Pelosi Says Illegal Aliens Are the Real Americans as House Passes Amnesty
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The U.S. House of Representatives amnestied millions of illegal aliens with a 228-197 vote on Thursday.

And that “path to citizenship” isn’t the only border-busting measure the House passed to secure a new block of Democrat voters. Another bill will help Big Agriculture get cheap farmworkers by easing the acquisition of visas and providing permanent residency to longtime farmworkers.

But perhaps more frightening than the bill itself was the ideological supposition behind it. For House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, illegal aliens of mostly Aztec or Mesoamerican ancestry are the “true and legitimate heirs” of the Founding Fathers. Old-stock Americans with ancestral ties to the 17th or 18th centuries, or even Ellis Island legal immigrants, apparently, mean nothing. 

The real Americans in this world, Pelosi said, are the impoverished masses of Central America waiting to get into the country.

Without DREAMers, America Would Be Nothing

The way Pelosi explained it, without “patriotic DREAMers,” the country would be worthless. Illegal aliens might have broken the law, but that is unimportant. The important thing is that they “bring their children, their hopes and dreams and aspirations for a better future for their children.”

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Said Pelosi:

That courage, that determination, those aspirations are American traits, and they all make America more American with all of that. Indeed, they are true and legitimate heirs, these Dreamers are, of our Founders. E Pluribus Unum, from many one. We talk about that all the time.

“They are our teachers, our professionals, they’re our CEOs, our entrepreneurs,” she said, although how many illegal-alien DREAMers are running major corporations Pelosi didn’t say. 

That aside, illegals are “American in every way,” she said:

They have lived and worked in our country for decades, if not their entire lives, and they’re an integral thread of the fabric of our nation.  For the Dreamers, it’s less time, for others, more.  Dreamers power our businesses, our economy, our CEOs, and taxpayers, all of them do.

So many of the frontlines of the pandemic — they’re our front line heroes: health care workers, first responders, transportation, sanitation, food workers, our teachers, our teachers, our teachers. They’re so much of our country. These immigrant communities strengthen, enrich and ennoble our nation and they must be allowed to stay.

In fact, “all of them” don’t. As of 2019, at least 10 percent of those enrolled in Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, were criminals. At the time, those DREAMers had been arrested 200,000 times.

That small detail aside, Pelosi even conscripted President Reagan, a Republican, to serve the Democrat Party’s legislative blitzkrieg for permanent one-party rule.

“I always love to quote President Reagan,” the speaker said:

In his last speech as President of the United States, his last speech — this was his last message as President to the American people. He said, “Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world into the next frontier. This quality is vital to the future — our future as a nation. If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.”

Yeah, well, the Gipper uttered a lot of questionable things.

The Measure

The bill, Roll Call reported, would amnesty 2.5 million illegals, including DREAMers who jumped the border when they were 18 or younger.

Those with Temporary Protected Status as of 2017 would be amnestied and can stay in the country.

Living up to the Stupid Party label, seven Republicans supported the measure: Don Bacon of Nebraska, David Valadao of California, Fred Upton of Michigan, Dan Newhouse of Washington, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey, and Florida’s Carlos Gimenez, Mario Diaz-Balart, and Maria Elvira Salazar.

“Some are married or educated, they speak the language, they’re working, they pay the taxes,” Upton said. “When you get to know these people, and I do, it breaks your heart.”

Maybe if Upton used his brain instead of his heart he would understand why the Democrats want the amnesty, but in any event a more sober assessment of the measure came from Ohio’s Jim Jordan and Oklahoma’s Tom McClintock, Roll Call reported.

“At a time we’ve got chaos at the border, this bill gives amnesty to 3 million illegals,” Jordan said.

Added McClintock, “this bill proves the Mexican crime cartels are right: You’ll be admitted into our country and need only wait until the next amnesty.”

H/T: Breitbart