Anti-Trump Violence Ramps Up With Attempted Stabbing

Leftist violence reared its ugly head again on Tuesday when an anti-Trump nutcase, police allege, went after a GOP congressional candidate with a switchblade.

An angry fellow named Farzad Vincent Fazeli, 35, landed in the slammer after the attempted stabbing.

But the crime is only one of many violent acts against Republicans and supporters of President Trump. They’re getting worse, and the anti-conservative rampages are even spreading overseas.

The Man With a Pink Switchblade

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Rudy Peters, the GOP candidate for California’s 15h District, was sitting with another candidate when Fazeli approached Peters in an “aggressive manner” and uttered “disparaging remarks” about Republicans.

“All of a sudden we hear someone screaming, ‘F— Trump, f— Trump!’” Peters told the Chronicle. The suspect then appeared to be walking away, Peter told the newspaper. But “the next thing you know, he stops and turns around and says, ‘I’ll show you,’ and runs at the booth.”

Here’s what happened next:

Peters said the man grabbed a coffee cup from the table and threw it at him, prompting Peters to come around the table and “grab him.” Peters said he threw him to the ground before the suspect hopped back up, reached into his pocket and grabbed the switchblade.

“He’s screaming, ‘I’m gonna kill you, motherf—er!’” Peters said. “He had the knife, but the blade wouldn’t shoot out.”

A sheriff’s deputy said in a court affidavit that Fazeli threatened to use the pink switchblade on Peters but “could not open it.”

Peter didn’t sit still, the newspaper reported. He “grabbed a sign from a nearby cupcake booth and braced to use it as a shield. Someone stepped in and urged the attacker to calm down, Peters said, before he left the booth.”

Police charged Fazeli with one felony — making criminal threats — and two misdemeanors: exhibiting a deadly weapon and possessing a switchblade.

“It’s a shame,” the candidate told the Chronicle. “People are just polarized right now, and this country’s divided and it’s just a mess. It shouldn’t be that way.”

Other Violence

It is a shame. People are polarized.

And yet leftists such as Maxine Waters, who represents South Angeles Country in Congress, have encouraged the behavior. As The New American has reported multiple times, after Trump officials were harrased in and driven from restaurants, Waters, claiming “God is on our side,” declared Holy War and urged her leftist supporters to scream in the streets and openly harass Trump officials and supporters.

She repeated that call to intimidation and potential violence on Saturday.

Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo calls Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents “thugs,” a congressman says agents will be tried and punished for doing their jobs, and the mayor of Portland, Oregon is openly sympathizing with Occupy ICE thugs who threatened ICE agents in their offices. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the former bartender who will represent New York’s 14th District in Congress come January, has called on leftist thugs to shut down airports and ICE offices until the agency can’t operate. And no being “polite” to “racists.”

More than a few crazies have answered the call. As The New American reported on Wednesday, an Hispanic woman claimed a man spit in her face for wearing a Trump hat, a black woman claimed a white man kicked her out of a restaurant for wearing a Trump hat, and a tattooed man dared his daughter to knock off a man’s MAGA hat for $100.

In San Antonio, Texas, a grand jury recently indicted a leftist thug for grand theft after he assaulted a young man in a fast-food joint, stealing his pro-Trump MAGA hat. Loons at the University of North Carolina tore down a Confederate statue.

But even before Waters and other politicians spoke, thugs were attacking Trump supporters. One of them who nearly murdered a man with a bike lock, skated free with a misdemeanor.

Indeed, the violence began the night Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on November 8, 2016. Six months ago, a leftist opened fire on the GOP congressional baseball team, grievously wounding Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

Spreading Overseas

Even worse, the harassment campaign appears to have spread overseas.

As Lifesite News reported Tuesday, the Left is even attacking the children of prominent conservatives.

A mob of leftists called “Class War,” led by Ian Bone, 71, hurled insults at the children of Catholic Member of Parliament Jacob Rees-Mogg. “Bone was filmed shouting at the four youngest children, saying, ‘Your daddy is a totally horrible person. Loads of people don’t like your daddy, did you know that? No? He’s probably not told you about that. Loads of people hate him.’”

Photo: kieferpix/iStock/Getty Images Plus

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