.

A glance at the rest of the task-force members suggests that Sanders might win the general election after all.

Photo of Joe Biden: AP Images

R. Cort Kirkwood is a longtime contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.