Rio Grande Border Agents Catch 4K Illegals in One Day. Mayorkas Admits Crisis
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Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, flanked by U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz and DHS Chief Medical Officer Pritesh Gandhi
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In late July, agents in the Rio Grande Valley border sector apprehended 20,000 illegal aliens in one week. But the invasion has worsened.

Last week, Sector Chief Brian Hastings reported that agents caught 4,000 illegals in a single day.

No wonder, the Daily Caller reported, agents across the RGV sector scrambled to clean facilities last week before the arrival of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the man partly responsible for the invasion, which he now calls “unsustainable.”

Almost 200 Per Hour

The 4,000 total from Hastings’ border sector on August 13, a rate of 166 per hour, portended 28,000 for the week.

“With nearly 4K encounters in one day, #RGV agents apprehended the highest number in recorded history,” Hastings tweeted. “RGV Sector continues to lead #USBP in apprehensions nationwide to include criminal migrant arrests.” 

Thus far this fiscal year, CBP data show, agents in the Rio Grande Sector have apprehend 412,048 illegals, a 518.2-percent increase over last year. Agents in that sector apprehend more illegals than any other sector by far.

The Rio Grande figures offer a glimpse of the border-wide crisis. The relentless march of Latin Americans reached 212,672 for July.

Arrival rate: 285 per hour, 6,860 per day.

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Last week, Fox News divulged audio of Mayorkas trip, during which he met privately with border agents. The left-wing Cuban immigrant and visa fraudster admitted that he and his boss, President Joe Biden, are abject failures.

“A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, were going to lose and this is unsustainable,” Mayorkas told the agents. “We cant continue like this, our people in the field cant continue and our system isn’t built for it.”

“Its our responsibility to make sure that that never happens again,” Mayorkas said in a remarkably astute observation of the obvious.

Clean Up

To prepare for the visit, border agents scurried to scour U.S. facilities that have been submerged under the deluge of Latin American “migrants.”

“I heard the upper [Rio Grande Valley] was clearing all of the bodies from the detention facilities for their dog and pony show,” messages between border officials show, the Daily Caller reported. Temporary Outdoor Processing Sites were “cleaned out for the little event.”

Two agents discussed the messages with the website. One said that agents clean before top federal officials arrive for a look-see:

“I started looking at messages from maintenance this morning, asking, why are they cleaning stuff up?’ or ‘why are they moving everybody?’” the CBP agent told the DCNF over the phone. “The problem is, any time there is a big visit from Washington, even under other administrations, they always clean it up — and by ‘clean it up,’ I mean they either move people, or they hurry them out the door. 100% they were doing that this morning, way too many agents talking about it.”

The agent said cross-border traffic from Mexico sometimes slows down for about a week when federal officials visit the region. Mayorkas visited McAllen, Texas, and the surrounding region to hear from local law enforcement and community leaders, according to DHS.

“That always made me upset, because why would you make something nicer when they visit; they should see it in the actual conditions,” the agent said. “So, now this person can go up there and say, ‘oh, it wasn’t that bad,’ but, it is that bad.”

In March, Project Veritas published photos of border-detention facilities that showed illegals wrapped in aluminum blankets and packed into cages.  

Biden’s Fault

The invasion at the border became a major crisis immediately after Biden took office.

Apprehensions surged past 100,000 in February, then increased 70 percent in March. They approached 190,00 in June.

Since October 1, the beginning of fiscal 2021, 1.33 million illegals have tried to enter the country; 1.27 million were caught jumping the border.

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